So, if everything you say is true how come the Trump DOJ didn’t find one thing? Not even one. It took a DOJ under his father to charge him with something.
As for light sentence, ol Donny boy is looking at far far more time and he will definitely get off light, so we can talk about light sentences. Yes, I know what you’re going to say “He shouldn’t have been charged”, “it’s a miscarriage of justice”, “the DOJ is corrupt”, etc
Yeah, the DOJ and FBI are brimming with longtime employees with very hard left stances who are virtually impossible to fire and too are not likely to work against the hands that feed them. Jeff Sessions and Wm Barr with their few assistants could only do so much when your working pool is pulling mostly in the opposite direction. Sessions was mostly tasked with stopping human trafficking and pedophilia.
Trump should only been charged for misdemeanors if anything. In NY, the so called hush money trial should be nothing more than a slap on the wrist, if that. The real estate case in NY. BS from the start. What business man, real estate person, builder does not over value their properties?
What individual common citizen has never over valued their home or property to get a loan or to sell? Maybe some, but I venture not many.
In Ga. election interference case. I'd bet my best hat that Trump did less interference than any of defeated politicians, MSM or rioters after the 2016 election. Sooner or later, the Real facts will come out and show for certain that cheating DID happen in Ga and other states. See Az, Mi, Penn, Wis. and most likely some other states. Also, see how easy it is to cheat utilizing mail in ballots, set up by the election virus.
In Fl documents case. There is no case there. Facts have come to light recently that the FBI carried into Maralago, on their second visit, docs they should never supposed to see themselves, in order entrap Trump. The DOJ were pissed because they didn't find what they were looking for on their first invasion of Trump's privacy, The P.E.A.D. docs they desperately need to find. To my knowledge, they still remain hidden safely away.
In the DC insurrection case. There IS no case against Trump. They have it all backwards. An insurrection can only happen against a sitting president. Who was the sitting president at that time? President Trump. The insurrection was against Trump and the overthrow of the US government was completed when , through various cheating methods which will be backed up by US Military Intelligence when the time comes.
Military are sworn to our constitution and country but to no man. When the Congress ratified Joe Biden as president, Only then was the over throw complete. Can you smell treason?