| FTBL Question for Auburn


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Nobody is giving Bama much of a chance this weekend vs Auburn. I for one hope Bama can pull out a win but I am not going to be mad if they dont. I pose this question to all the Barners.. IF Bama is to beat AU at JHS, what does that say about Auburn? If Bama is so terrible bc we got beat by ULM, and then Bama comes back and beats AU, what would that say about AU? How would AU fans handle that.
chevy0082 said:
Nobody is giving Bama much of a chance this weekend vs Auburn. I for one hope Bama can pull out a win but I am not going to be mad if they dont. I pose this question to all the Barners.. IF Bama is to beat AU at JHS, what does that say about Auburn? If Bama is so terrible bc we got beat by ULM, and then Bama comes back and beats AU, what would that say about AU? How would AU fans handle that.

That's a really big "if" there. Almost as intelligent as saying we (Auburn, clearly not Bama) beat Florida (at Gainesville, I might add) and Florida blew out Kentucky, so that means we would REALLY hammer Kentucky if we were to play them. Bottom line is Auburn is a much more fundamentally sound team with a better defense and running game. Just get JPW running around scared and it's a W for Auburn.
chevy0082 said:
Nobody is giving Bama much of a chance this weekend vs Auburn. I for one hope Bama can pull out a win but I am not going to be mad if they dont. I pose this question to all the Barners.. IF Bama is to beat AU at JHS, what does that say about Auburn? If Bama is so terrible bc we got beat by ULM, and then Bama comes back and beats AU, what would that say about AU? How would AU fans handle that.

And I'm still confused as to Bama's identity on the field. First they nearly lose to Houston (at home) then have a shot at LSU but let JPW take care of that pipe dream. Then comes LA-Monroe. I just don't get it.
wareaglewalt said:
That's a really big "if" there. Almost as intelligent as saying we (Auburn, clearly not Bama) beat Florida (at Gainesville, I might add) and Florida blew out Kentucky, so that means we would REALLY hammer Kentucky if we were to play them. Bottom line is Auburn is a much more fundamentally sound team with a better defense and running game. Just get JPW running around scared and it's a W for Auburn.

This is the point of the original post. You have the better team. We have a glaring weakness in direct relation to a barner strength. Get JPW on the ropes and it's game over. If the barn can't do that simple task with a superior team, what does that say about them?
wareaglewalt said:
chevy0082 said:
Nobody is giving Bama much of a chance this weekend vs Auburn. I for one hope Bama can pull out a win but I am not going to be mad if they dont. I pose this question to all the Barners.. IF Bama is to beat AU at JHS, what does that say about Auburn? If Bama is so terrible bc we got beat by ULM, and then Bama comes back and beats AU, what would that say about AU? How would AU fans handle that.

That's a really big "if" there. Almost as intelligent as saying we (Auburn, clearly not Bama) beat Florida (at Gainesville, I might add) and Florida blew out Kentucky, so that means we would REALLY hammer Kentucky if we were to play them. Bottom line is Auburn is a much more fundamentally sound team with a better defense and running game. Just get JPW running around scared and it's a W for Auburn.

Wow, where did you get your logic skills?
I think its a legitimate question.. :D If they are so superior and get beat, I bet they will be chipping in to help aTm with CTT buyout.

All the more reason I hope Bama goes in there and beats them. Roll Tide a$#
chevy0082 said:
Thank you Alpha... He addressed the question but never answered it.. :roll:

Okay, bottom line is it's a dumb question. If something so bizarre were to happen as Auburn losing Saturday, it would mean we lost to a team who earlier lost to a woefully overmatched team. Hence, it's as stupid as the hypothetical argument that one team beats another and that losing team beats yet another team, so the third team would "logically" lose by the margin of both victories.

Doesn't really matter as Saban won't last more than 4 years at Bama. He hates the media, hates anyone who tries to meddle with his "total control" of the team, and he's not cut out for the type of fans that Bama has. Although he's not nearly as bad of a fit as Mike Price. Anyone could tell that guy had no clue at all what he had gotten himself into. Maybe the stripper thing wasn't such a bad incident after all. God does have a sense of humor, after all.
Ok, you're dense and don't comprehend what you read very well. I really tried to give you a chance at normal conversation since you're new. Oh well. Pay attention, I am going to ask the same question many times in this post.

wareaglewalt said:
Okay, bottom line is it's a dumb question. If something so bizarre were to happen as Auburn losing Saturday, it would mean we lost to a team who earlier lost to a woefully overmatched team.

Does it say anything about the barn if they lose to inferior opponents? Or does that only apply to BAMA?

Hence, it's as stupid as the hypothetical argument that one team beats another and that losing team beats yet another team, so the third team would "logically" lose by the margin of both victories.

We are simply asking what it means for the barn to lose to an inferior opponent. Is that too nuanced for you? Maybe you're an X and O kind of guy. Don't really think all that much? I'll draw it out for you.

You have a coach who has been with you for 9 years. Our coach has less than a year on campus. Losing to inferior opponents says nothing about us at this point. It is wholly different than the barn losing to inferior opponents. Why can't you understand the question? Does it say anything about the barn if they lose to an inferior opponent? What excuse is there for the barn losing? Will it be bad calls, injury, luck or what? It certainly couldn't be BAMA is the better team that day right? What excuse is there for the barn losing?

I've phrased it as many ways as I can. I've repeated it as many times as I can. If you still can't answer.....I don't know what to say.

Doesn't really matter as Saban won't last more than 4 years at Bama. He hates the media, hates anyone who tries to meddle with his "total control" of the team, and he's not cut out for the type of fans that Bama has. Although he's not nearly as bad of a fit as Mike Price. Anyone could tell that guy had no clue at all what he had gotten himself into. Maybe the stripper thing wasn't such a bad incident after all. God does have a sense of humor, after all.

Please, no one address this as it has nothing to do with anything.

There is no god BTW.
chevy0082 said:
I pose this question to all the Barners.. IF Bama is to beat AU at JHS, what does that say about Auburn? If Bama is so terrible bc we got beat by ULM, and then Bama comes back and beats AU, what would that say about AU? How would AU fans handle that.
This question presupposes that all Auburn fans think Bama is "terrible" for losing to ULM. While it is certainly an embarrassing loss, I don't think Bama is terrible, I think they are very inconsistent. They can pound Tennessee, take LSU to the wire yet still lose to Mississippi State, survive a major scare against Ole Miss and lose to ULM. Auburn has exhibited similar traits this year, though quite to the degree Bama has.

So if Bama beats AU this weekend, all it would say about Auburn is that they were pretty much just as inconsistent as Bama was this year.
Fellas, you're wasting your time. Walt's trying to change the question. It's not whether or not Bama should or shouldn't beat Auburn based on past results. The question is asking what it would mean to Auburn faithful for Bama to beat the Tigers.

Btw, Walt, it is possible. I'd have thought a 48-year-old guy would have been around long enough to see Bama beat Auburn when they weren't supposed to, or Auburn beat Bama when they weren't supposed to. That possibility is what makes the Iron Bowl the rivalry it is.

Now, Walt, here it is again . . . real slow. If Bama were to win, what would be the reaction of Auburn fans?
TitanTiger said:
chevy0082 said:
I pose this question to all the Barners.. IF Bama is to beat AU at JHS, what does that say about Auburn? If Bama is so terrible bc we got beat by ULM, and then Bama comes back and beats AU, what would that say about AU? How would AU fans handle that.
This question presupposes that all Auburn fans think Bama is "terrible" for losing to ULM. While it is certainly an embarrassing loss, I don't think Bama is terrible, I think they are very inconsistent. They can pound Tennessee, take LSU to the wire yet still lose to Mississippi State, survive a major scare against Ole Miss and lose to ULM. Auburn has exhibited similar traits this year, though quite to the degree Bama has.

So if Bama beats AU this weekend, all it would say about Auburn is that they were pretty much just as inconsistent as Bama was this year.

I don't think Bama is terrible for losing to UL-Monroe. It's very funny to hear Bama fans booing their own team at home. VERY funny. But according to folks at Bama, losing to UL-Monroe was embarrassing and I suppose that's what it would be were Auburn to lose this Saturday. That and only that. And giving Saban a pass since it's his first year is BS. Shula didn't recruit bad talent at Bama. Lots of folks want to go play for Bama; it's just that Shula was clueless at the helm. Folks at LSU are all over Miles because he's been winning with mostly Saban's recruits. Bama has good talent, and Miles has good talent. Problem is Saban, for whatever reason is going in the wrong direction with his. And that is clearly his responsibility. This isn't happening at the beginiing of the season, as if the players are realizing after a couple games that he means business. No, the wheels have come off at the end of the season. I'm surprised we're only a 6 point favorite.
Auburn's inconsistency this year is due to the Petrino affair back in '03. When Tubs was almost fired he had a bad recruiting class. That has led to a small senior class.

That is the answer I've heard from the Auburn fans I know.
Argo said:
Auburn's inconsistency this year is due to the Petrino affair back in '03. When Tubs was almost fired he had a bad recruiting class. That has lead to a small senior class.

That is the answer I've heard from the Auburn fans I know.

Okay. Interesting fiction there. Petrino, huh? Saban will ditch by 2009.
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