| CURRENT EVENTS The Border Bill. I've got what I think is a simple question. Thoughts?


There are several different aspects of the proposed bill I don't like. If I were sitting in Washington, I'd have voted against the bill. No second thoughts.

There is one thing about that proposal that just doesn't make sense to me given what we've been told.

One of the components of the bill is they would stop border crossings, every day, when they reach the 5000 limit. If I understand this correctly, #4999 and #5000 can get in, but #5001 is stopped (until tomorrow.)

If they have the ability to stop at 5000 doesn't that mean they have the ability to stop at 1?
This notion that the admin is flying people all over the country has already been proven to be false, now Desantis and Abbott are sending people to different cities, you know people that here illegally
Let's see. The Center for Immigration Studies has documented 45 cities where this has happened.

But, it's a notion? It's been proven false? By whom?

Let's see. The House Committee on Homeland Security names the airports Mayorkis has used...

But, it's a notion.

I'll grant you. The administration is saying, "no, we're not doing that." Here, is where the jokes begin.
Let's see. The Center for Immigration Studies has documented 45 cities where this has happened.

But, it's a notion? It's been proven false? By whom?

Let's see. The House Committee on Homeland Security names the airports Mayorkis has used...

But, it's a notion.

I'll grant you. The administration is saying, "no, we're not doing that." Here, is where the jokes begin.
The fucking republican controlled house is saying it? Oh yes because those pinhead cultists are honest people. You’re absolutely funny man, you say Biden lied, and this democrat and that democrat lied, but then you come with “The House committee”, nothing personal, but I don’t care what those cultist tools have to say, there isn’t an intelligent one in the bunch

DeSantis and Abbott are the only people that have been proven to be flying illegal immigrants to cities. The Center for Immigration Studies is an anti-immigrant think tank who are not taken seriously by anybody not on the right, the Immigration Policy Center and the CATO Institute I bet have different views
Do we need to do this, again? Stop labeling me as someone who aligns with the right.

You say, "you don't know me" when talking with people. We do.

And here, you DO know me.
I’ll say it again and again…if it smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey, and looks like a monkey it isn’t a giraffe, so when your views, opinions, etc align with the right then you can call yourself whatever you want, but you’re right.

I’ll correct you on one thing, “We do”, no the WE you speak of don’t know me, the we know some of my views, but the we don’t know me in the least bit.

I know your views, which has led me to put you and the right in the same box.
I’ll say it again and again…if it smells like a monkey, acts like a monkey, and looks like a monkey it isn’t a giraffe, so when your views, opinions, etc align with the right then you can call yourself whatever you want, but you’re right.

I’ll correct you on one thing, “We do”, no the WE you speak of don’t know me, the we know some of my views, but the we don’t know me in the least bit.

I know your views, which has led me to put you and the right in the same box.
How do my views align with the right on these subjects...

Marijuana. Any drug, for that matter.
Prison sentences and prisoner rights.
Funding for other countries.

While you can call me 'right' for economic thoughts, you can't call me 'right' on cultural issues.

If you can think of an example, please cite it...I've no issues with self introspection.
The fucking republican controlled house is saying it? Oh yes because those pinhead cultists are honest people. You’re absolutely funny man, you say Biden lied, and this democrat and that democrat lied, but then you come with “The House committee”, nothing personal, but I don’t care what those cultist tools have to say, there isn’t an intelligent one in the bunch
Center for Immigration Studies. I cited two places...because you can't dismiss one of the other says the same. Look it up.
How do my views align with the right on these subjects...

Marijuana. Any drug, for that matter.
Prison sentences and prisoner rights.
Funding for other countries.

While you can call me 'right' for economic thoughts, you can't call me 'right' on cultural issues.

If you can think of an example, please cite it...I've no issues with self introspection.
LGTBTQ-your views are aligned with the right
Abortion-aligned with the right
Immigration-aligned with the right
LGTBTQ-your views are aligned with the right
How? I don't give a damn who anyone sleeps with.
Abortion-aligned with the right
I struggle with this. But, all I've said is it's down the the state and how they vote. Constitution. If that's "aligned with the right?"
Immigration-aligned with the right
I've said it's a problem. I've said it could be corrected, immediately. I've said that the fault is on the current administration.

That's not left, nor right.

Again it’s how I talk at times
So. All I"m saying is stop for a minute. Think about who you are talking with.
How? I don't give a damn who anyone sleeps with.

I struggle with this. But, all I've said is it's down the the state and how they vote. Constitution. If that's "aligned with the right?"

I've said it's a problem. I've said it could be corrected, immediately. I've said that the fault is on the current administration.

That's not left, nor right.

So. All I"m saying is stop for a minute. Think about who you are talking with.
You align with people on the right. You’ve repeated their talking points
I know that feeling. I took a few courses a few years ago that required me to be online at specific times. It drove me crazy: couldn't do it again. No. Let me change that. I won't do it again.
I’ll never do it again and if I could go back I wouldn’t have done it now, knowing the work it would take to juggle a life and a full load at college plus find time to research and write.
After citing things that are opposite of the right, you suggest I align with the right.

That's right, in a sense. On a lot of policy issues. Cultural issues? No so much.

I'm a constitutional guy and neither the right or left seems to follow that ideal. One does, more than the other.
So, you say opposite of the right, but you’ve aligned with the right on those very things while debating me
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