| CURRENT EVENTS Is it safe to say Trump just secured the nomination?

You’re seriously calling for the murder of people?
It's been interesting watching some of the politicians (see Schiff) talk of upcoming violence. It's being echoed by the MSM right now. It's an interesting juxtaposition considering we all remember who was behind the violence and destruction in 2020.
It's been interesting watching some of the politicians (see Schiff) talk of upcoming violence. It's being echoed by the MSM right now. It's an interesting juxtaposition considering we all remember who was behind the violence and destruction in 2020.
We have a difference of opinion on who was behind the violence and destruction
We have a difference of opinion on who was behind the violence and destruction
You've chosen to divide people into two groups. It wasn't conservatives or Republican's burning buildings. That's not an opinion. That's a demonstrable fact. Damn dude, the VP opened a bail account for people. Do you think those were conservatives she was bailing out of jail?
You've chosen to divide people into two groups. It wasn't conservatives or Republican's burning buildings. That's not an opinion. That's a demonstrable fact. Damn dude, the VP opened a bail account for people. Do you think those were conservatives she was bailing out of jail?
Ohhh you’re only talking about the George Floyd protests and the few riots got it. Sorry I was thinking the riot of Jan 6th, 2021, my bad

There should’ve been lots of bail accounts set up because cops were arresting lots of peaceful protestors, rioters are different, the people burning buildings and such are not who I’m talking about.
You know that for a fact? So, you know all past and present vets?
Well, I happen to know a little about veterans… but when I was in, we absolutely hated the United Nations… one guy was prosecuted for refusing to serve under their command and wear a blue beret (because he was special forces)… he was kicked out because he wanted to wear the beret he actually earned… he also stated he was committed to serve American forces and not United Nations forces.… most vets (or actives) I speak to have never had one positive thing to say about the United Nations.. at least where I’m from..we bounced around from the Persian Gulf to the Adriatic to the Red Sea..
Now full disclosure I do have a joint task forces ribbon, from sea service in the Adriatic Sea..
Even RFK, Jr., whom I think...think I prefer to the right and lefts' demagogues, actually agrees with you, Terry.

Biden lost it as soon as he unequivocally supported Bibi

Interesting point but when it comes down to it, the left whom he pissed off by supporting Israel will come back to him in November. Do they have a choice (supposing there's no shocker at the DNC this summer)?
Even RFK, Jr., whom I think...think I prefer to the right and lefts' demagogues, actually agrees with you, Terry.

Interesting point but when it comes down to it, the left whom he pissed off by supporting Israel will come back to him in November. Do they have a choice (supposing there's no shocker at the DNC this summer)?

RFK, Jr and the rest of the right should read how trials work, a JURY found him guilty, a jury that even Trump and his lawyers approved of, even the juror who said they get all their info and news from Truth Social found him guilty on all 34 charges, that has nothing to do with Biden or any other democrat.

If the left vote for him in November he wins, but they won’t vote for President
No one seems to understand the dynamic here..This is making Trump more popular than ever here.. Just look at the UFC event last night… when Trump entered it exploded..Trump went to the Bronx.. Trump may go to Chicago…He is reaching out to minorities in a way that no other Republican has ever done…All he has to do know is focus on America first issues!… Even RFK jr is defending him….

Lie-den is pandering to billionaires , rich actors and fringe groups..And the only thing he can do is trash Trump, support a perverted crackhead, steal your gun rights and demand you drive battery powered cars..And rigging the DOJ to go after the people he hates…
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