| FTBL Coaching Staff


We are virtually going to start this coming season with another new coaching staff. With the loss of DC Kevin Steele looming, this does not look good for Alabama football. I just don't like what I am seeing and hearing. There are conflicts within each and every team, no doubt. With everything thing else that could be said about this, things are just not right in the locker room. Is the shine coming off or is this adjustments that are needed to go forward.
Boy, you just got a little sniff of that rumor and just took off with it, didn't you? Let's find at least one reliable source reporting Steele is at least interested in other jobs before we start saying that the sky is falling.

If I were a man prone to making a wager or two, I would bet that our DC this fall will be either Kirby Smart or Lance Thompson, and we will have a yet unnamed new coach for the LBer position.

But that is just my opinion and all.
This really irritates me. People "hear" things about the coaching staff and then decide to spread these stupid rumors as if they are fact. It's always a "friend" who knows something but to be more precise it is usually a friend of a friend of a friend etc...

Major Applewhite could have left for any number of reasons. He could have left because he was mad at Pendry, Saban, or anybody else. Or he could have left because of the reason he said, he wanted to go back to a place that was very special to him. It's just plain irresponsible to speculate on the rumors surrounding him or Middleton.

If Steele were to leave it would probably be because he wanted to be a HC again not because of dissension within the staff. If that were the case he would have left in Dec.

I have no doubt that Saban is probably a pretty tough guy to work for. I would also think that working for him opens doors that wouldn't have been opened otherwise. Consider this, if he was so tough to work for then why would he have people leave his staff and go work for Belichick? Both of the Patriots coordinators worked for the Saban in the past. Something tells me that Belichick is as tough to work for if not tougher.

This sort of stuff is garbage and does nothing to help or support the football program. Fans of Alabama shouldn't be the ones tossing around these rumors, leave that to the fans of other schools that are terrified of what Saban will do at Alabama.
pimpsahoy said:
This really irritates me. People "hear" things about the coaching staff and then decide to spread these stupid rumors as if they are fact. It's always a "friend" who knows something but to be more precise it is usually a friend of a friend of a friend etc...

Major Applewhite could have left for any number of reasons. He could have left because he was mad at Pendry, Saban, or anybody else. Or he could have left because of the reason he said, he wanted to go back to a place that was very special to him. It's just plain irresponsible to speculate on the rumors surrounding him or Middleton.

If Steele were to leave it would probably be because he wanted to be a HC again not because of dissension within the staff. If that were the case he would have left in Dec.

I have no doubt that Saban is probably a pretty tough guy to work for. I would also think that working for him opens doors that wouldn't have been opened otherwise. Consider this, if he was so tough to work for then why would he have people leave his staff and go work for Belichick? Both of the Patriots coordinators worked for the Saban in the past. Something tells me that Belichick is as tough to work for if not tougher.

This sort of stuff is garbage and does nothing to help or support the football program. Fans of Alabama shouldn't be the ones tossing around these rumors, leave that to the fans of other schools that are terrified of what Saban will do at Alabama.

It irritates CNS as well, and if you irritate him enough he will point you out and laugh during a press conference. (hehe Ian :lol:)
I would hate to lose Steele, no doubt, but don't kid yourself - Nick Saban IS the defensive Coordinator. He's the Offensive Coordinator as well, and I'm ok with that too. We need to get used to the fact that we will have coaching changes every year - the objective is to keep Saban!

Roll Tide!
I agree the KEY to all of this is to keep Saban. Doors will open as Alabama gets better, so we'll be looking for coordinators and posistion coaches. As long as we keep CNS that's all I care about.

Although I would like to keep Steele, but if a HC posistion opens then I wish him good luck.

I'm sure workign for Saban can be stressful and rough, but the things that man can teach you is second to none. In my opinion of course.

I don't want to lose Steele no more than anyone of you but let's face it, a head coaching job will come along for him soon. I just hope it is not when we have the next Cornelius Bennett or Derrick Thomas verbal that goes with him. He is one heck of a recruiter and those efforts maybe what hurts us the most when he goes.
Portside said:
We are virtually going to start this coming season with another new coaching staff. With the loss of DC Kevin Steele looming, this does not look good for Alabama football. I just don't like what I am seeing and hearing. There are conflicts within each and every team, no doubt. With everything thing else that could be said about this, things are just not right in the locker room. Is the shine coming off or is this adjustments that are needed to go forward.

This is the world we live in. Look around friend.....gone are the days of keeping the same HC or AC's on staff for years.......it will now and forever be a constant revolving door of coaches throughout CF. Get use to it.

Fortunately we have made a long term commitment to a HC that understands this and can adapt and overcome.
HiTide said:
Portside said:
We are virtually going to start this coming season with another new coaching staff. With the loss of DC Kevin Steele looming, this does not look good for Alabama football. I just don't like what I am seeing and hearing. There are conflicts within each and every team, no doubt. With everything thing else that could be said about this, things are just not right in the locker room. Is the shine coming off or is this adjustments that are needed to go forward.

This is the world we live in. Look around friend.....gone are the days of keeping the same HC or AC's on staff for years.......it will now and forever be a constant revolving door of coaches throughout CF. Get use to it.

Fortunately we have made a long term commitment to a HC that understands this and can adapt and overcome.

I read a few weeks ago a post by a guy that had gone back and counted the number of staff changes Bryant had when he was at Alabama. The number the guy put out there was 59. I haven't gone back and checked to see if the number was right. The reason I point this out is it isn't something new.
TerryP said:
I read a few weeks ago a post by a guy that had gone back and counted the number of staff changes Bryant had when he was at Alabama. The number the guy put out there was 59. I haven't gone back and checked to see if the number was right. The reason I point this out is it isn't something new.
Remember though that many of those 'changes' were his assistants being hired as Head Coaches elsewhere and for most of Coach's tenure at Alabama he had a staff of fourteen-fifteen-sixteen-or so (instead of the present nine) - so with the latter there was a much greater probability for change (and to less impact on a total staff.

But I do recall a private statement Coach Bryant supposedly made about Johnny Vaught and his staff at Ole Miss. For many years, Vaught had zero change in his staff (and I believe most of the staff were former players under Vaught). Bryant made the comment that he thought this (both the lack of change and lack of diversity in the backgrounds) was not a good thing, that it fostered complacency in the coaches and a stagnation in the ideas and concepts they could bring to the table. (For the record, this last point is one reason I am opposed to UA looking first and foremost for a UA pedigree when seeking a new coach - head or assistant.)
Just thinking about it, the only coach I can think of right now that I wouldn't mind seeing back at Bama is Dabo. But, he doesn't want to work the hours he'd have to.

I wouldn't mind seeing Sparky come back...like him. A few others that coached here before I wouldn't mind seeing back.

The UA pedigree, for now, is a thing of the past.
TerryP said:
Just thinking about it, the only coach I can think of right now that I wouldn't mind seeing back at Bama is Dabo. But, he doesn't want to work the hours he'd have to.

I wouldn't mind seeing Sparky come back...like him. A few others that coached here before I wouldn't mind seeing back.

The UA pedigree, for now, is a thing of the past.(emphasis added)
Except the only two names you offered are products of that pedigree.

Frankly, the last person I would want to hire for this offensive staff is Dabo Sweeney. What has he really accomplished at Clemson on the field? His receivers run inconsistent routes and are not the best of blockers. He might be a good recruiter, but at some point you have to be able to coach-up even great talent and be able to scout your opponent to win in this league. We can do better. (And if Sweeney were a Miss State alum there is NO way his name would make any Bama fans list of desired coaches. That pedigree thing again.)

Sparky Woods was terrible under Shula. His idea of offensive firepower would make Joe Pendry look like June Jones.
alagator said:
TerryP said:
Just thinking about it, the only coach I can think of right now that I wouldn't mind seeing back at Bama is Dabo. But, he doesn't want to work the hours he'd have to.

I wouldn't mind seeing Sparky come back...like him. A few others that coached here before I wouldn't mind seeing back.

The UA pedigree, for now, is a thing of the past.(emphasis added)
Except the only two names you offered are products of that pedigree.

Frankly, the last person I would want to hire for this offensive staff is Dabo Sweeney. What has he really accomplished at Clemson on the field? His receivers run inconsistent routes and are not the best of blockers. He might be a good recruiter, but at some point you have to be able to coach-up even great talent and be able to scout your opponent to win in this league. We can do better. (And if Sweeney were a Miss State alum there is NO way his name would make any Bama fans list of desired coaches. That pedigree thing again.)

Sparky Woods was terrible under Shula. His idea of offensive firepower would make Joe Pendry look like June Jones.

Woods was one of the best coaches we had under Shula. You want to fault someone it isn't Woods. Hell, there were no holes to run through because of our OL play. That is an impression that is mine, and, shared by the majority of coaches throughout the state.

Your description of Dabo is wrong as well. He was one of the coaches considered last year with Saban. So, Saban doesn't know coaching talent? Stallings said he was one of the brightest minds in the game even when he was young. Stallings doesn't know coaches?

Now, as to his success with the WR corps at Clemson, I'm thinking this is a knee jerk reaction/post as well.

Total offense this past season. Clemson in at #2 in the ACC. Passing offense they are in at #3.

Last season, #1 in total offense. #4 in passing offense.

3 years ago, #2 in total offense, #4 in passing offense.

Last year, #2 receiver in their league along with the #7 leader.

Year before...another #2. Year before that, another two in the top 10.

The guy can not only recruit, but does a hell of a job developing receiver talent. You can't argue with the numbers.
TerryP said:
Woods was one of the best coaches we had under Shula. You want to fault someone it isn't Woods. Hell, there were no holes to run through because of our OL play. That is an impression that is mine, and, shared by the majority of coaches throughout the state.
Saying 'Woods was one of the best coaches we had under Shula' is really not that much of a compliment. Worst staff in the SEC - by far.

Woods has a demonstrated history of working his way DOWN the career ladder. Not to many impressive and productive - not to mention GOOD, coaches go from a Head Coach to an Offensive Coordinator position to a position coach to out of the college game in that sequence.

Woods did, in my opinion, a horrible job of managing the playing time of the RBs at Alabama. (We could go into detail of the last Tennessee game in Knoxville as just one of many examples.)

Your description of Dabo is wrong as well. He was one of the coaches considered last year with Saban. So, Saban doesn't know coaching talent? Stallings said he was one of the brightest minds in the game even when he was young. Stallings doesn't know coaches?

Now, as to his success with the WR corps at Clemson, I'm thinking this is a knee jerk reaction/post as well.

Total offense this past season. Clemson in at #2 in the ACC. Passing offense they are in at #3.

Last season, #1 in total offense. #4 in passing offense.

3 years ago, #2 in total offense, #4 in passing offense.

Last year, #2 receiver in their league along with the #7 leader.

Year before...another #2. Year before that, another two in the top 10.

The guy can not only recruit, but does a hell of a job developing receiver talent. You can't argue with the numbers.
Considered does not equal hiring. And, at risk of having my UA credentials forfeited, each and every decision Saban makes or considers is not perfect. He hired Applewhite for the OC job and in my opinion that really did not work out all that well for us. And, I think we can all agree, Saban looks first and foremost at the recruiting ability of someone considered for his staff - and I will agree that Sweeney is very good at that part of the job.

And you can argue with the numbers. I did not say the Clemson receivers did not have good statistics, I commented on the quality of their routes and blocking. If you want to go on stats alone, then DJ Hall is not half the receiver any one of three or four or FIVE wideouts at Hawai'i. You live over in South Carolina I think; take a look at the Clemson WRs on a coaching tape and ignore their stat sheet. You might not be too impressed with what you see.

Stallings could have been spouting some 'coachspeak' about Sweeney. Have you EVER heard a Head Coach say that one of his assistants is a terrible coach and doesn't understand the game?

Would you argue with my point that if Sweeney was a Miss State grad instead of a UA legacy that his name would never receive any serious consideration for a UA job?
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