| CURRENT EVENTS The Border Bill. I've got what I think is a simple question. Thoughts?


There are several different aspects of the proposed bill I don't like. If I were sitting in Washington, I'd have voted against the bill. No second thoughts.

There is one thing about that proposal that just doesn't make sense to me given what we've been told.

One of the components of the bill is they would stop border crossings, every day, when they reach the 5000 limit. If I understand this correctly, #4999 and #5000 can get in, but #5001 is stopped (until tomorrow.)

If they have the ability to stop at 5000 doesn't that mean they have the ability to stop at 1?
Your friends strength is admirable. I know somebody that was a result of rape and his Mom treated him like shit, treated him like less than, like an outcast, while treating her other son that wasn’t a result of an awful situation like a charm.

Ok, I can respect your opinion on that, although I disagree with the free will and god thing. Let me ask it this way, do you think there should be an exemption in the case of rape, sexual assault, etc or a total ban?
Ok, I can respect your opinion on that, although I disagree with the free will and god thing. Let me ask it this way, do you think there should be an exemption in the case of rape, sexual assault, etc or a total ban?
How do you disagree with free will? You exercise it every day.

An exemption from what? The ability to exercise free will? While I have my opinions, I have no right to say what anyone else should do. For lack of a better way to put this, "that's your mistake to make."
“I have my opinions, I have no right to say” is code for I don’t want to give my opinion.
Wait a second. You've been pointing to my opinions in this thread and now choose to say "I don't want to give my opinion?" How does that work?

The one thing you can not say is I have not been explicitly clear on my opinions. If you are looking for those opinions they are found under common sense.
Wait a second. You've been pointing to my opinions in this thread and now choose to say "I don't want to give my opinion?" How does that work?

The one thing you can not say is I have not been explicitly clear on my opinions. If you are looking for those opinions they are found under common sense.
I asked you a pretty simple question and you didn’t answer. I asked “do you think there should be an exemption for rape, sexual assault, etc or a total ban? So, common sense would say you believe there should be, but you’ve not answered that
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