| LIFE ***Official Daily Dose of Ineptitude*** (enter at own risk)

What happened to TerAway? Matter of fact..what happened to all of you? This thread is as slow as I can ever remember it. Did Hannibal start the new Woolly and not tell me?
What happened to TerAway? Matter of fact..what happened to all of you? This thread is as slow as I can ever remember it. Did Hannibal start the new Woolly and not tell me?
Starts doo doo thread.

Wants to know what happened to everybody.
my friend had an interesting patient last night. Was wondering if she fit the mold of any of y'all's significant other. Without breaking HIPAA laws I'll give a discreet description:
Heavy Meth Use
An Intimate knowledge of how to drive/steal ambulance.
A proclivity for running around naked screaming "there's spiders in my pussy!!!!!!"
And the guts to tell police she didn't have the ambulance keys in her "prison pocket" even after an X-Ray confirmed.

Which one of y'all fucks paid THAT bail??
If another fucking bum asks me for some money, I'm killing somebody. And if I have to wait in line behind some white trash piece of shit buying lottery tickets, I'm killing somebody.
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