| FTBL 'Twas the Third Saturday in October



T’was the night before the Big One,

and all through the south,

the Big Orange fans were all busy running their damn mouths.

Better coaches, better players, better stadium, better fans,

the only thing they didn’t attack was our Million Dollar Band.

Fat Phil swore up and down that he and the Vols were good and ready,

but Saturday was a new day; beautiful, hot, and heavy.

From the opening kick-off, the Vols were on their knees,

I guess still looking to clear their dog Smokey of all its darn flees.

It was a constant movement up and down the field,

Bama racked up 500 plus that UT’s defense would yield.

We threw, threw, threw that day as it was Wilson to Hall,

Why couldn’t Chavis stop us, it was all the same call!

The more the game went on, the less I heard Rocky Top,

just like in ‘05, Tennessee would Rocky Flop.

I ask you, Tennesseee why were you so lame?

I guess you have one thing going for you, at least you’re not Notre Dame.

Where was UT’s tradition, their heart, and their pride?

Bama took them to the wood-shed with loud chants of “Roll Tide.”

Rammer Jammer could be heard for miles and miles, loud and clear,

as Saban and company gave gut shot after gut shot that UT fans will forever fear.

It will be always be remembered as the day of all days,

the day the Tide stem-rolled and cleared UT’s orange colored haze.

The game wasn’t even close, and quite frankly a one-sided fight,

have a safe trip home Vol fans and to all a good night.
Haha, thanks guys! Wish I could take credit for it but it too was forwarded to me as well. Thought I'd share it with you guys. :D
There must be six degrees of separation at work here (with a little editing) because I got this one (very similar):

T’was the night before the Big Game, and all through the south,
The Big Orange fans were all busy running their mouths.

Better coaches, better players, better stadium, MUCH better fans,
The only thing not yet attacked was the Million Dollar Band.

Fat Phil swore up and down that the Vols were good and ready,
As he worked to keep his Krispy Kreme intake steady.

From the opening kickoff, the Vols were on their knees,
As though they were checking over Smokey for fleas.

There was constant movement up and down the field,
Bama racked up 500 plus as UT’s defense did yield.

We threw & threw & threw that day from Wilson to Hall,
Why couldn’t Chavis stop us, it was all the same call!

Ainge was rushed and in disbelief did stand,
Picked off twice by a TRUE freshman.

The more the game went on, the less I heard Rocky Top,
As quarter by quarter, Tennessee would Rocky Flop.

I ask you, Tennessee, why were you so lame?
It could always be worse, you could be Notre Dame.

What happened to UT’s subversion, tradition, heart, & pride?
Bama took them all to the woodshed with chants of “Roll Tide.”

The fans waited patiently to proudly roar “Rammer Jammer”
As play by play, Applewhite dropped the hammer.

It will be forever be remembered as the day of all days,
As the Tide smacked the Vols out of their orange colored haze.

The game wasn’t even close, and quite frankly a one-sided fight,
You got embarrassed Phil Fulmer, and it served your a$$ right!
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