| FTBL Texas / Oklahoma Running games and Defense

Southern Bama

Verified Member
Was it just me or did it seem that both of them had poor run and pass defenses :? :?: Are their passing games just that good :?: Texas had a better running game and I think they just wanted the win more than the sooners...but I saw nothing at all to impress me with either defense. I must admit that this was my firt time this year watching either team...both great quarterbacks I must admit. It just seemes that their approach to the game is score as many points as possible because our defense aint gonna stop anyone. Just my two cents at this point in the season....Florida is not the same team that was in Gainsville three weeks ago...they are much better and Look out for Penn State...I think they have their act together on both sides of the ball.
I'd like to see the YAC numbers for Texas. It seemed like their receivers were able to turn quite a few short receptions into long ones and turn them into first down.

I'm really surprised that Oklahoma wasn't able to put more pressure on McCoy, particularly since the Texas running game wasn't really a threat.
It seemed like every game I watched yesterday was dominated by poor safety play. I wonder how many people realize how much of our success this season is due to Rashad Johnson and Justin Woodall. I saw at least 10 deep pass completions yesterday where I thought to myself, "No way he completes that with Rashad Johnson coming over the top of the receiver on that play."
RollTideRandy said:
It seemed like every game I watched yesterday was dominated by poor safety play. I wonder how many people realize how much of our success this season is due to Rashad Johnson and Justin Woodall. I saw at least 10 deep pass completions yesterday where I thought to myself, "No way he completes that with Rashad Johnson coming over the top of the receiver on that play."

I agree with you some what Randy, your are dead with our safety game play. Also, I think we have a better blitz package and defensive linemen. To pressure the QB pocket. I posted yesterday, I didn't see any defensive play from either team just a shootout.

Yes, I know some might think it's a bit bais and rightful so, but we have and can get the QB.
The Texas player, Shipley I think, the one that ran the kickoff back for a TD was really fun to watch...He has some real speed and played with alot of heart...Reger60, you mentiond YAC numbers...this guy had a pile of those yards. And Randy, you are right about the safetys...Very poor play...good point. There was no REAL PHYSICAL HITTING that I saw..If you know you are not gonna get HIT when catching across the middle...Id run across the middle all day too...No respect for any safety or linebacker hitting at all....and now we know why...their defenses dont bring that level of physical play.
RollTideRandy said:
It seemed like every game I watched yesterday was dominated by poor safety play. I wonder how many people realize how much of our success this season is due to Rashad Johnson and Justin Woodall. I saw at least 10 deep pass completions yesterday where I thought to myself, "No way he completes that with Rashad Johnson coming over the top of the receiver on that play."

I'm with you on this one. These "mad bomber" offenses don't really seem to threaten teams with disciplined and talented defenses.
I keep getting reminded of Texas Tech when we played them in the '05 Cotton Bowl. Granted, our offense was no great shakes, but our defense stopped them cold. Tech kept trying to drop passes in from the stratosphere and we kept picking them off or batting them down.
I think we (and other good defensive teams) are more concerned with the teams that have a QB who completes the 10-15 yarder on a rope and have a good running game and good D instead of the QB who throws to the moon and lets the ball fall back to earth.
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