It doesn't seem too much of a stretch for people to associate Chicago, demonstrations and riots, and the two different conventions in the same mental exercise. Setting Israel/Iran aside, I started thinking about this a year or so ago wondering how bad it might get. Those thoughts weren't sparked by foreign policy; it was a combination of border, sanctuary, and Chicago's propensity for violence.1965.
The only reason anyone will equate that Chicago convention with the upcoming one is because they want to over emphasize any connection just to get clicks and for shits and giggles. In 1968, people were being drafted and sent to Vietnam. Completely different scenario now, albeit unpopular in some segments, but not nearly the same. American treasure is being spilled, but no American blood is being spilled.
Now? Today? I'm surprised we haven't seen mirror images of Columbia on campus at the University of Chicago.
FWIW, on last nights Gutfeld! there was a reference to UA...a few video clips about southern colleges being more tolerant than their northern counterparts.