| CURRENT EVENTS The Presidential Race: The VP debate.

If Kamala received any votes for anything during the primaries held earlier this year, please show me where. Bottom line is the Democrats are ignoring the Democratic process and installing a candidate that nobody voted for.
It's ludicrous you have to spell it out like this and still people don't believe what you are saying. Even though, it's the absolute truth.
Trump is making a colossal mistake right now…After the convention, he stopped being aggressive in pursuit of minority voting groups..Now he is just doing rallies and interviews…The Dems have stepped up efforts to regain African-American , Jewish, Asian and Hispanic voters…He better re-double those efforts and spend that fund raising money on TV.. If not he is going to lose!… The media and Hollywood will kill his campaign..
Let’s start again. In the primaries, you vote for a single candidate. That candidate is running for President. You do not vote for a ticket or package (President and Vice President). Since Kamala wasn’t running for President during the primaries, her name isn’t found anywhere on the primary ballots. Therefore, Kamala could not, and did not, receive a single vote during the primaries. Now that Joe has backed out, Kamala doesn’t receive the votes that Joe got. Instead, somebody (Obama, the Wizard of Oz, the Democrat overseers) has decided that Kamala will be the Democratic candidate in the 2024 Presidential election.

If Kamala received any votes for anything during the primaries held earlier this year, please show me where. Bottom line is the Democrats are ignoring the Democratic process and installing a candidate that nobody voted for.
You’re right, let’s start again. We’re well past the primaries, doesn’t matter about the primaries. We’re onto the Presidential election now, you know voting for the President. During the Presidential election of 2020 WE VOTED FOR THE TICKET! We voted knowing full well Kamala could become President, you know the whole second in the line of succession thing? Kamala isn’t the Democratic nominee yet, so there’s that
You’re right, let’s start again. We’re well past the primaries, doesn’t matter about the primaries. We’re onto the Presidential election now, you know voting for the President. During the Presidential election of 2020 WE VOTED FOR THE TICKET! We voted knowing full well Kamala could become President, you know the whole second in the line of succession thing? Kamala isn’t the Democratic nominee yet, so there’s that
If the primaries don’t matter, why have them? Hint: to give the people a voice. The Democrats have skipped over a key part of the democratic process. You keep going back to the Presidential election where you do vote for the ticket. How did Biden and Kamala get on the ticket? Hint: the primaries. Yes, Kamala isn’t the nominee yet. Are any other candidates being given the opportunity? Hint: No. The line of succession doesn’t apply when a candidate drops out of running for the office. The line of succession for the Presidency is stipulated in the Constitution multiple times (U.S. Constitution: Article II, Section 1, Clause 6, the 12th Amendment, 20th Amendment, and 25th Amendment.)
If the primaries don’t matter, why have them? Hint: to give the people a voice. The Democrats have skipped over a key part of the democratic process. You keep going back to the Presidential election where you do vote for the ticket. How did Biden and Kamala get on the ticket? Hint: the primaries. Yes, Kamala isn’t the nominee yet. Are any other candidates being given the opportunity? Hint: No. The line of succession doesn’t apply when a candidate drops out of running for the office. The line of succession for the Presidency is stipulated in the Constitution multiple times (U.S. Constitution: Article II, Section 1, Clause 6, the 12th Amendment, 20th Amendment, and 25th Amendment.)
Well all I can tell you is based on the money she’s raised and the amount of people that have gotten together for calls for her I’d say we’re pretty happy with her as our candidate. So, again we voted for the ticket in the Presidential election which news flash included her being on the ticket, so you can harp until you’re blue in the face about the damn primaries, but we’re past that stage.
Other candidates all endorsed her, so there aren’t any to run against her, so hint: yes others were given the opportunity, but they chose to endorse her instead.

Thanks for lesson, but I know the line of succession and where it applies, we could primary from now until November and it isn’t going to change anything, she’d still be our candidate, not sure what’s so difficult about this?

I also understand this is scary for the right and for your candidate, but it’ll be ok
What’s even more ludicrous is talking about the primaries when we’re talking about the Presidential election
All that has been said is the democratic process of electing an individual to headline the ticket wasn't afforded to anyone in the democratic party. You had NO say in who is at the top of the ticket: no votes were cast in support.

I'm not sure which is more disturbing. The fact that you are a patsy, or the fact you are a willing patsy.
Well all I can tell you is based on the money she’s raised and the amount of people that have gotten together for calls for her I’d say we’re pretty happy with her as our candidate.
There is no clarity there. It's a downright lie to say "so many people were on a Zoom call" when that software isn't capable of tracking said numbers.
All that has been said is the democratic process of electing an individual to headline the ticket wasn't afforded to anyone in the democratic party. You had NO say in who is at the top of the ticket: no votes were cast in support.

I'm not sure which is more disturbing. The fact that you are a patsy, or the fact you are a willing patsy.
What I find absolutely astonishing is your continued lack of reading everything I say. There wasn’t anybody else to vote for, they all endorsed Harris. It astonishes me even more that those of you on the right are so worried about us democrats supposedly not getting a say in the candidate.

You can say patsy until your damn face is blue, but the fact of the matter is we’re excited about Harris
There is no clarity there. It's a downright lie to say "so many people were on a Zoom call" when that software isn't capable of tracking said numbers.
Ok, I’ll try to explain this….in order to get onto said call you had to click a link to the call, so the number of people that clicked that link to enter the call is how they determined the number of people on the call, pretty simple.

Then we can add the number of people that signed up and entered into it via YouTube and there’s even more people
What I find absolutely astonishing is your continued lack of reading everything I say. There wasn’t anybody else to vote for, they all endorsed Harris. It astonishes me even more that those of you on the right are so worried about us democrats supposedly not getting a say in the candidate.
And what ballot was RFK, Jr. allowed on?

If you don't understand why a person would look at this whole story, either on the right or the left, and not say, "WTF?"

You want "astonishing?" It's found in how you are looking at this as some criticism towards a specific party when this is a criticism on society. How easily, and effortlessly, people are manipulated. Vote for Biden. No, vote for Harris. And in unison, "yes sir."
Ok, I’ll try to explain this….in order to get onto said call you had to click a link to the call, so the number of people that clicked that link to enter the call is how they determined the number of people on the call, pretty simple.

Then we can add the number of people that signed up and entered into it via YouTube and there’s even more people
You don't know Zoom. Literally, talking out of your ass right here.
What I find absolutely astonishing is your continued lack of reading everything I say. There wasn’t anybody else to vote for, they all endorsed Harris. It astonishes me even more that those of you on the right are so worried about us democrats supposedly not getting a say in the candidate.

You can say patsy until your damn face is blue, but the fact of the matter is we’re excited about Harris
The delegates endorsed Harris. Nobody votes for, or voted for, the delegates. Delegates are assigned based on the votes for candidates (this is where nobody voted for Harris). In other words, the people’s votes tell the delegates who to endorse. If Harris received no votes, why are the delegates endorsing her? Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

Please tell me, and others, why you’re excited about Harris. Everything she stands behind will require massive spending (printing more money) and thereby increasing inflation. Biden’s inflation was bad enough.
And what ballot was RFK, Jr. allowed on?

If you don't understand why a person would look at this whole story, either on the right or the left, and not say, "WTF?"

You want "astonishing?" It's found in how you are looking at this as some criticism towards a specific party when this is a criticism on society. How easily, and effortlessly, people are manipulated. Vote for Biden. No, vote for Harris. And in unison, "yes sir."
Well RFK isn’t a democrat, so you’d have to ask states why he isn’t on ballots. I don’t care if he is or isn’t, maybe he’ll join Trump’s team

No what’s astonishing is how worried you on the right are about who the dems vote for or don’t vote for
The delegates endorsed Harris. Nobody votes for, or voted for, the delegates. Delegates are assigned based on the votes for candidates (this is where nobody voted for Harris). In other words, the people’s votes tell the delegates who to endorse. If Harris received no votes, why are the delegates endorsing her? Why is this so difficult for you to understand?

Please tell me, and others, why you’re excited about Harris. Everything she stands behind will require massive spending (printing more money) and thereby increasing inflation. Biden’s inflation was bad enough.
Jesus shit man. You want to talk about understanding and difficult.

You asked “was anybody else given the opportunity to run?” And I answered everybody else endorsed Harris, so there isn’t anybody to else to run, has nothing to do with delegates.

Why am I excited about Harris? Simple I really like everything she stands for
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