Once again, I don't care about what happened, I care about the decision that was made so this is even a point of contention. Mel Tucker is an immoral and unethical piece of trash. Bend it how you want, but at the end of the day he stepped out on his wife. To a nuclear American family, that is unacceptable. To the vows you take in front of God, it's unacceptable. Don't believe in God, why even get married?
The Supreme Court deal, yeah, that was polotics at its finest and a total waste of time after what, 40 years and no proof? Much different than what we're dealing with here. Make better decisions with who you decide to spend your life with is all I can say. I don't care about the scorched Earth approach from a woman you're taking, I'm stating if you don't like it or want it, don't engage in that relationship. It's quiet simple.