| FTBL The Good, The Bad and The Ugly vs. Vandy?

Bad and ugly: Womack's defense and game plan was freaking trash. In the past 4 quarters, his defense has allowed over 60 points. Head coach nowhere to be seen getting in the defensive players faces. No emotion from the players.
This is pretty frustrating. It's not Deboer's MO, but there's time you have to regroup your guys and challenge them. Both Kirby and Schumann were in their players grill in the first and second half of last week's game.

No one stood up leadership wise. No coaches nor players. It wasn't until the game was over when we saw Malichi Moore really express his disapproval to the result.
Good - I’ll have to get back Witt you on this one

Bad - a huge difference between Saban and DeBoer became evident. From 2008 on Saban didn’t lose to unranked teams.

Ugly - Bama’s defense. It was asked last week if the Bama standard was still in display in the second half against UGA? I said I hope not. Well, this appears to been the Bama standard now. It’s a defense that can’t get off the field. A defense that gets whipped up front and best on the backend. A defense filled with elite players yet without any alphas. I’ve been a Bama fan for a very long time but this is the first time I’ve seen Vanderbilt look like the better team at every level. It wasn’t a fluke … Vandy beat Bama. What if the fluke was Bama’s first half versus Georgia? And that the last six quarters are the real Bama? Ww will get the answer in the coming weeks.
How about 2007? If you want to compare, then compare both first years. Look, this loss is humiliating. But Saban lost to MSU and LA- MONROE - a Sunbelt school at the time! That loss was just as humiliating and he followed that up by losing to Auburn. It looks terrible right now, but it's an all new staff with all new players to them and it's their fifth game in. Saban lost to La Monroe the 11th game in. They'll learn from this... at least they better!
How about 2007? If you want to compare, then compare both first years. Look, this loss is humiliating. But Saban lost to MSU and LA- MONROE - a Sunbelt school at the time! That loss was just as humiliating and he followed that up by losing to Auburn. It looks terrible right now, but it's an all new staff with all new players to them and it's their fifth game in. Saban lost to La Monroe the 11th game in. They'll learn from this... at least they better!

There’s a huge difference, the cupboard was empty for Saban. The cupboard is full for Deboer. Now I think they’ll do better in the future, but damn. Vanderbilt????? Sheesh!!!!!!! Should throttle them, every time!!
For what it's worth too, Deboer lost a pretty big head scratcher to Arizona State in his first year at Washington. People said that was more of a Washington problem, but it's never a program problem - always a coaching deal. Deboer has won a ton a games, but a lot of them are close games. His teams at Washington won big games, but also played down to their competition (and still won).

Alabama historically perfomed terribly against Vanderbilt and Ole Miss on the road in basketball....until Oats. Coaching is always the biggest factor.
Good - Williams. Man, how many warts is he going to cover up for our offense this year? I’ve never seen a college receiver make the catches and runs he’s making. Penalties overall were down… Walked through Vandy’s sorority row, damn at the talent and diversity, flat out (no pun intended) incredible. Not all blond Caucasian with a fake tan. Best part of the night.

Bad - Timing of our boneheaded penalties. Kept Vandy on the field with a lousy hands to the face on 3rd down and lining up and covering the snapper on the only first half punt. Boneheaded. Moore pitching a hissy fit on the last possession for Vandy when they were carving us up. Our D was hollering at each other and throwing mouthpieces, do that stuff on the sideline. Not a good look. The lack of energy from the start was noticeable.

Ugly - Bama defense. We had no answers for that QB. He had a career night. His 4 incompletions were a drop, and 3 passes defended. He didn’t miss a single throw. Embarrassed us tonight. In the last 6 quarters, opponents reached 3rd down 30 times, and either scored or made it to 1st down 24 times. Some of those took 4th down to convert. 2 of the 6 unsuccessful downs resulted in field goals. Just pitiful to say the least. The cocky Vandy fans, never been around Vandy fans who were actually cocky, usually they are self deprecating. The holes in our defensive line, just uuuuuugly. Some holes would have accepted a double-wide. Milroe’s 2 turnovers (they scored 14 points on those turnovers).

The most ugly - Hearing the stadium announcer scream “Vanderbilt just beat Alabama!” when the clock expired. Words I never thought I’d hear.

I speak often of the 2010 USCe game, where Garcia played like Peyton Manning, we got behind early and never could get caught up. This game felt eerily like it.
Ugly - Yeah, hate it when a defense just can't get off the field. The last six quarters have been offensive.
Ugly - Bama’s defense. It was asked last week if the Bama standard was still in display in the second half against UGA? I said I hope not. Well, this appears to been the Bama standard now. It’s a defense that can’t get off the field. A defense that gets whipped up front and best on the backend. A defense filled with elite players yet without any alphas. I’ve been a Bama fan for a very long time but this is the first time I’ve seen Vanderbilt look like the better team at every level. It wasn’t a fluke … Vandy beat Bama. What if the fluke was Bama’s first half versus Georgia? And that the last six quarters are the real Bama? Ww will get the answer in the coming weeks.
I think the first half of the georgia game was the fluke, because we could not maintain it nor did we at any point today even appear to be a shadow of that effort.

We continue to see WRs running wide open BEHIND our defense. And Vandy connected on a big one for a score.

and just a note on officiating.... the no targeting call... Either get together and determine what the hell it is, or STOP calling it at all. Same with roughing the passer. that was bullSH?T.
Good- Ryan Williams!
Bad- Special Teams coach that either subbed Brown and Williams in at the same time, or the dumbass that failed to notice it. Continued drive then followed it up with a bullshit roughing the passer call- led to points. Penalties and turnovers!
Ugly- play like you can sleepwalk and win and you get your ass beat. Uninspired and no focus! Shitty tackling!! Shit defensive plan. Vandy is improved, but they shouldn’t have been within 3 TDs of us.
How about we go back to no player interviews when game prepping!
This but I would add coaches also. I have not watched assistent coaches interview. I want to hear what the head man has to say not the assistents and I sure do not care what a 17 year kid has to say in his pod cast. I have not listend to any of this and do not plan on it. All this crap does not win football games.
Went to the game today, not a to of fun. Would like to see the tv replay before going too deep into some things, but here's what I walk away with...

Good- Milroe actually did some good things overall, but he sure didn't seem to get much help... he was swimming against the current all game it looked like.

Bad- DL play, again... just way too inconsistent. But, the defense as a whole was on their heels a lot, Vandy was one step ahead all game, which is a credit to them. They called about a perfect game.

Needed more out of the run game, much more.

Also, while I try to walk softly when it comes to targeting the poor play of a player in some areas, Pritchett showed on the Milroe sack/fumble why he can't be counted on. I know Formby struggled, but he was trusted between the ears, which gave him a leg up early on. Not sure if it was shown on TV, but Pritchett lost his cool on the play before, had to be calmed down by a teammate as he was likely headed for an unsportsmanlike penalty. Then he walks to the line, still frazzled and all into his feelings, and lets the guy run right by him, BAM, sack, fumble. He walls off the field, pissed that he let it happen, and slams his helmet to the turf (after a brief conversation with DeBoer).

If you're going to return a kickoff from this point onward this season, DON'T FUMBLE IT.

Vandy's stadium sucks.

Ugly- 3rd down defense has been stout all year... terrible today. Vandy was 12-18 and 1-1 on 4th. Wommack is going to have to get some things fixed. Most disheartening thing, not being able to get a stop on Vandy's last drive when they really just lined up and made Bama their bitch.

I left the game just as the penalty on Moore was happening for kicking the ball, so I didn't see it, only knew a fla was thrown. Unacceptable. On one hand, I guess I'm glad it meant something to him I guess... he showed some fire, but damn. Use it to make some plays, not look like a 5 year old kid having a meltdown on the cereal aisle.

Pretty much everything else too.... BUT... Having two #2's on the field at the same time. Look, a lot of stuff went wrong, some dumb mistakes, some dumb calls, all sorts of dumb. HAVING TWO #2 ON THE FIELD AT THE SAME TIME IS A LEVEL OF INCOMPETENCE THAT IS HARD TO EVEN FATHOM. That can't happen in a HS game, it sure a hell can't happen an in SEC game. Zero excuses. That isn't having 12 guys on the field, which would be bad enough, it's DUPLICATE NUMBERS. Why? It almost happened a week ago, but was saved by an assistant. Nobody figured at that point, hey, maybe we need to fix this shit? I just don't get it. I wanted to kill someone. Still do, to be honest.
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