| FTBL "Not so fast my friend!"


Verified Member
While the loss tastes like cold crow going down, I'm not so down on the results of this season and here's why:

1. Out of six losses - the MOST the Tide lost by was 7 points. Do you all realize that?
I'd say that's not too shabby for a team that is still recuperating from NCAA penalties (loss of scholarships etc.) And none of these teams have been on probation, out of scholarships and going through the 4th coach in 7 years...

2. CS is doing a fine job considering one, he's down at the Tuscaloosa County Jail bailing players out every weekend (or so it seems) he has multiple discipline problems coming from Shula players, AND... his starting QB has been experiencing some off the field personal issues.

Finally, don't be so surprised that Auburn is beating up on a "down" Alabama team. CS has inherited a crap bomb of issues that he is having to sort out. CS will get the Team straightened out. The Barners are shaking in their boots (as Lowder sits in his chair thinking of ways to get rid of Tubbs.)
I don't usually answer many posts, but I feel the need to say something here.

1. Last year everyone was saying, "I can handle taking a beatdown, but I HATE to loose these close games." This year, it's "Well at least they've all been close." And Let's please not drag up the Probation crap as excuses yet AGAIN!! We didn't win the recruiting battle the last couple of years and that really had nothing to do with the NCAA Santions.

2. I'm not knocking CNS here, but yes, he's been bailing out these players (so to speak) and dealing with several player issues, BUT he should have some respect and control by the end of the regular season so that he would not have to keep bailing them out. Yes, he suspends them from game play, but is he doing enough behind the scene to gain their trust and respect? I dunno! We have some great talent on the team. We have a lot of good players too who make too many mistakes. Again, a discipline issue. And yes it seems that we have some players who don't give a rip if they are there or not.

Finally, Yes, I believe things will get straightened out, and things will get better. The Barners are shaking in their boots? NO! Not until we give them a reason to do so.

Furthermore, We really don't need to have a melt down though, I hate losing as much as anyone, but we sit around this very board posting things from rival forums after they lose and make fun of the melt down, then after we lose; we make some of their comments look sane.

ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!
Here's to the hopes of a Bowl Bid. YES I hope we get one. It's more money for our program and it's more recognition and whether we win it or loose it, it is still good for recruiting. And here's too a Good signing day and a better year next year.
ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!
getting things straight

it will take Saban atleast three years to get things going and I don't think ya'll have the patience to wait that long! also didn't shula do better with his players than what Saban is doing? I'll bet Shula is at home right now laughing his butt off. :lol:
Re: getting things straight

ranger350 said:
it will take Saban atleast three years to get things going and I don't think ya'll have the patience to wait that long! also didn't shula do better with his players than what Saban is doing? I'll bet Shula is at home right now laughing his butt off. :lol:

He ain't laughing, cause he is a BAMA supporter. He is hurting just like a lot of us are.

Here are a few facts in my opinion that you are not considering.

  • 1. Wins at Arkansas, Tennessee, Vandy & Ole Miss(Last year only Ole Miss & Vandy)
  • 2. Close games at LSU, FSU, Georgia, & the Barn. (Last year weaker schedule)
  • 3. Number 3 in recruiting (At last count)
Now suck it up, quit whining, and see that we are well on the way to a winning again.
mine said:
And Let's please not drag up the Probation crap as excuses yet AGAIN!! We didn't win the recruiting battle the last couple of years and that really had nothing to do with the NCAA Santions.
I have to disagree. How can you not drag up this Probation crap as you call it. We all know Shula didnt win any recruiting battles at all the whole time he was here. As a matter of fact we didnt win any recruiting battles the whole time we were on probation. Why because we were strapped by probation so Shulas hands were tied, so therefore he had to bring in people with a lot less talent.He didnt recruit top notch talent he didnt know what top notch talent was. Besides that he didnt recruit any players at all for the defensive side of the ball or any very good lineman either. This probation was just over this past February 2007. Saban just signed the first class of players of the post probation era. So how can you not look at the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth here. What seems to be your problem and bty ranger who do you think you are to question Coach Saban.
Re: getting things straight

ranger350 said:
it will take Saban atleast three years to get things going and I don't think ya'll have the patience to wait that long! also didn't shula do better with his players than what Saban is doing? I'll bet Shula is at home right now laughing his butt off. :lol:

Wow, ignorance is bliss.
BigAl said:
mine said:
And Let's please not drag up the Probation crap as excuses yet AGAIN!! We didn't win the recruiting battle the last couple of years and that really had nothing to do with the NCAA Santions.
I have to disagree. How can you not drag up this Probation crap as you call it. We all know Shula didnt win any recruiting battles at all the whole time he was here. As a matter of fact we didnt win any recruiting battles the whole time we were on probation. Why because we were strapped by probation so Shulas hands were tied, so therefore he had to bring in people with a lot less talent.He didnt recruit top notch talent he didnt know what top notch talent was. Besides that he didnt recruit any players at all for the defensive side of the ball or any very good lineman either. This probation was just over this past February 2007. Saban just signed the first class of players of the post probation era. So how can you not look at the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth here. What seems to be your problem and bty ranger who do you think you are to question Coach Saban.

After I posted that, I thought, "yep, someone is not going to get the full aspect of my thoughts on that", yet I never went back and added to it. SO.

Maybe I worded the last part of that a little wrong. Yes, the probation DID effect recruiting some. BUT it was not the bottom line. Even if we were not on probation with limited scholly's do you really believe that our recruiting would have been top of the class these past few years? We recruited a certain "type" of player and not necessarily the best players.

But even with that, It's time we get past those limitations as our excuse when we struggle. We've had 1 or 2 full recruiting classes since? I know it takes a while to get over some things, I'm not lacking in all knowledge, I'm just saying it's time to move on and stop saying, that we STILL have probs, and it's all because of those years. YES they hurt, YES we may still be feeling some repercussion from them, NO it's not the reason we still struggle, No it's not our excuse to accept mediocrity. We are BAMA and it's time we move on and see where we are headed instead of complain about where we've been.
I don't think anyone is complaining. I think if you're going to be intellectually honest about the situation Alabama is in and why they are losing the games they are, you will see that the scholarships, probation, discipline problems (suspensions and arrests), lack of top of recruiting classes and multiple head coaches are all factors that chip into the pot.
I'm sure when CS writes his January 1st wish list for the year, none of these items listed above will be on that list. None of those are conducive to building a solid championship winning program.

No one here is accepting mediocrity.
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