| CURRENT EVENTS Trump Supporters Storm Capitol

Respect and manners have just been thrown out the door. There are people of all kinds who only see their point of view and almost go looking for a fight if you disagree with them whether it's views on politics, covid, sports and I could go on and on. Shoot, I've been basically called stupid on here by a couple of people for just misspelling a word. It's sad, sickening, immature and just shows a total lack of class. Sadly, I don't see things getting any better. It comes down to personal decisions on how you speak and act and unfortunately, our society now seems to glorify making yourself to look a lot more important than you really are.
Respect and manners have just been thrown out the door. There are people of all kinds who only see their point of view and almost go looking for a fight if you disagree with them whether it's views on politics, covid, sports and I could go on and on. Shoot, I've been basically called stupid on here by a couple of people for just misspelling a word. It's sad, sickening, immature and just shows a total lack of class. Sadly, I don't see things getting any better. It comes down to personal decisions on how you speak and act and unfortunately, our society now seems to glorify making yourself to look a lot more important than you really are.
Totally agree.
It's sickening to watch, just as it was sickening to see similar (and worse) protesting and violence in the summer from BLM and antifa. But, I'm glad I can sit here, unlike many on the left today who have turned a 180, and not feel like a complete hypocrite when I say that. It is equal parts of disappointing and infuriating (and that's aimed at Trump as well).
It's sickening to watch, just as it was sickening to see similar (and worse) protesting and violence in the summer from BLM and antifa. But, I'm glad I can sit here, unlike many on the left today who have turned a 180, and not feel like a complete hypocrite when I say that. It is equal parts of disappointing and infuriating (and that's aimed at Trump as well).
I gotta disagree. Nothing remotely the same about this. However I think when 9/11 happened they should have waited for a State of The Union address and crashed all the planes into the capitol building one after another. We need to start over.
Trespassing, fighting with police, damaging property isn't remotely the same?
Some of the same acts but much different motivations. You’re equating burning sections of cities, threatening death to opposition vs people not taking a stolen election without a symbolic or real revolt. Just the economic disparity of impact between the two factions is indicative that the two are not the same. The targets of the “peaceful protests” were not the same. Innocent people and livelihoods were the targets of the terrorists. Patriots targeted corrupt government. It may end up being as big or bigger but at the moment it is not on the scale of the terrorists over the past year. Regardless of the way it plays out, a warning shot across the bow of illegitimate government was taken. It’s here to stay and it’s long over due.
Got some big stones to storm DC.

I hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
Scary times indeed. I honestly think it will only get worse. There is a larger percentage of the population that this resonates with than those that were for the American Revolution. They feel like targets of the government and the terrorists of the past year. Throw in all the election bullshit and poof you have finally pushed too far and gotten blow back.
Some of the same acts but much different motivations. You’re equating burning sections of cities, threatening death to opposition vs people not taking a stolen election without a symbolic or real revolt. Just the economic disparity of impact between the two factions is indicative that the two are not the same. The targets of the “peaceful protests” were not the same. Innocent people and livelihoods were the targets of the terrorists. Patriots targeted corrupt government. It may end up being as big or bigger but at the moment it is not on the scale of the terrorists over the past year. Regardless of the way it plays out, a warning shot across the bow of illegitimate government was taken. It’s here to stay and it’s long over due.

I'm going to award you the gold in mental gymnastics here. I specifically said some of the stuff over the summer was worse, and it was, but what happened today was bad in every way, shape, and form and should be condemned by any law abiding American. The the reasons cited are arguably just as misguided as the reasons BLM spouted all summer. Trump chummed the waters with his "the election was stolen" cries, but the fact is, he and his crackpot legal team haven't been able to prove it. This reminds me of a football game where a team loses 48-17, but blame it on a couple of bad calls. Was there some funny vote counting in places like Atlanta and Philly? I believe so. But they've done an awful job of providing evidence of it, and I don't believe it was nearly enough to matter anyway. Regardless, handling it like it would be handled 200 years ago, ain't the answer, IMO.
I'm going to award you the gold in mental gymnastics here. I specifically said some of the stuff over the summer was worse, and it was, but what happened today was bad in every way, shape, and form and should be condemned by any law abiding American. The the reasons cited are arguably just as misguided as the reasons BLM spouted all summer. Trump chummed the waters with his "the election was stolen" cries, but the fact is, he and his crackpot legal team haven't been able to prove it. This reminds me of a football game where a team loses 48-17, but blame it on a couple of bad calls. Was there some funny vote counting in places like Atlanta and Philly? I believe so. But they've done an awful job of providing evidence of it, and I don't believe it was nearly enough to matter anyway. Regardless, handling it like it would be handled 200 years ago, ain't the answer, IMO.
What are the people to do? There is no redress from corrupt government. A house cleaning is long over due.
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