| CURRENT EVENTS Israel vs. Iran, and where will the US fit in?

This appears to be “the hook in the jaws” moment in the Bible… When God drags those countries in to confront Israel.. It doesn’t end well for them… But, also remember the “evil thought” those countries have about attacking the land of ‘unwalled villages”…Some say that is the USA..
And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, Ezekiel..
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This appears to be “the hook in the jaws” moment in the Bible… When God drags those countries in to confront Israel.. It doesn’t end well for them… But, also remember the “evil thought” those countries have about attacking the land of ‘unwalled villages”…Some say that is the USA..
And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, Ezekiel..
Come on now!! You know the Bible is just an old, antiquated book of fables and made-up stories to captivate the masses. None of that stuff in there happened or will happen.....HEAVY SARC
Come on now!! You know the Bible is just an old, antiquated book of fables and made-up stories to captivate the masses. None of that stuff in there happened or will happen.....HEAVY SARC
What people do not realize is that NWO is following the biblical script to the letter.. WHY? Because atheist and other the religions do not believe it anyway, do not care and will make no effort to stop it…Most Christians, Protestant and Catholics, believe that it is totally inevitable and it’s God’s will… It’s not GOD’S will it was put there mainly as a warning, that the world would become that stupid..GOD let it be known when we all become that stupid, HE will end it..
Not sure which is more amazing… that this continues to happen with very little news coverage or that it continues to happen with Biden doing nothing about it. Maybe Trump will hammer the administration on it and land a punch for the first time in 2 weeks if he can manage to somehow forego the need to keep sparring with other republicans instead…

Not sure which is more amazing… that this continues to happen with very little news coverage or that it continues to happen with Biden doing nothing about it. Maybe Trump will hammer the administration on it and land a punch for the first time in 2 weeks if he can manage to somehow forego the need to keep sparring with other republicans instead…

It's probably another military base he wants to give away. What's the count now? Is it nine the military has "relinquished?"

The leadership of our military is an absolute joke..The should erase these people right now..
Why “an absolute joke”?

Because empires are perpetually entitled to garrisons in foreign lands?

Or because endless wars exhaust every country’s limited supply of “a few good men” except America’s?

Or because our military leaders are uniquely immune, unlike foreigners, from the inevitable corruption of a bloated and expanding military-industrial complex?

As I look at it, rather than “a joke,” we are pretty much on script for the life cycle of empires. Your remark reminds me of the most ignorant and entitled football fan who expects uninterrupted dominance, as if the virtues required by excellence care at all about team colors, flags, banners, or mascots. When good people, good talent, and sound decision-making are frivolously expended rather than conserved, you will return to mediocrity. Greatness is not inherited. Endless war-making and international policing has disrespected the natural scarcity of courageous warriors and principled leaders in our society, which is arguably every country’s most precious commodity. Any society that chose to abuse its short supply of selfless soldiers and wise leaders, would follow the path we are on, which is the predictable path of history’s dying empires which can’t survive without constant emergency spending, expanding its periphery, and devouring additional colonies and territories.
Why “an absolute joke”?

Because empires are perpetually entitled to garrisons in foreign lands?

Or because endless wars exhaust every country’s limited supply of “a few good men” except America’s?

Or because our military leaders are uniquely immune, unlike foreigners, from the inevitable corruption of a bloated and expanding military-industrial complex?

As I look at it, rather than “a joke,” we are pretty much on script for the life cycle of empires. Your remark reminds me of the most ignorant and entitled football fan who expects uninterrupted dominance, as if the virtues required by excellence care at all about team colors, flags, banners, or mascots. When good people, good talent, and sound decision-making are frivolously expended rather than conserved, you will return to mediocrity. Greatness is not inherited. Endless war-making and international policing has disrespected the natural scarcity of courageous warriors and principled leaders in our society, which is arguably every country’s most precious commodity. Any society that chose to abuse its precious supply of selfless soldiers and wise leaders, would follow the path we are on, which is the predictable path of history’s dying empires which can’t survive without expanding its periphery and devouring additional colonies.
They kill our people, they die..The dead and maimed had no choice in the matter..They owe them that..
They kill our people, they die.
How do you define “our people”?

What are “our people” doing over there amongst foreign people? Our freedom is here, not over there.

Is it reasonable for “our people” to go anywhere in the world and expect the same protections as they would receive here at home?

Should a government as corrupt and inept as ours be expected to have limitless money, ability, and skill to keep every American on the planet out of harm when in the midst of disputes among foreign countries?

Can we expect our utterly corrupt and inept government to protect us from the additional enemies we create by each and every foreign intervention when our government can’t even defend our borders or defend the purchasing power and savings of American families who struggle just to afford having children?
How do you define “our people”?

What are “our people” doing over there amongst foreign people? Our freedom is here, not over there.

Is it reasonable for “our people” to go anywhere in the world and expect the same protections as they would receive here at home?

Should a government as corrupt and inept as ours be expected to have limitless money, ability, and skill to keep every American on the planet out of harm when in the midst of disputes among foreign countries?

Can we expect our utterly corrupt and inept government to protect us from the additional enemies we create by each and every foreign intervention when our government can’t even defend our borders or defend the purchasing power and savings of American families who struggle just to afford having children?
Our troops…The are doing what if they are told to do…If They object they are court martialed.. We need to avenge them…I would shoot anyone that kills our troops for free..
Our troops…The are doing what if they are told to do…If They object they are court martialed.. We need to avenge them…I would shoot anyone that kills our troops for free..
Since when is it moral to obey any and all man-made orders?

Since when is it moral or ethical to kill on command, without question or conscience, a foreigner in a foreign land because a solider might face hardship by doing the right thing?

Since when should doing the right thing be easy? It’s supposed to be inconvenient. That’s what makes it “the right thing to do”!
Since when is it moral to obey any and all man-made orders?

Since when is it moral or ethical to kill on command, without question or conscience, a foreigner in a foreign land because a solider might face hardship by doing the right thing?

Since when should doing the right thing be easy? It’s supposed to be inconvenient. That’s what makes it “the right thing to do”!
Those guys agreed to to do such things…They took an oath and signed a contract… if they refuse to do what they are told and follow orders their lives are ruined forever ..don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying I agree with where they are… I don’t agree with everything we’re doing right now now… but I think we should avenge our troops lives..
Until this year my son was planning on making the Navy a career. He has decided to get out when his enlistment is up, almost 10 yrs by the time he gets out.
Until this year my son was planning on making the Navy a career. He has decided to get out when his enlistment is up, almost 10 yrs by the time he gets out.
Look at the leadership… I understand completely… The same morale plummet hit when slick Willie took over..within one year it seemed to be a ghost town on every base..
Look at the leadership… I understand completely… The same morale plummet hit when slick Willie took over..within one year it seemed to be a ghost town on every base..
I was 1 yr under Carter then 7 under Reagan. It really was like night & day between the two and Carter was a good person.
I was 1 yr under Carter then 7 under Reagan. It really was like night & day between the two and Carter was a good person.
Yeah my Dad and great uncle went bird hunting with him… His dog was named “Sport”… they said when he called the dog, it would make your skin crawl..
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