| FTBL QB Problem


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every week i think that jpw will have a better game but almost everygame this year he has proved me wrong.He keeps overthrowing passes, hes very inconsistant, and repeatedly throws into coverage, Dont get me wrong i still think he has alot of potential but i am starting to think you atleast give a qb who is 10/11 1TD and 0ints this year a chance. I thought they would put McElroy in when jpw hurt his ankle but they kept him out there(which was very dangerous if he would have gotten hit again), hopefuly he proves me wrong and starts to be more consistant but i just havent seen it in the past 3 weeks(im really not trying to bash him in any way, i think that the o-line isnt very productive either, i guess i just expected more out of our offense this year, and its frustrating to see this out of them)
I agree. It is past time. How do you stick with JP when he isn't doing the basics? I'm not even asking about fancy...I'm just talking basics.

Something is wrong with him and each week is a repeat of the week before. :?
reger60 said:
J. Wilson: 15-27, 157 yds, 2 TDs, 1 INT and a WIN.

It may not have been pretty, but I'll take that line every week if it results in a win.

yeah true, to be honest im just worried about how he does in our games ahead against some good teams.
ACL11190 said:
reger60 said:
J. Wilson: 15-27, 157 yds, 2 TDs, 1 INT and a WIN.

It may not have been pretty, but I'll take that line every week if it results in a win.

yeah true, to be honest im just worried about how he does in our games ahead against some good teams.

You don't really need to worry about it. They're paying a guy in Tuscaloosa almost $4 million to worry about it for you. :wink:

Bama is 4-2 and is heading toward assembling the best recruiting class we've had in years. I'd feel pretty greedy if I complained, IMO. I committed to being patient coming into this season and I refuse to panic.
no offense to any of you, but our problems begin and end at the line of scrimmage on O. sure JPW only had an ok day, but penetration by our Oline seems to be a problem rushing AND throwing consistenly. sure bad choices get made, but these problems come straight from the line of scrimmage most of the tiime, and are brought on by the fact we cant seem to run a ball down anyones throats, so the other team can just sit pretty in coverage
joeman546 said:
no offense to any of you, but our problems begin and end at the line of scrimmage on O. sure JPW only had an ok day, but penetration by our Oline seems to be a problem rushing AND throwing consistenly. sure bad choices get made, but these problems come straight from the line of scrimmage most of the tiime, and are brought on by the fact we cant seem to run a ball down anyones throats, so the other team can just sit pretty in coverage
I agree a lot of what you said is the truth.
joeman546 said:
no offense to any of you, but our problems begin and end at the line of scrimmage on O. sure JPW only had an ok day, but penetration by our Oline seems to be a problem rushing AND throwing consistenly. sure bad choices get made, but these problems come straight from the line of scrimmage most of the tiime, and are brought on by the fact we cant seem to run a ball down anyones throats, so the other team can just sit pretty in coverage

This is such an understatement!!!!!
reger60 said:
ACL11190 said:
reger60 said:
J. Wilson: 15-27, 157 yds, 2 TDs, 1 INT and a WIN.

It may not have been pretty, but I'll take that line every week if it results in a win.

yeah true, to be honest im just worried about how he does in our games ahead against some good teams.

I committed to being patient coming into this season and I refuse to panic.

Great way of putting it... ;tr
I think we have a hard time as fans watching the areas of the field where there is no football. If we would watch the o-line after the snap and see exactly what they are doing and understand the pressure they allow and the miscues they make, I think people would be a little more lenient on JPW.

I am a little frustrated with his play just like everyone else, but I have faith in him because I have seen what he can do. If I remember correctly, I think he owns a couple of passing records at UA. Anyone else remember that? :wink:
BamaDelta said:
I agree. It is past time. How do you stick with JP when he isn't doing the basics? I'm not even asking about fancy...I'm just talking basics.

Something is wrong with him and each week is a repeat of the week before. :?

I feel the same. Why would you not give Mcelroy a shot? Is he the worst back up in the history of back up QB's? JPW was hurting and they still stuck him in only to do a horrible shuffle pass or whatever you want to call it to the wrong team.
I really do not understand the people who want to see McElroy play. Quit being an unrealistic fan (sometimes I'm one too) for just one second. Do you go to practice and watch McElroy play? I'm going to guess no. You have no idea how good/bad this kid is. I have faith in this coaching staff, and if they're sticking with JPW, I will assume he gives us the best chance to win.

Also, McElroy wasn't a big time recruit or anything, he's not the savior of Alabama football. If he was Jimmy Clausen or some 5 star recruit, then sure stick him in and let him take his lumps now. But he's not that guy. This isn't a Watts/Zow situation or the situation FSU has, McElroy is just a freshman QB with no experience. With Star Jackson coming to town, I'd be surprised if Greg McElroy ever starts a game for us.
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