| FTBL Milroe tells CBS Mornings about the transition and why he decided to stay at Alabama. (Heck of an interview...Jalen nails it.)

I quit smoking weed a few years ago and the dreams were so crazy and life like. I kept a pen and paper by the bed so when i woke up i could write them down. Like one i had where the world had ended and tankers had ran a shore at the beach and zombies were everywhere. I had a shotgun that ammo was filled with acid. Not the kind that burns but the tripping kind. And many more. I ALMOST started again to stop just to get the dreams again. Almost that is.
This is getting into areas I don't understand. I just finished reading 12 Rules for Life with a few bowls. I ain't lying when I say "one hit." Three, and your sitting in a tree. But, my reading retention is crazy high. I can quote things out of books though I may not be able to tell you what book.

To each his own.
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