| CURRENT EVENTS The right eat their own...

In the spirit of inclusion, the top eat the bottom. All the world's ancient wisdom traditions vilify the wealthy, for good reason(s). Permanent wealth status requires state subsidy and, in this case, trickery. They help create the opportunistic crises and then offer a variety of solutions, that also benefit them.
Rhythm And Poetry.

It's ironic you mention this. Yesterday afternoon, a few hours before you posted that, I was sitting around with a few friends and had one tell us he'd pulled everything out of his mutual funds (or 401k, not sure) and invested all of it in something was was "gold backed." I thought the move was a little odd. I get his thinking, "gold is stable" but I also think that's "gold is stable, right now."
If one doesn’t have physical possession of the gold he has nothing more than a fart in a sack. Precious metals are manipulated but currency is worse. The lure of currency is its ease of convertibility. Currency is a means of tabulating time. How much of your time is worth the time taken to produce, market and sell what you want?
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