Two wrongs don’t make a right. You can’t redeem a regrettable decision to enlist and defend a decaying and corrupt government like ours by deciding to kill more foreigners who are merely trying to defend their own communities.but I think we should avenge our troops lives..
There is no honor in upholding your obligations in a contract when the other party has failed to fulfill its part.They took an oath and signed a contract
Again, not my problem or the problem of any other tax payer struggling to make ends meet. Since when do we bail people out of making poor decisions, in this case by voluntarily giving up their moral agency to act according to their conscience?if they refuse to do what they are told and follow orders their lives are ruined forever
How is it in America’s interest to support policies which (on their face) claim to defend the borders of foreign countries and the quality of life of foreigners while our own borders go unsecured and as our own citizens continue to suffer by almost every metric you can point to?????
Face it, at some point, your patriotism becomes treasonous when your loyalty to your government exceeds your loyalty to your country. Your government has failed you and every other American. It’s not worth any additional life on foreign soil.