| CURRENT EVENTS The Border Bill. I've got what I think is a simple question. Thoughts?


There are several different aspects of the proposed bill I don't like. If I were sitting in Washington, I'd have voted against the bill. No second thoughts.

There is one thing about that proposal that just doesn't make sense to me given what we've been told.

One of the components of the bill is they would stop border crossings, every day, when they reach the 5000 limit. If I understand this correctly, #4999 and #5000 can get in, but #5001 is stopped (until tomorrow.)

If they have the ability to stop at 5000 doesn't that mean they have the ability to stop at 1?
I’m beginning to wonder if a lot of these people coming over our border (the ones that aren’t criminals already, in a foreign military/spy or gangsters) are going to be offered military service for certain death in China -Taiwan war, Ukraine, The Middle East or South/Central America.. If they survive, they will be offered a pathway to citizenship..
What the fuck are you yammering on about? Nowhere did I say that Trump’s wall was bad, see this is what I mean when I say some of you read shit and add shit to what I’m saying
I wasn't 'yammering.'

I was repeating what was said when he was trying to build the wall. I quoted what you said.

And, it's a what the fuck moment. It wasn't about your or any opinion you have. It was just a look at what has happened.
I’m beginning to wonder if a lot of these people coming over our border (the ones that aren’t criminals already, in a foreign military/spy or gangsters) are going to be offered military service for certain death in China -Taiwan war, Ukraine, The Middle East or South/Central America.. If they survive, they will be offered a pathway to citizenship..
I thought I smoked good weed. :devilish:
I thought I smoked good weed. :devilish:
Gotta to have some good cannon fodder for the new “drone based wars”… they know that the draft will not work since Vietnam.. they know these kids don’t wanna run out in drone swarms and get killed by machines with grenades mounted on them… drones are doing most of the killing in Ukraine.. and China is working on drones swarms and gun mounted robo dogs..
Gotta to have some good cannon fodder for the new “drone based wars”… they know that the draft will not work since Vietnam.. they know these kids don’t wanna run out in drone swarms and get killed by machines with grenades mounted on them… drones are doing most of the killing in Ukraine.. and China is working on drones swarms and gun mounted robo dogs..
I see your opinions in this light...

You are the rail/post before the horse is tied up before the cart has arrived...

And sometimes? I think you are eating peyote. 🙃
For whom? We've been down this road.

You say robust. Give me a comparison for the money for Ukraine and the money for the border.
The border bill would’ve added 1500 border patrol agents, there’s a start, would’ve increased detention beds for people coming here illegally, would’ve added 100 immigration judges, would’ve added 100 inspection machines to catch fentanyl, amongst other things, totaling 56 billion dollars just for border security with other money for foreign aid, it was a good bill, better than the first one and yet still the right refused to pass it.

Here’s an idea- more money for the border, cut all foreign aid including to Israel and use it for domestic security like the border, would you agree with that? I already know the righties would NEVER pass it
The border bill would’ve added 1500 border patrol agents, there’s a start, would’ve increased detention beds for people coming here illegally, would’ve added 100 immigration judges, would’ve added 100 inspection machines to catch fentanyl, amongst other things, totaling 56 billion dollars just for border security with other money for foreign aid, it was a good bill, better than the first one and yet still the right refused to pass it.

Here’s an idea- more money for the border, cut all foreign aid including to Israel and use it for domestic security like the border, would you agree with that? I already know the righties would NEVER pass it
How does any of that stop the flow of illegals? Everything you mentioned is focused on an increase of people crossing.
The 2nd amendment is all fine and well, but it’s illegal to shoot people to protect property, so the people illegally crossing would have to shoot or harm somebody
We are being Beta tested everyday on protecting this nation.. we are not only allowing our government to let extremely violent and dangerous people in but foreign troops as well.. the border patrol has let us known there is nothing they can do.. they have proven that our second amendment is a joke to many.. blm, antifa, and Marxist riots should’ve been stopped by the citizens.. the citizens have failed.. and you will be fighting for all your Worth within the next year or so, when they finally decided to attack.. all we have done is embolden these people
We are being Beta tested everyday on protecting this nation.. we are not only allowing our government to let extremely violent and dangerous people in but foreign troops as well.. the border patrol has let us known there is nothing they can do.. they have proven that our second amendment is a joke to many.. blm, antifa, and Marxist riots should’ve been stopped by the citizens.. the citizens have failed.. and you will be fighting for all your Worth within the next year or so, when they finally decided to attack.. all we have done is embolden these people
What? This is some conspiracy theorist stuff that’s way out there man.

You also mean the Jan 6th rioters too right?
What? This is some conspiracy theorist stuff that’s way out there man.

You also mean the Jan 6th rioters too right?
History is repeating itself over and over.. Rome ..Babylon...Greece..Some more modern empires .. all failed because of malaise and complacency of the citizens .. America will die for the same reasons..

The word “conspiracy theorist” come from the CIA.. To label people who could actually see the “JFK assassination” was put on by the government… or the fake moon landing….. they wanted all to believe the stuff they spoonfed to Walter Cronkite and the mockingbird media .. How dare you ask questions of your government right?.. Whatever you do believe what the government says..

The Jan 6th stuff was BS… If it was all a well controlled psy-op.. if it weren’t, the capital police could’ve killed a hundred (if needed)..People fell hook, line and sinker… More and more lies are getting exposed.. The press was even waiting for them inside the capital…Such a big deception, or maybe a distraction..Funny the reporters that breeched didn’t get charged (unless they were conservative)..One day the real truth about that “horse shit” will come to light..All we do is look at the big shiny object, but not the clues right there in front of you.. Investigate!!…Look hard enough and you will see their mistakes..
Here’s an idea- more money for the border, cut all foreign aid including to Israel and use it for domestic security like the border, would you agree with that? I already know the righties would NEVER pass it
That was the idea. There was so much money going to other countries versus the border it was a stupid bill. I told you this but you chose to blame Trump. Now you are saying the border bill should focus on spending money on the border versus other countries...which was the problem with the first one. And, the one you defended.

Here's another idea. Let's go back to where we were about four year ago before the current administration starting canceling things. The audacity of bragging about it still has me shaking my head.
The wall alone wouldn’t stop them, but more agents leads to more people catching illegal crossings
We can count about 10 million that came across illegally. These were caught and then released into the US. There’s another ~1.5 million “gotaways” that crossed and nobody knows where they went. It makes more sense to stop the 10 million that crossed and are now on the taxpayer’s account than focus solely on the 1.5 million.
How many states have "Stand your ground laws?" I don't know.

There is no law that says it's illegal to shoot people when you are protecting your own property.
It is in fact illegal to shoot somebody in defense of property, deadly force is only allowed in defense of your life or somebody else’s.

Stand your ground is all fine and well, but shooting somebody crossing the border is illegal unless they owe a threat and you can prove it, hence why every officer involved shooting is investigated as a murder
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