| CURRENT EVENTS Israel vs. Iran, and where will the US fit in?

Brandon Van de Graaff

A defensive deity, inventor of the Concussion.
This has been building, supposedly with Iran holding off until Ramadan ended (earlier this week). Reports from US intelligence indicate that an attack of some sort is imminent. Israel is echoing that. Then there’s this…

From what little I’ve seen, the US appears to be sending/arranging assets in the region to help with the defense of any missile strikes against Israel. Beyond that, I’m not sure.

There’s also this (assuming it is legit)… which I’m a tad confused as to why they think they can dictate what the US does as if they think they hold America’s nuts in their hands.

The real reason Islam is trying to fight Israel right now is because the red heifer cows are about to be sacrificed.. the red heifer cows must be sacrificed during Passover between April 22 and May 1.. this is the process they need to begin constructing the Jewish temple.. In order for them to build the Jewish temple. They must destroy the Dome of the Rock.. The Dome of the Rock is one of the most sacred sites in Islam will surely bring Jihad from everywhere..
The real reason Islam is trying to fight Israel right now is because the red heifer cows are about to be sacrificed.. the red heifer cows must be sacrificed during Passover between April 22 and May 1.. this is the process they need to begin constructing the Jewish temple.. In order for them to build the Jewish temple. They must destroy the Dome of the Rock.. The Dome of the Rock is one of the most sacred sites in Islam will surely bring Jihad from everywhere..
The Red Heifer is in reality a red herring. The Israelites know that they are not ready. It keeps evangelical zionists as well as a majority of Protestants enthralled with the “gawds chosen people” claptrap. Could be that with Israel bombing the Iranian Embassy in Syria, the red herring intelligence reports are an attempt to goad Iran into acting so the US gets sucked into another money making venture for the military industrial complex.
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The Red Heifer is in reality a red herring. The Israelites know that they are not ready. It keeps evangelical zionists as well as a majority of Protestants enthralled with the “gawds chosen people” claptrap. Could be that with Israel bombing the Iranian Embassy in Syria, the red herring intelligence reports are an attempt to goad iran into acting so the US gets sucked into another money making venture for the military industrial complex.
Just the mere presence of those cows in Israel enrages Muslims.. they just want you to believe that Hamas just decided to attack for no reason..They put out in a video the attack was because of the red heifers and the preparation of the alter..
Final Answer: Complicit.

This is a repeat of what this administration has been doing. Think about this for a second:
  • Here's weapons for your war against Hamas.
  • Stop using the weapons against Hamas.
Now consider, knowing it's a terrorist state, the situation with Iran:
  • Here's your money, we're lifting sanctions.
  • Don't use the money we released to act like the group we know you are.
  • Don't.
It is not lost on me this is the first time Iran has launch an assault on Israel in what...four decades now? Dating back to which POTUS?

The comparison to Carter continue ...

I hate using the word "entertaining." I'm definitely intrigued with Iran.

We have a reported 300 drone and missile attacks yesterday with what's reported as a 1% success rate. Iran says, "ok, there's our shot. We'll quit for now, but if you retaliate ..."

It's like one guy taking a cheat shot at another and when he realizes the blow didn't land it's "okay, okay..." and proceeds to back up.

And the Biden administration recommends a diplomatic response…
As well as "Don't" before this happened and as of last night it was a condemnation of "these attacks in the strongest possible terms."

I saw a headline a few minutes ago that Biden was going to call on the heads of the G7: France, Canada, Germany, UK, and Italy ... doing a great job over there right. Yeah, there's a brain trust I'm trusting. :rolleyes:
The real reason Islam is trying to fight Israel right now...
Funny how all the "Islam" on the receiving end of US aid and US arms deals has gotten along just fine with Israel for decades now, including short-lived ISIS. Moreover, all of Israel's "hostile" Arab neighbors stood by idly, while at times helping to protect Israel from Iran's drones and missiles. Would have been an opportune time for additional Islamic states to pile on during the chaos, if they were really enemies of the Jewish state.

So maybe it has much less to do with race or religion than with alliances, petro-dollars, and if you've been paying attention to the region, the construction of Middle Eastern oil pipelines to supply energy to Europe to weaken Russia's status as monopoly provider.
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