| FTBL Fall Camp 2023 Thread

I don't think I can recall another preseason where I've heard such drastic reports going one way or the other more than this year. I don't know what to think at this point.
This pales in comparison with the DuBosian scandals of '99-'00: it lacks the racial elements the team was fighting at the time.

Not the reason I'm replying here ...
I don't know what to think at this point.
Just my suggestion: don't try to think at this point, just remember.

When they left spring camp what was said? Milroe looks to be #1 going into fall.
When fall camp started what was said? We looked for guys to separate, they haven't through the summer, we'll likely not have a solid answer on the QB position until game three, maybe game four.

Two guys I know sat together and watched the practice yesterday: both came away with different opinions. One was watching the WR's drops and wasn't paying attention to the QB's ball placement. The other was watching the QB all the time and not paying attention to a WR drop the ball.

They both could be right on the play and they both could be wrong on the play ... while neither knew what the play was in the first place.

This always happens after the second scrimmage of the fall.
Tim Keenan got mentioned by Saban as a DL playing well. Good to hear.
Flashes, hasn't been consistent, but has had a good camp. While mentioning Keenan he also pointed to a few other things. One he mentioned was passing lanes: that's not new. He mentioned mistakes they're making when they're stunting: that's not new either—they still aren't maintaining their role.
Flashes, hasn't been consistent, but has had a good camp. While mentioning Keenan he also pointed to a few other things. One he mentioned was passing lanes: that's not new. He mentioned mistakes they're making when they're stunting: that's not new either—they still aren't maintaining their role.
This is what I was refering to aboive when n I said Saban was critical of the DL after the scrimmage. Sounds like a lot of the same issues we have had the last few years is still occurring. Maybe I had an unrealistic expectation those would get cleaned up quickly. I guess more realistic expectation would be improvement throughout the year.
This pales in comparison with the DuBosian scandals of '99-'00: it lacks the racial elements the team was fighting at the time.

Not the reason I'm replying here ...

Just my suggestion: don't try to think at this point, just remember.

When they left spring camp what was said? Milroe looks to be #1 going into fall.
When fall camp started what was said? We looked for guys to separate, they haven't through the summer, we'll likely not have a solid answer on the QB position until game three, maybe game four.

Two guys I know sat together and watched the practice yesterday: both came away with different opinions. One was watching the WR's drops and wasn't paying attention to the QB's ball placement. The other was watching the QB all the time and not paying attention to a WR drop the ball.

They both could be right on the play and they both could be wrong on the play ... while neither knew what the play was in the first place.

This always happens after the second scrimmage of the fall.

I think some of us were right about how the scrimmage is perceived. On Bama SECRant and other board, everyone was having meltdowns about the drops assuming it was WRs... bad plays by QBs.... Defense getting blown up but no one took the time to say wait a minute...

What if the drops were by TEs, not the WRs for the most part?

What if the situation of how it was perceived that wasn't highlighted? 1 (offense) v.s. 2 (Defense) , 2 (Offense ) v.s.1 (Defense)

What if they were rotating QBs in and out so much that there was not enough consistency and it was hard for them to find their rhythm?

What if they were putting Qbs in tough situations over and over to test their decision making and etc?

I personally think we'll be fine. I think Milroe/Simpson/Buchner has improved a lot in recent weeks and they continue to push each other. I think we'll be fine whoever the QBs is... I do think the competition will last throughout the season.

Be careful of what we're assuming based on the scrimmages and what "experts" are telling us.. Everyone has their own perspective, and sometimes it's not what it seems like first. The first two games will tell us a lot about the team's identity and I think Saban knows because anytime he talks about the team identity, It's usually to send warning light to the team, to figure it out and he hasn't done that at all.
What if they were rotating QBs in and out so much that there was not enough consistency and it was hard for them to find their rhythm?

What if they were putting Qbs in tough situations over and over to test their decision making and etc?
I see where you're coming from, i.e. getting the context of the play outside of just the drops, but these two are on the receivers since a drop implies they had it.
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