| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Who is or was your (or not) Favorite Stand up Comedians?

Here's one of those things I have TOO many answers to.

Lady across the street wiped out her van this week...I told her to look up comedy on AGT or BGT. A lot of good comics on those shows.
Redd foxx
Rodney dangerfield
Eddie Murphy
Dave chapelle
Jerry Seinfeld (need to see him live to appreciate him)….

There are also several new ones that are really really good!!!!

I can’t think of some of the names but my son will know them..
Gene Tracy
George Carlin
Rodney Dangerfield.
Sam Kinison
Andrew dice clay
Eddie Murphy
Richard Pryor
Kevin Hart
Cheech and Chong
Jimmy Falia
Lawanda Page
Redd Foxx
Louis CK
Jay Hickman
Chris Rock
Dave Chappelle

Don’t like.. Colbert, Jon Stewart, Jimmy Farrell,
Kimel, or SNL leftist..
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