| FTBL Star vs AJ

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If this should be in recruiting, apologies in advance.

I've read some Bama forums and it seems like everyone (the majority of the Bama fan base) feels that its a given for AJ to beat out Star. Why is this? In terms of Rivals, they're both ranked about the same. Now maybe one QB class is stronger than the other, I don't know about that. Is it just a race thing? Is AJ just better than Star? Thoughts?
Is it just a race thing?

Is that meant because Star is black??? I highly doubt people will hold being black against a football player. If anything I would think it would work for him, not against him.
I think the one that will be playing will be the one that fits the system better. There is no way the coaching staff will judge on color, and the fan base Should want the better player also. I know if Star is starting over AJ, it wouldn't bother me, seeing how the coaching staff has more knowledge of this sort of thing than myself.

Both Star and AJ are quality athletes, and it will be great for a change to have competition at the QB position instead of having one solid QB and the rest as average or below average.

My opinion AJ will have to bulk up, and Star already has an advantage over AJ seeing how he will be in the system longer. Time will tell.
Star may get 10 or so snaps a game this season so that alone would put him ahead of AJ either way too early to talk that battle lets enjoy this season cuz it will be a good one.
It seems to me that Star has it to lose. He's going to have experience on his side. AJ will need some serious beef. His arm strength is no where near where it needs to be in order to go over the top. JMO
The way I see it...or hope to see it?

Star gets a few reps this year. I don't expect them every game, but say 3-4 of them. So, he goes into next year with 50-70 game reps under his belt.

Right now, again as I see it, the battle next year in the spring is going to be for #2 between Fanuzzi and Star. The question is will either two be able to push Greg. In '09, redshirt AJ.

So, in '10 we'll see Star starting with a little separation (in eligibility terms) between them.

Got to take this in mind and keep it there. We'll pull in a QB every year from now on out. So, we'll always be talking a few years in advance.

I'd rather talk about the future in terms of recruits that QB battles. Those will settle themselves out on the field. But that's just me...
Just to add one note. If he (AJ) gets drafted high enough don't be shocked if he chooses the MLB route.
imatigerfan said:
Is it just a race thing?

Is that meant because Star is black??? I highly doubt people will hold being black against a football player. If anything I would think it would work for him, not against him.

will the coaches hold it against him, no? but some very ignorant ppl (ive heard this myself on more than one occasion which is scary since its 2008) say that black QB's aren't intelligent and will crack under pressure. with that said, it will have nothing to do on whether Star Jackson or AJ become the future at QB for Bama. Tho, i think Star will be an unbelievably excited player that i hope is. AJ will hopefully redshirt his first year tho so he'll have that extra year.
In a recent article AJ's future in football is up for grabs. I really do not believe that AJ will ever wear crimson based on his comments in a recent article about his near fatal accident at age six. He has been told he could be a middle to late first round pick in the MLB draft due to having a 90 mph fastball that has not peaked at this point. It has nothing to do with race, that is absolutely ignorant... Im sorry if this offends you in any way but that is not a very smart thing to post and racism died along time ago except in the instance of caucasian males. AJ is a a better QB at this point in his career than Star was. He is a precision passer with good wheels. Star is a different type QB that has not been polished. In my opinion I think Star will be the only man we will be talking about after AJ goes the MLB road. I hate to say I will be praying he has an awful senior year in baseball. :lol:
VirginiaTider22 said:
In a recent article AJ's future in football is up for grabs. I really do not believe that AJ will ever wear crimson based on his comments in a recent article about his near fatal accident at age six. He has been told he could be a middle to late first round pick in the MLB draft due to having a 90 mph fastball that has not peaked at this point. It has nothing to do with race, that is absolutely ignorant... Im sorry if this offends you in any way but that is not a very smart thing to post and racism died along time ago except in the instance of caucasian males. AJ is a a better QB at this point in his career than Star was. He is a precision passer with good wheels. Star is a different type QB that has not been polished. In my opinion I think Star will be the only man we will be talking about after AJ goes the MLB road. I hate to say I will be praying he has an awful senior year in baseball. :lol:

no my friend, what u said is ignorant. if u think racism is dead then you have lived a very sheltered life. smh.
Birdman37 said:
VirginiaTider22 said:
In a recent article AJ's future in football is up for grabs. I really do not believe that AJ will ever wear crimson based on his comments in a recent article about his near fatal accident at age six. He has been told he could be a middle to late first round pick in the MLB draft due to having a 90 mph fastball that has not peaked at this point. It has nothing to do with race, that is absolutely ignorant... Im sorry if this offends you in any way but that is not a very smart thing to post and racism died along time ago except in the instance of caucasian males. AJ is a a better QB at this point in his career than Star was. He is a precision passer with good wheels. Star is a different type QB that has not been polished. In my opinion I think Star will be the only man we will be talking about after AJ goes the MLB road. I hate to say I will be praying he has an awful senior year in baseball. :lol:

no my friend, what u said is ignorant. if u think racism is dead then you have lived a very sheltered life. smh.

:roll: really?
No I haven't... This is not a political board but here are a few facts...
1. Companies must hire X amount of minorities regardless if there are more qualified people applying for that job.
2. There is a contingency of media outlets dedicated to ethnicities such as Ebony, BET, etc... If there was a CET or a WHITE magazine the proprietor would be considered racist.
3. Universitys must admit X amount of minorities regardless of applicants qualifications. Example: If student A has a core GPA of 4.0 and active in a variety of different clubs, societies, etc. Then student B who is a sub par to average student but is listed as another race than caucasian and the University has not met that minority quota then student A will be denied.
3. There are a variety of different college funds set up for minorities, but there cannot be a college fund or foundation set up for the sole purpose of a caucasian student...
The list goes on and on... That my friend is racism at its peak. I am a minority and I think in order for my race and others to be precieves as equal then all of this needs to stop. A man should be based on his worth and not the color of his skin. My parents nor my grandparents, etc., you get the point, were slaves. I have coached many young men throughout my career that use their race as a crutch and are taught at home from their parents to be dependent on a blurred since of equality. Racism is a word, plain and simple, that allows people to continually get free passes in life and not to be seen for their worth. It is sickening to me that someone would think people are racist based on precieved notions of whether a black qb is given unfair criticism based on the color of his skin. Yes, racism does exist but based on unfair and unjust systems geared to allow various ethnicities a advantage on skin color and not a mans worth. I guess I was raised different. I see men and women not black and white.
For the record I am a minority, so I guess I have a little background knowledge on the subject. It actually sickens me to think people can't be seen for their worth and contributions. Free passes are for ice cream parlors and white stone pillars. I never recieved my forty acres or my mule and I have never complained. lol
VirginiaTider22 said:
In a recent article AJ's future in football is up for grabs. I really do not believe that AJ will ever wear crimson based on his comments in a recent article about his near fatal accident at age six. He has been told he could be a middle to late first round pick in the MLB draft due to having a 90 mph fastball that has not peaked at this point. It has nothing to do with race, that is absolutely ignorant... Im sorry if this offends you in any way but that is not a very smart thing to post and racism died along time ago except in the instance of caucasian males. AJ is a a better QB at this point in his career than Star was. He is a precision passer with good wheels. Star is a different type QB that has not been polished. In my opinion I think Star will be the only man we will be talking about after AJ goes the MLB road. I hate to say I will be praying he has an awful senior year in baseball. :lol:

????? except in the instance of Malcolm X, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, black panthers... Where do get that only white people are racist?
No I think you missed my point. I think caucasion males are discriminated against based on what politics and society precieve as fair treatment. I think that in order for all men to be seen as equal all goverment funding, laws and regulations cannot list race as a prerequisit of requirement for participation in education (University minority standards) and the work force (quotas for hiring and tax breaks given for ethnically based hirings).
VirginiaTider22 said:
No I think you missed my point. I think caucasion males are discriminated against based on what politics and society precieve as fair treatment. I think that in order for all men to be seen as equal all goverment funding, laws and regulations cannot list race as a prerequisit of requirement for participation in education (University minority standards) and the work force (quotas for hiring and tax breaks given for ethnically based hirings).

agreed, but its almost football season, this is discussion for feburary. :D
VirginiaTider22 said:
No I think you missed my point. I think caucasion males are discriminated against based on what politics and society precieve as fair treatment. I think that in order for all men to be seen as equal all goverment funding, laws and regulations cannot list race as a prerequisit of requirement for participation in education (University minority standards) and the work force (quotas for hiring and tax breaks given for ethnically based hirings).

Ok got cha! My apoligies!
bamafan said:
Birdman37 said:
VirginiaTider22 said:
In a recent article AJ's future in football is up for grabs. I really do not believe that AJ will ever wear crimson based on his comments in a recent article about his near fatal accident at age six. He has been told he could be a middle to late first round pick in the MLB draft due to having a 90 mph fastball that has not peaked at this point. It has nothing to do with race, that is absolutely ignorant... Im sorry if this offends you in any way but that is not a very smart thing to post and racism died along time ago except in the instance of caucasian males. AJ is a a better QB at this point in his career than Star was. He is a precision passer with good wheels. Star is a different type QB that has not been polished. In my opinion I think Star will be the only man we will be talking about after AJ goes the MLB road. I hate to say I will be praying he has an awful senior year in baseball. :lol:

no my friend, what u said is ignorant. if u think racism is dead then you have lived a very sheltered life. smh.

:roll: really?

yea, really.

VirginiaTider22 said:
No I haven't... This is not a political board but here are a few facts...
1. Companies must hire X amount of minorities regardless if there are more qualified people applying for that job.
2. There is a contingency of media outlets dedicated to ethnicities such as Ebony, BET, etc... If there was a CET or a WHITE magazine the proprietor would be considered racist.
3. Universitys must admit X amount of minorities regardless of applicants qualifications. Example: If student A has a core GPA of 4.0 and active in a variety of different clubs, societies, etc. Then student B who is a sub par to average student but is listed as another race than caucasian and the University has not met that minority quota then student A will be denied.
3. There are a variety of different college funds set up for minorities, but there cannot be a college fund or foundation set up for the sole purpose of a caucasian student...
The list goes on and on... That my friend is racism at its peak. I am a minority and I think in order for my race and others to be precieves as equal then all of this needs to stop. A man should be based on his worth and not the color of his skin. My parents nor my grandparents, etc., you get the point, were slaves. I have coached many young men throughout my career that use their race as a crutch and are taught at home from their parents to be dependent on a blurred since of equality. Racism is a word, plain and simple, that allows people to continually get free passes in life and not to be seen for their worth. It is sickening to me that someone would think people are racist based on precieved notions of whether a black qb is given unfair criticism based on the color of his skin. Yes, racism does exist but based on unfair and unjust systems geared to allow various ethnicities a advantage on skin color and not a mans worth. I guess I was raised different. I see men and women not black and white.
For the record I am a minority, so I guess I have a little background knowledge on the subject. It actually sickens me to think people can't be seen for their worth and contributions. Free passes are for ice cream parlors and white stone pillars. I never recieved my forty acres or my mule and I have never complained. lol

wow, seriously? so all that u said are the only racism's in this world? so i guess when me and a few of my black friends go in a store and one of the guys there say "wtf are those n*****s (u know what word that is) out of here isnt racist? or when a cpl rednecks start throwin crap a black kid yelling the n word at him isnt racist? wth is wrong with u? i wouldnt have said a word had u said "racism in america is nowhere near as prevalent as it used to be" because its not, but saying that affirmative action, the negro college fund, BET, etc. are the only racisms here. i mean, wow. i def. do not want to get no political talk on a football forum, but i honestly am amazed that u said that. and i too, have been raised to see person and not color, but damn i can see the things that go on around me and know that its there.
I don't know what to say here really, other than I hope the better QB wins, I don't care if he is black, white, or polka-dotted. Lets move on, or carry your debate to the smack forum please.
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