OK, Question with formatting of posts

Recently, I don't seem to have the ability to have carriage returns in my post. I can hit enter when I'm typing, but when I preview/post, it runs together. Any thoughts?

make a post that's messed up on your end...so we can see what it looks like here.

grab a screen shot and attach it...

this have to do with C & P by any chance...

we're talking about it...
Sorry I'm late getting back to this. Work travel has got me out of whack. This is a basketball post I've been waiting to post. The attachment shows what I typed in. The post shows all the carriage returns removed. I switched to FireFox just to rule out a MS Explorer issue. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Post like that I'd love as front page content. Which yours is now. :cool:

That said, even when I moved it to the editor page...Lance, it still took a bit of editing.

shipley, if you are going to give us things like this a couple of times a year I need to get you set so you can publish them...or, you can just do this and I can do it myself.

I'll get in touch with Lance now...
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