What are the people to do? There is no redress from corrupt government. A house cleaning is long over due.
I don't have the answers to that, and I've wondered about it myself. I don't like how the election was handled. I don't think there should be any room for fraud to occur. How do we get there? I'm not totally sure. I do know that storming the Capitol and fighting with police is a detriment to that very movement. It hurts the republican party (what's left of it), not to mention, it's just wrong. Those folks didn't accomplish a damn thing today except get 1 woman shot in the neck and give up all the moral high ground that conservatives held on "law and order" over BLM and antifa.
And before anyone gets confused on where I stand, I will never vote for anyone with a (D) beside their name after the last 4 years. But, what I saw today, and a lot of the stuff that comes from the Q crowd, is really disturbing and disappointing.