| CURRENT EVENTS The Border Bill. I've got what I think is a simple question. Thoughts?


There are several different aspects of the proposed bill I don't like. If I were sitting in Washington, I'd have voted against the bill. No second thoughts.

There is one thing about that proposal that just doesn't make sense to me given what we've been told.

One of the components of the bill is they would stop border crossings, every day, when they reach the 5000 limit. If I understand this correctly, #4999 and #5000 can get in, but #5001 is stopped (until tomorrow.)

If they have the ability to stop at 5000 doesn't that mean they have the ability to stop at 1?
So, you say opposite of the right, but you’ve aligned with the right on those very things while debating me
No. I've not said opposite of the right. I've said on economic policies I agree with a lot of what they say. I've said on cultural issues, I don't.

Get out of my life. Get out of my bedroom. Get out of my wallet. These are things I've clearly stated.

If you judge things based on the constitution, how is one right or left?
Ok, let me put it another way, every social issue you’ve debated me about and pretty much reiterated every righty talking point, straight from Fox
Let me say this again.

The ONLY thing I watch on FOX is Gutfeld! There is a reason that show is the #1 show on late night TV now: he's funny.

I watched Morning Joe this morning. He's equally as funny: in a different context.
LGBTQ issues when we debated it/talked about it you repeated the right’s talking points.
Is it a right talking point that they don't deserve any more recognition than any one else? That's been my stance, repeatedly. I don't look at people any differently and they don't deserve to be treated differently. "I don't give a damn what you do in the bedroom" is a right talking point? No.
Abortion the same thing. But, for better clarification on the abortion thing, do you think women should be able to get birth control, Plan B, IVF?
What have I said about abortion?

It should be a state decision: the Constitution affirms that view.
I've said there should be limits to when a child can be aborted. Ironically, the same thing Clinton has said...but he's right?
I've said abortion should not be used as birth control: self control does the same thing.

We've never discussed birth control. I'd imagine 99% of men don't like condoms. I'm with them...selfish, but still. Of course I agree with birth control options. I don't agree with the idea that if you fuck up and get pregnant 'let's take an easy way out.'
Is it a right talking point that they don't deserve any more recognition than any one else? That's been my stance, repeatedly. I don't look at people any differently and they don't deserve to be treated differently. "I don't give a damn what you do in the bedroom" is a right talking point? No.

What have I said about abortion?

It should be a state decision: the Constitution affirms that view.
I've said there should be limits to when a child can be aborted. Ironically, the same thing Clinton has said...but he's right?
I've said abortion should not be used as birth control: self control does the same thing.

We've never discussed birth control. I'd imagine 99% of men don't like condoms. I'm with them...selfish, but still. Of course I agree with birth control options. I don't agree with the idea that if you fuck up and get pregnant 'let's take an easy way out.'
But, see this is the difference between us, some on this site feel the same way the rest of the right does, that that community is scum, less than, I’ve seen it on here and with others on the right call them pedos, and because of that the “recognition” needs to happen because half this country feels that way and some of that half are why some in that community feel they’re not safe.

Self control by men does that same thing. What about sexual assault? Rape? When is the cutoff to you?

So, you’re good with birth control, what about the morning after pill? IVF? I assume you’re meaning abortion as the “easy way out”.
Every social issue. LGBTQ issues when we debated it/talked about it you repeated the right’s talking points. Abortion the same thing. But, for better clarification on the abortion thing, do you think women should be able to get birth control, Plan B, IVF?
This isn't a right talking point. I find a lot of this to be stupid. I don't like symbolism over substance.

Here's a great example...where's the paint on his roller:

So, you’re good with birth control, what about the morning after pill? IVF? I assume you’re meaning abortion as the “easy way out”.
Yes. I do look at abortion as an easy way out for a lot of people.

This is a weird series of questions. You're asking me about what I think about creating life (IVF) and destroying life in the same sequence. I'll take a hard ball stance here: I support life.
Ok, you support life in the case of rape, sexual assault, etc?
I've seen both sides of this argument; personally. I've had conversations with the mom on this...

I know a guy that I fish with, golf with, that is a result of rape. His mom said something along the lines of "in an attempt to denigrate my life he created another." I don't understand how she had the strength to get through that: but I respect the fact she looked at her son as a life.

Other people aren't that strong. While I'd rather see a baby be born and adopted ... I can't imagine what a woman would feel like carrying a baby conceived in that situation.

As an answer to your question, I'll repeat what I've said. God gives free will. While I might not agree with what someone chooses, it's not my position. If you have free will, God given, then you should have choices.
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