| FTBL The Good, The Bad and The Oh So Ugly vs. UofSC

FUgly… Our so called “superior players” have no advantage over teams with presumed “less talent “… The 4th qt program has only gave us a stamina advantage in a couple of games… Stength wise our players get freaking beat badly in the trenches and on defense.. The Defense players must gang tackle to bring down opposing players… When most of them try open field tackling , they get flicked off like boogers!… D line stood up high and pushed back three yards..If it don’t change, plan on being middle of the pack..we are becoming a finesse team!
Good: lucky we won against an inferior opponent

Bad: disappointed and frustrated with the whole freaking team and coaching staff

Ugly: defense and special teams on the inside kick. Beginning to think we did not hire the right coach who did not hire the right assistant coaches all who are coaching a team filled with many players who are more concerned with nil deals, thinking they are already ready for the NFL and talking trash than going out and putting in the work to become the best players they can be to be able to win championships and deserving to play at the next level. I'm actually quite concerned that we may be headed toward a Dubose or Shula led program
Good - Alabama scored some points

Bad - tackling

Ugly - offensive play calling, defensive play calling, effort,

Alabama relies too much on Milroe. Everyone knows that the offense revolves around him. If you can stop Milroe then you stop Alabama. Tackling skills are non-existent. Defensive play calling shouldn't allow for wide open receivers.
This team had the opportunity to put the Vandy game behind them and make a statement. You go up 14-0 against a team with a mediocre passing game and having serious issues on converting 3rd downs.

To allow a wide open TD on 4th and 9 is bad. But not only that, to completely implode before half and make it a 14-12 lead is inexcusable. You'd think that would be embarrassing enough, but nope! Coming right out of half, zero intensity and zero adjustments. South Carolina comes outnand executes a 15-play drive where they physically maul Alabama. Even converted a 3rd and 15 because Wommack is a genius and decided to rush 3 men and give a division 1 QB all the time in the world. And if that wasn't enough, the defense yet again fails in the most critical point in the game and gives up a TD up eight. Thankfully their QB is ass and sailed a pass on the two-point conversion.

I don't care if you perceive this as being a pessimist or a nega-Bammer. We have zero reason to have hope that this defense will ever mount to anything good. I would love to be proven wrong - and I'm sure some of you will blindly blame the players and not the coaches - but this defense is downright bad.
I'm actually quite concerned that we may be headed toward a Dubose or Shula led program
Byrne won't allow that. Yes he hired Deboer, but by all accounts, this was the best hire Alabama could have made. Deboer 100% doesn't have the fire or intensity needed for Alabama. He failed bad at hiring Wommack. Saban was elite for as long as he was because he knew how to surround himself with an elite staff. It fell off when he hired Golding and that's when we knew that maybe he was headed towards retirement. But there is zero justification to keep Wommack around.
This team had the opportunity to put the Vandy game behind them and make a statement. You go up 14-0 against a team with a mediocre passing game and having serious issues on converting 3rd downs.

To allow a wide open TD on 4th and 9 is bad. But not only that, to completely implode before half and make it a 14-12 lead is inexcusable. You'd think that would be embarrassing enough, but nope! Coming right out of half, zero intensity and zero adjustments. South Carolina comes outnand executes a 15-play drive where they physically maul Alabama. Even converted a 3rd and 15 because Wommack is a genius and decided to rush 3 men and give a division 1 QB all the time in the world. And if that wasn't enough, the defense yet again fails in the most critical point in the game and gives up a TD up eight. Thankfully their QB is ass and sailed a pass on the two-point conversion.

I don't care if you perceive this as being a pessimist or a nega-Bammer. We have zero reason to have hope that this defense will ever mount to anything good. I would love to be proven wrong - and I'm sure some of you will blindly blame the players and not the coaches - but this defense is downright bad.
I wish I could point to signs that you are wrong, but, I don't see anything that gives me hope that it will improve, or even can improve under this scheme.
Good - its a win. Milroe's pass to Bernard at the end was refreshing. Did not expect that from this team that had been flinching...

Bad - This team is soft. The Good on Good in practice must look like a Charmin add.

Ugly - Football fundamentals are off with this team. And they wilt whenever a team stands up & hits back.


REALITY - This team is not a playoff team. Very little about this team reflects a championship calibre team. I'm just praying we beat our rivals but I'm not remotely optimistic.
Good: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Bad: The media still thinks we are the best team in the country and the team is probably dancing in the locker room right now

Ugly: Everything. O like sucks, defense can't tackle. The ONLY reason we survived is because the USCe QB panicked and overthrew his intended receiver on the 2 point attempt. If they convert, we don't win in OT
Good - its a win. Milroe's pass to Bernard at the end was refreshing. Did not expect that from this team that had been flinching...
If Bernard goes down at the 1 rather than score, far less drama. I wish our offense had the ability to play complementary football. When our D is struggling, we need an offense that knows how to keep the ball in its hands.
Good- Bama was determined to run it today... maybe a tad stubborn on some 1st down runs, but I get it. They've got to get that part of the offense going. Still some struggles, and some of that is in part to Roberts having to play injured... but they still need to find some ways other than zone read stuff to make some hay there. The zone read is great, but it also exposes Milroe to a few more hits than I care to see. Overall, the run stats were still kinda blah... but they've got to get it going and maybe (hopefully) today was a step in that direction.

The decision on the first drive of the game to go for it on 4th and 1 was big (bad spot by the way, which seems to happen a lot with Bama). They tried to set the tone early, and obviously the 7 points it led to were nice. Not long after, it felt like Bama was on the cusp of going up 21-0 and starting to really run away with it, but then they got stuck in the mud and we saw flashbacks of the Vandy game in several areas.

Tim Smith had a good day.

Domani Jackson battling back from his 1st half injury and getting back in there for the 2nd half. He's played much better this season than I was expecting... one of the (few) bright spots on defense.

The defense has more issues than Britney Spears, but when they had to at the end (after the onside recovery), at a time when it seemed like they might be frustrated and worn out, they stood up and squashed it. I'm probably being overly optimistic here, but maybe, maybe, that will be a spark that ignites something in them going into the Tennessee game.

Along those lines, you can't just pressure, pressure, pressure every team, every play, every week... but when Bama brings it, it sure seems like things trend in a much more positive direction. And I swear there's a different energy on defense when they do it... that's concerning on one hand if I'm right, but also... hell, lean into at this point.

Bad- Bama got gifted a roughing the punter call, but 2 weeks in a row now Bama has been screwed on a roughing the passer call where a hand brushes the helmet of a QB. It's either roughing or it isn't. It isn't like holding or pass interference (and buddy, they missed some holds too).... it isn't hard to figure out.

The defense is still missing way too many tackles. On the rare occasions they are in the right spot for a big stop, all too often, they don't get the guy down.

The defense might as well bring a white flag when it comes to defending the edge.

OL/Pass protection overall had too many breakdowns today which led to Milroe losing his mojo, which led to hesitation, which led to mistakes. Gotta clean that up.

Ugly- That timeout by DeBoer before the half, that helped Carolina get a breather and draw up a play for the score on 4th and 9... damn. I'm not sure what his thinking was there... Did he assume they were just gonna punt? Because I never got that feeling.

Bernard really needed to go down on that late TD... everyone wants their stats, but giving them the ball back with still a 1 score game and 1:54 left was not smart. At all. He goes down inside the five, they are out of timeouts, it's ball game. Again, that's more on coaching than on Bernard, but all should know better. That can't happen. Returning the game sealing INT was also dumb, too much can go wrong there... but at least he slid at the end. Players these days have football video game IQ's... they do stuff they'd do on the Xbox, but shouldn't do in real life.

LB play was terrible today. Easily fooled. Slow. Just really bad. They've become a liability which opposing OC's are now exploiting.

How many fumbles have we had to kick off returns this season? 3? 4? I can't even remember at this point, but it's an insane number based on the amount of returns.

A note- This team feels like it's just sinking at this point. DeBoer is finding out what the SEC is now. He's finding out what Alabama is too. Can he make the necessary adjustments to the former? Can he withstand the pressure of the latter? Just doing 1 of the 2 is too tough an ask for most. DeBoer doesn't seem like "most", but the answers will reveal themselves in due time.

Bama should be about a Pick 'em going into Knoxville, which on the surface seems silly. But, it also says a lot about the weapons this team has, especially on offense. And the potential. DeBoer has always been at his best in the "big" games. Can the team take on the same persona again like they did against UGA? If so, I like the Tide's chances, a lot. If they play like the past 2 1/2 games, it's going to be a tough night.

Roll Tide.
Did we win? Or did SC lose?

Passive defense, lack of aggression. Wide open receivers. Turn overs. Penalties.

The name of the game is PRESSURE, AGGRESSION. ATTACK
At 5'7" and 140, I could tackle better than most of our defenders.
You can't count on arm tackling. You have to hit, wrap up and take to the ground.
If you want to wrestle someone down to the ground, perhaps you should try out
for the wrestling team. In all games this year, when a runner burst through our line, I
am asking, where are the line backers? I saw 0 today miss I don't know how many
tackles, 3 or more. At least once , he ran to a very wide hole where their back was headed.
Instead of attacking the runner, he stopped to wait for him and the back just ran around him untouched.
It was defense similar to this under Pete the past few years. It has got me wondering. Is it the coaches?
The scheme? Or could it be Player mindset? Or a combination of all three? Maybe something else.
Players come here to the Greatest Football Program in the nation, maybe thinking that the work is already done.
With a mindset that, Hey we are ALABAMA, we are going to beat the Hell out of you. Not considering the hard work,
sacrifice, determination, discipline, grit and heart it takes to be successful, play after play, game in and game out.
Our OL seemed to play half hearted today also. Football sure aint what it used to be.

Another point and I will shut up. Are we playing too many players too quickly in games? Some are barely getting
their feet wet before being subbed out. Any opinions on this point?
Ugly 2… the horribly done officiating…SC O line was holding the WHOLE game… And it was subtle holding either… They even pulled Bama down by their Jersey giving the quarterback big plays (that should’ve been called back)… eventually AI is going to have to officiate football game because of morons like that)…

Playing a game that early… Too early to get plastered because of that performance…

The radio TV game delay… and the cable suddenly freezing up

Allowing Milroe to play knocked cuckoo… they should have put the back up in for at least a play… me through the interception soon after… that was ridiculous
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