| CURRENT EVENTS The right eat their own...

It Takes Eleven

Quoth the Raven...

Both the right and left garner sketchy advertisements that play to their bases, but this whole world is ending, pensions are dead, stocks are worthless, invest in gold - at a ninety-percent markup - should make right wing radio blanche. If the world truly was coming to an end, we're teetering on civil war, Obama/Biden/Newsome is coming for your guns and ammo, trannies are deflowering our girls - and flowering our boys - you'd think the market for gold would be a bit more efficient.

Merchants of chaos, left and right, should be taken to task. They live on separating us.

Shame to both.
Channeling Guy Hawkes?
I had to look him up, him with a Fawkes Day!
Guy Fawkes Day, also called Bonfire Night, British observance, celebrated on November 5, commemorating the failure of the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. The Gunpowder Plot conspirators, led by Robert Catesby, were zealous Roman Catholics enraged at King James I for refusing to grant greater religious tolerance to Catholics.
In the spirit of inclusion, the top eat the bottom. All the world's ancient wisdom traditions vilify the wealthy, for good reason(s). Permanent wealth status requires state subsidy and, in this case, trickery. They help create the opportunistic crises and then offer a variety of solutions, that also benefit them.
In the spirit of inclusion, the top eat the bottom. All the world's ancient wisdom traditions vilify the wealthy, for good reason(s). Permanent wealth status requires state subsidy and, in this case, trickery. They help create the opportunistic crises and then offer a variety of solutions, that also benefit them.
They just don’t get it…when they screw with the rich man’s money “ the middle class suffers”…the rich will always find ways to maintain being rich and keep their lifestyle intact… even if it means saving money instead of spending it… has anyone ever asked a poor man for a job?… does the poor pay taxes?.. nope!…the rich and middle class do… most poor people do whatever they can to stay poor… try to get them off of free entitlements and handouts.…see how that works… how many times have you heard “well I will just get on disability?”…Personally, I want them to leave the rich man alone, where they will spend their money gleefully… we want them giving jobs and building things they don’t really need…And MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUTS!.. A Fair or Flat tax would help too…
Both the right and left garner sketchy advertisements that play to their bases, but this whole world is ending, pensions are dead, stocks are worthless, invest in gold - at a ninety-percent markup - should make right wing radio blanche.
It's ironic you mention this. Yesterday afternoon, a few hours before you posted that, I was sitting around with a few friends and had one tell us he'd pulled everything out of his mutual funds (or 401k, not sure) and invested all of it in something was was "gold backed." I thought the move was a little odd. I get his thinking, "gold is stable" but I also think that's "gold is stable, right now."
In the spirit of inclusion, the top eat the bottom. All the world's ancient wisdom traditions vilify the wealthy, for good reason(s). Permanent wealth status requires state subsidy and, in this case, trickery. They help create the opportunistic crises and then offer a variety of solutions, that also benefit them.
Maybe "they offer a variety of answers?" I seldom see solutions.
They just don’t get it…when they screw with the rich man’s money “ the middle class suffers”…the rich will always find ways to maintain being rich and keep their lifestyle intact… even if it means saving money instead of spending it… has anyone ever asked a poor man for a job?… does the poor pay taxes?.. nope!…the rich and middle class do… most poor people do whatever they can to stay poor… try to get them off of free entitlements and handouts.…see how that works… how many times have you heard “well I will just get on disability?”…Personally, I want them to leave the rich man alone, where they will spend their money gleefully… we want them giving jobs and building things they don’t really need…And MIDDLE CLASS TAX CUTS!.. A Fair or Flat tax would help too…
This is an ignorant line of argumentation. First of all the great majority of welfare, benefits, subsidies, etc. go to the rich. Only crumbs go to the poor. Secondly there are all sorts of regulations and burdens that disproportionately burden the poor. For starters, the monetary and banking systems we have were designed primarily to benefit the rich at the expense of the poor. A complicated tax code was created to benefit the rich at the expense of the poor. Government mandated occupational licensure and certification laws criminalize self-starters and entrepreneurs from backgrounds unfriendly to formal schooling, usually the poor. A compulsory funded and compulsory attended education system was literally designed to stultify and retard individual initiative and exceptionalism for the benefit of the owners and managers of industry and finance, in addition to militarists who needed a national identify to replace family, community, and state identity to command cannon fodder overseas to their deaths to defend multinational corporate interests (again benefiting wealthy owners of stocks). I'm talking deeply entrenched and structural features of the government that create additional poverty and make upward mobility more difficult than it otherwise should be. The answer isn't more welfare for the poor, of course, but instead to end all protectionist policies that benefit the rich at the expense of the poor.
This is an ignorant line of argumentation. First of all the great majority of welfare, benefits, subsidies, etc. go to the rich. Only crumbs go to the poor. Secondly there are all sorts of regulations and burdens that disproportionately burden the poor. For starters, the monetary and banking systems we have were designed primarily to benefit the rich at the expense of the poor. A complicated tax code was created to benefit the rich at the expense of the poor. Government mandated occupational licensure and certification laws criminalize self-starters and entrepreneurs from backgrounds unfriendly to formal schooling, usually the poor. A compulsory funded and compulsory attended education system was literally designed to stultify and retard individual initiative and exceptionalism for the benefit of the owners and managers of industry and finance, in addition to militarists who needed a national identify to replace family, community, and state identity to command cannon fodder overseas to their deaths to defend multinational corporate interests (again benefiting wealthy owners of stocks). I'm talking deeply entrenched and structural features of the government that create additional poverty and make upward mobility more difficult than it otherwise should be. The answer isn't more welfare for the poor, of course, but instead to end all protectionist policies that benefit the rich at the expense of the poor.
Most people on welfare or disability are lazy and can work but will not… unless they are doing illegal off the books jobs and not paying taxes… we should not be paying people to spit out kids…kids that usually spend the lives at their granny’s house.. while mommy parties then spits out more..some people are on disability for bullshit reasons…They pay no income taxes either… I don’t owe them a living… we should take care of the elderly, the real sick and the children…the rest can pay their fair share and work…. I have worked since I was 16…I cant afford to live on disability If I wanted to…I should be on it now…
As I said punish the rich if you want.. they will get our asses back in the end…they also quit hiring people..they will become tight with their money…Im not rich but I have seen the consequences of discriminating against them…they will win because they have they money… look at Uncle Joe…the middle class is always getting burnt..
Translated: "Let me make a point and start by throwing shit at the wall to see if it'll stick."
Nope… 100% truth.. thanks to barrack.. over 47 % of this country on government handouts… not working.. not paying their “fair share” of tax… and more keep adding on… more people demanding free stuff… some that never worked…They must find a way to change the BS..and now some of the bastards want their loans paid off.. piss on um
Nope… 100% truth..
Saying most people on welfare or disability can work, but they're lazy, isn't 100% truth. It's an over-generalization. You'll find a lot on SSI who work their 40 or 45 hours a month, as allotted.

There is fraud, that I certainly understand. Hale County Alabama among the worst.
Saying most people on welfare or disability can work, but they're lazy, isn't 100% truth. It's an over-generalization. You'll find a lot on SSI who work their 40 or 45 hours a month, as allotted.

There is fraud, that I certainly understand. Hale County Alabama among the worst.
Just stating facts that the handout society is growing and growing…. People are getting disability more and more for BS reasons.. I have lupus and still work daily…a lot of these students sit at home because they want to protest everything, smoke dope and demand unrealistic wage… even younger are just lazy and unambitious… we are as a people allowing it to grow and fester…the wheels are going to come off completely… we should never have a nation with over 47 % of its people demanding handouts and programs… it shouldn’t be over 20%… Im being generous on that…

Too many people excuse this… We are doomed..
When irony touches the subject ...

My mother has lupus. She can't. Some days? Sure. She's not on disability.

Gotta pay the bills someway, somehow. Those smokers' money spends as well as others. 😈
I feel for her…it is a chameleon .. some days you are ok.. some days barley walk…some days vision sucks.. started from a thyroid auto immune.. once you get auto immune.. you can get several…
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