| CURRENT EVENTS Israel vs. Iran, and where will the US fit in?

My family tree goes back to days under aristocracy. They were neck deep.

The Apple doesn't fall far from...
Mine runs the gamut from one hanged for his part in the Lincoln assassination, High Stewards of the Isle of Butte, & various European aristocracy. A deep dive on the European aristocracy issue led me to believe that it is so common in modern DNA because of the tendency to sow their oats far & wide.
I understand. It also lets me know he hasn't read the first chapter in the book.
I haven't. It's in my queue. Fourth book down. I've looked at the pictures...my Mom (for whom I purchased the book) really enjoyed it.

On a related note...the book right before yours is this one. @It Takes Eleven you may enjoy the read. This is also written by a Bama fan...member of another site.

I haven't. It's in my queue. Fourth book down. I've looked at the pictures...my Mom (for whom I purchased the book) really enjoyed it.

On a related note...the book right before yours is this one. @It Takes Eleven you may enjoy the read. This is also written by a Bama fan...member of another site.

Interesting. I gave myself permission to quit reading The Brothers Karamazov, it just wasn't worth the effort to me. Happened across another James Hornfischer book I didn't know existed, Who Can Hold The Sea. It chronicles Cold War activities, from the Navy's perspective, from 1945 to 1960. Pretty fascinating, it actually goes back to the Twenties detailing the Soviet Communist mindset, truly incredible how far reaching their efforts were to infiltrate the U.S. and other democracies. It explains many of the actions of Russia, China and North Korea today, along with the useful idiots who have helped them along the way. It was published posthumously after Hornfischer lost his battle with brain cancer at just 55, and includes a preface from his wife. I sadly wonder what another twenty years of his incredible research, authorship and agent talents would've done to help preserve our history.

Hornfischer was also a literary agent, making a name for himself in that area before moving into authorship. I could get lost in the titles shown on his agency site: Hornfischer Literary Management

His home page: James D. Hornfischer – “Hornfischer is quickly establishing himself as doing for the Navy what popular historian Stephen Ambrose did for the Army.” —<em>Rocky Mountain News</em>
Bibi has been fear mongering about Iranian nukes for decades. We should expect the foreign policy elite and M.I.C. to start up the scare tactics and prepare the way for the return of the Maccabee … I mean, the return of Bibi to address Congress. The identities and roles of the “tail” and “dog” deserve scrutiny here.
They’ve been saying Iran has been a week away for years now… They are going to act like it’s a big surprise when they use (or attempt to use it).. We should worry about North Korea more…
Do you trust Iran with nuclear capabilities?
No, but…

Why would human beings trust ANY GOVERNMENT having nukes, especially when governments have such a bloody history with having a monopoly on force?

Given that nukes already exist and are in possession by governments, why should we trust MORE the only government who has used them against civilians? And why should we trust the West, in general, when it’s been the West overthrowing, bombing, invading, and occupying foreign lands for centuries now?

It seems that the acquisition of nukes internationally has an analogous effect to the widespread acquisition of firearms intranationally. First of all, there’s the adage, “An armed society is a polite society.” The fact that the US and USSR never fought each other directly was largely due to mutually-assured destruction. Furthermore, where do mass shootings usually occur? In gun-safe zones. Similarly where do you see wars? Nuclear-armed countries overthrowing or striking non-nuclear countries. Power inequality encourages aggression by the powerful against the powerless. Deterrence is a prerequisite to international respect and peace.

Military alliances further encourage gang-like behavior by enabling bellicosity against non-member states. For instance why should Ukraine and Israel act responsibly towards their neighbors if they can socialize their defense costs to the US taxpayer? Alliances (ie international welfare) subsidize antisocial and uncompromising actions abroad just like welfare subsidies encourage unproductive activity domestically.

Lastly, the obsession about Iran is part of a psyop created by the same actors behind 9/11. The fact is, any energy spent scrutinizing Shia Iran detracts from the justified and deserved scrutiny owed toward Sunni Islam, namely the GCC led by Saudi Arabia, and Israel as the counterbalancing force in the region.

Why anyone would worry about marginalized countries like Iran over worrying instead about corrupt allies on the receiving end of US taxpayer aid and protection who have been proven to harm us, shows just how effectively the Deep State and the M.I.C. manipulates public opinion. Defense contractors thrive on alliances while perversely thriving too on instability, both real and perceived. This is what Ike and many others throughout history warned us about.

Who would be the first they'd strike?
My guess is the nearest recipient of US arms and aid who threatens them and vocally calls for preemptive nuclear strikes, as Bibi does. This is why many foreign policy experts not on the payroll of think tanks or foundations funded by defense contractors and foreign governments have commented that US aid and diplomatic immunity to Israel ironically HARMS, NOT HELPS, Israel’s long term security. Besides, the United States government is constitutionally responsible for protecting AMERICANS, NOT FOREIGNERS. Your question is akin to leftists and progressives who justify domestic spending and programs on the basis of “what if ___ happens?” You can justify any government policy or expenditure if your imagination is dark or pessimistic enough. Freedom requires courage, and peace requires trust. Cowardice and fear fuel authoritarianism and militarism.
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