| FTBL USA Today Wussies -- (On Saban and his comment to ESPN's Maria Taylor.)


I'm kind of a Trump fan. So let's get that out of the way. That said, it seems that there is a similar bashing going on, at least from one rag in particular (USA Today), regarding Saban. Like Trump, Saban is bigger than all the liberal spin or fake news, but I still find these articles funny. These involve everyone's opinion on how coach Saban interacted with Maria Taylor in the post-game interview.

Nick Saban owes ESPN's Maria Taylor an apology, the first of likely more he will owe


Nick Saban preaches 'respect' for QBs, has none for ESPN reporter

Respect? Nick Saban isn't showing it to Jalen Hurts by pretending he's still a factor at QB

Concerning Maria Taylor herself, I thought her overall response during the interview, and her later tweet, were appropriate.

The actions, by other reporters, however, have me scratching my head and rolling my eyes, and chuckling, then shaking my head. Number one, as some of you know, I don't really have any use for female Sports reporters. That's just me. Not saying they don't have a right to report, or be in the business, just saying that, in general, right or wrong, I don't have the same respect for them, because they didn't play the game. And I know that's not even necessarily logical. But I'm entitled to my opinion.

But while Nick may have been harsh, I don't think he was out of line, or classless. (Really Pawwwwllll????) The reporter has a job to do, and so does our coach. she was certainly entitled to ask the question. Just be ready for the response, whether you like it or not. And Saban doesn't really owe the reporter, the press in general, or anyone else except the players, and the University of Alabama, anything.

So all of these people in the Press need to put on their big girl panties and just get over it, in my opinion. That's all.

Fair question, fair answer. The confusion is why CNS would expect the media to stop asking. He'll answer that better next time if he doesn't want the extra attention
Nick Saban doesn't give a shet what the media does nor says..........clutter

Not true. He does his best to control certain narratives in the media to his liking... And is normally extremely good at it.
Fair question, fair answer. The confusion is why CNS would expect the media to stop asking. He'll answer that better next time if he doesn't want the extra attention

They are trying to bait him into disrespecting one guy so they can write about that storm. Coach said it perfectly, "why do y'all keep trying to get me to disrespect one of them". If a media member had the right to ask any question then Saban has the right to rip and bust on them to his heart's content. I see zero issue, because if you ask me the same question over and over, and finally get an answer, and you ask me again after you get an answer I'm gonna confront you and say some not nice things. I don't care if he is a $10M professional and head of a top team, he's not immune to the daily struggles of life and the workplace. I don't see it as a bad look for anyone other than the media, forget them. And to think this does away with any goodwill the Training Camp series earned, bullshit.
Fair question, fair answer. The confusion is why CNS would expect the media to stop asking. He'll answer that better next time if he doesn't want the extra attention

They are trying to bait him into disrespecting one guy so they can write about that storm. Coach said it perfectly, "why do y'all keep trying to get me to disrespect one of them". If a media member had the right to ask any question then Saban has the right to rip and bust on them to his heart's content. I see zero issue, because if you ask me the same question over and over, and finally get an answer, and you ask me again after you get an answer I'm gonna confront you and say some not nice things. I don't care if he is a $10M professional and head of a top team, he's not immune to the daily struggles of life and the workplace. I don't see it as a bad look for anyone other than the media, forget them. And to think this does away with any goodwill the Training Camp series earned, bullshit.

Where does this he "has to disrespect" one of them come from? Would it be disrespectful to say that Tua played a great game? Or heaven forebid Jalen played OK? Talk about wussification.

Once again the media is going to try and make this about Jalen because of how it's being handled. If Saban would push the narrative that Tua is doing a phenominal job, and clearly has been for quite some time (or he wouldn't have dominated his last 2 outtings), he wouldn't have to bristle or answer these obvious questions in a deceptive matter. It's clear what's happening, who's the better player, and where this is headed... But Saban wants to communicate like it's not. OK - Well expect to answer the same questions then... And if he answers in the same matter, he will get the same reactions.
How sad that this is even an issue. The question Maria asked was perfectly fine and within the bounds of being reasonable. Saban's response was a bit crusty, but so what??? He didn't insult Maria personally and he was also right. It has nothing to do with Maria, it's any reporter asking about the situation. It's clear that Tua is a better QB, but Saban respects Jalen and doesn't want to disrespect him in a public forum. Plus people forget that Maria asked the question before the game and Saban was a bit terse in that response as well.

Having said all of that, I think Maria handled the situation in the moment very, very well. She didn't get upset in any way and just moved on to the next question. Other reporters may have crumbled into a blob of quivering jelly - she did great. And her subsequent tweet was also perfectly fine. So why is it an issue today? Maria Taylor doesn't need everyone else to jump on Saban on her behalf. She's a big girl and handled the situation perfectly all on her own. This country has gotten so soft and heaven forbid someone challenge the press in any way - the rest of the press is going to rally and use their media access as a bully pulpit. Oh, and Finebaum disappoints me.
How sad that this is even an issue. The question Maria asked was perfectly fine and within the bounds of being reasonable. Saban's response was a bit crusty, but so what??? He didn't insult Maria personally and he was also right. It has nothing to do with Maria, it's any reporter asking about the situation. It's clear that Tua is a better QB, but Saban respects Jalen and doesn't want to disrespect him in a public forum. Plus people forget that Maria asked the question before the game and Saban was a bit terse in that response as well.

Having said all of that, I think Maria handled the situation in the moment very, very well. She didn't get upset in any way and just moved on to the next question. Other reporters may have crumbled into a blob of quivering jelly - she did great. And her subsequent tweet was also perfectly fine. So why is it an issue today? Maria Taylor doesn't need everyone else to jump on Saban on her behalf. She's a big girl and handled the situation perfectly all on her own. This country has gotten so soft and heaven forbid someone challenge the press in any way - the rest of the press is going to rally and use their media access as a bully pulpit. Oh, and Finebaum disappoints me.

Very much agree with your response....

But let me ask you this. You point out how soft our country is.... What about how the QB "competition" is being handled?

Because it sure seems like Saban himself is being soft in regards to not hurting anyone's feelings.... Potentially to the detriment of someone who's earning his own success.
I mean his response was completely unnecessarily combative but I see where he's coming from. He would probably tell her privately, 'my bad' but he was just coming from a place of frustration over all the QB talk and likely his respect for Jalen and not wanting to criticize him publicly.
Fair question, fair answer. The confusion is why CNS would expect the media to stop asking. He'll answer that better next time if he doesn't want the extra attention

They are trying to bait him into disrespecting one guy so they can write about that storm. Coach said it perfectly, "why do y'all keep trying to get me to disrespect one of them". If a media member had the right to ask any question then Saban has the right to rip and bust on them to his heart's content. I see zero issue, because if you ask me the same question over and over, and finally get an answer, and you ask me again after you get an answer I'm gonna confront you and say some not nice things. I don't care if he is a $10M professional and head of a top team, he's not immune to the daily struggles of life and the workplace. I don't see it as a bad look for anyone other than the media, forget them. And to think this does away with any goodwill the Training Camp series earned, bullshit.

Where does this he "has to disrespect" one of them come from? Would it be disrespectful to say that Tua played a great game? Or heaven forebid Jalen played OK? Talk about wussification.

Once again the media is going to try and make this about Jalen because of how it's being handled. If Saban would push the narrative that Tua is doing a phenominal job, and clearly has been for quite some time (or he wouldn't have dominated his last 2 outtings), he wouldn't have to bristle or answer these obvious questions in a deceptive matter. It's clear what's happening, who's the better player, and where this is headed... But Saban wants to communicate like it's not. OK - Well expect to answer the same questions then... And if he answers in the same matter, he will get the same reactions.

Well the statistics answer those questions, so why do you and everyone else need to hear that from Saban? And when has a coach EVER put down one player in the favor of another during a position battle? That's how he keeps his teams from busting at the seams, he takes up for his guys. It's also clear coach wants Hurts with the team until he feels Mac Jones is ready. Hedging his bets, which is smart. On top of it all he was absolutely pissed off with how the game ended (as most of us were with the penalties and such), so throw in a dumbass question after that and I see why he answered that way and the frustration involved. Even a West Coast fan that has never seen Alabama play could watch last night and see the narrative, Tua is the clear #1, we like Hurts' skillset and his ability to make plays, but Tua is the guy Alabama will roll with in the clutch need situations. The media will continue to poke the bear, and they will see nothing wrong with that, even when the answers are right there for them.
Fair question, fair answer. The confusion is why CNS would expect the media to stop asking. He'll answer that better next time if he doesn't want the extra attention

They are trying to bait him into disrespecting one guy so they can write about that storm. Coach said it perfectly, "why do y'all keep trying to get me to disrespect one of them". If a media member had the right to ask any question then Saban has the right to rip and bust on them to his heart's content. I see zero issue, because if you ask me the same question over and over, and finally get an answer, and you ask me again after you get an answer I'm gonna confront you and say some not nice things. I don't care if he is a $10M professional and head of a top team, he's not immune to the daily struggles of life and the workplace. I don't see it as a bad look for anyone other than the media, forget them. And to think this does away with any goodwill the Training Camp series earned, bullshit.

Where does this he "has to disrespect" one of them come from? Would it be disrespectful to say that Tua played a great game? Or heaven forebid Jalen played OK? Talk about wussification.

Once again the media is going to try and make this about Jalen because of how it's being handled. If Saban would push the narrative that Tua is doing a phenominal job, and clearly has been for quite some time (or he wouldn't have dominated his last 2 outtings), he wouldn't have to bristle or answer these obvious questions in a deceptive matter. It's clear what's happening, who's the better player, and where this is headed... But Saban wants to communicate like it's not. OK - Well expect to answer the same questions then... And if he answers in the same matter, he will get the same reactions.

Well the statistics answer those questions, so why do you and everyone else need to hear that from Saban? And when has a coach EVER put down one player in the favor of another during a position battle? That's how he keeps his teams from busting at the seams, he takes up for his guys. It's also clear coach wants Hurts with the team until he feels Mac Jones is ready. Hedging his bets, which is smart. On top of it all he was absolutely pissed off with how the game ended (as most of us were with the penalties and such), so throw in a dumbass question after that and I see why he answered that way and the frustration involved. Even a West Coast fan that has never seen Alabama play could watch last night and see the narrative, Tua is the clear #1, we like Hurts' skillset and his ability to make plays, but Tua is the guy Alabama will roll with in the clutch need situations. The media will continue to poke the bear, and they will see nothing wrong with that, even when the answers are right there for them.

Yep. Until he actually defines the situation, they will poke. In 2018 that is what they do, this shouldn't come as a surprise.
Can you just imagine how many times in the past 8 months or so CNS has been asked about quarterbacks? I’m the father of four - the tension that builds by being asked something ad nauseum is to say the least nerve wracking. She prodded him before the game started and he said “wait 30 seconds and find out”. He was agitated with the play of the defense as the game ended and here she trots out to get a sound bite by staying on the same subject. I can’t say I blame him. Folks need to let it go. Want some controversy - let’s get back to Urban Meyer and enabling domestic abuse or DJ Durkin enabling a student athlete’s death.
Can you just imagine how many times in the past 8 months or so CNS has been asked about quarterbacks? I’m the father of four - the tension that builds by being asked something ad nauseum is to say the least nerve wracking. She prodded him before the game started and he said “wait 30 seconds and find out”. He was agitated with the play of the defense as the game ended and here she trots out to get a sound bite by staying on the same subject. I can’t say I blame him. Folks need to let it go. Want some controversy - let’s get back to Urban Meyer and enabling domestic abuse or DJ Durkin enabling a student athlete’s death.

If you're tired of hearing the question, and answering said question truthfully will solve this problem you're so tired of, why not handle it appropriately? And no one is saying "disrespect Jalen". Many ways to say Tua is the starter without "disrespecting" the backup.

Was anyone worried about Tua being "disrespected" last bowl season when Saban said repeatedly Jalen was the guy? Despite the fact that Tua was clearly at least in competition for snaps around playoff time?

This is why I say CNS is going above and beyond for Jalen. He and his dad have no leg to stand on in terms of complaining about their treatment (aside from the SEC media day which we've all debated). CNS is going so far that Tua isn't being credited for actually winning the job.

Could you imagine if Tua's dad came out and made a spectacle at this point? Which again, is why the story is about Tua. His maturity and unselfishness is amazing. Think about how he was recruited and told he could compete for the QB job at Alabama... And here he's more than clearly won the job and Saban will not publicly say as much and he has to share snaps. He and his family are handling this amazingly under the circumstances.
Yeah. 9 months of same question....yeah...could have been different.....but
it was a lot of mistakes from a lot of veteran players....
He was upset most of game. And she just stepped on a sore toe..
Hey.....Bear did same thing to a female sideline reporter...
Criticize nick....then you also criticize Bear..wasnt much difference the way I remember it
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