| FTBL Alabama is a 20.5 pt favorite over State

I would settle for a 1 point win and the BCS poll and voters be damned. All we have to do is win now and I don't want to hear those Bulldog fans talk about winning 3 in a row against Bama.

I hope this is not a "trap" game. Our boys COULD be on an emotional let-down after the LSU game last week and the AubRun game coming the following week.

That said, I don't think the players from last year (which would include 3 classes) have forgotten the loss from a year ago. We should win. I think we win by 14 to 21 points.
Swamptick said:
I would settle for a 1 point win and the BCS poll and voters be damned. All we have to do is win now and I don't want to hear those Bulldog fans talk about winning 3 in a row against Bama.

I hope this is not a "trap" game. Our boys COULD be on an emotional let-down after the LSU game last week and the AubRun game coming the following week.

That said, I don't think the players from last year (which would include 3 classes) have forgotten the loss from a year ago. We should win. I think we win by 14 to 21 points.

After this close LSU game I think they will be more than ready for MSU.
I think coming off that win over the Second Best team in LA the boys should be emotionally ready for this state game...3 in a row to Miss.State would be embaressing :oops:
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