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I only hate organizations that offer fraudulent remedies, for ailments that they also invent, by means of prescriptions which protect their power, by preying upon the common fear of death. Geez I feel like I’m describing the pharmaceutical industry just as well as organized religion. Haha. If you all could only understand that both organizations share similar origin stories…
Sounds like a quaalude commercial. 🙃
You good? I suggest you confer with the Prince of Peace for a few before you keep calling me “full of shit” and “stupid.” You’re way too easily triggered. Take a deep breath …
Not hardly but I have noticed quite a few Jews and now atheists giving Christian advice. Nothing wrong with telling some they are full of shit or saying stupid things.

This Entire White House, and this Bitch, should be held criminally liable for this bullshit..

She obviously doesn’t understand how our three branches of government work. Anyone in the military can disobey an illegal or unconstitutional order. ie, Trump cannot fire missiles at Russia because Putin said bad things about him. He cannot, by himself, launch nuclear missiles at anyone. There is a process and procedure involving multiple people.
Not sure about drug industry, the true church was born out of the death burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are historical documents written by eye witnesses during the lifetime of other eye witnesses. They report supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophesies.
You are most likely referring to the church universal. It may have been used as an opiate for the masses, as long as you brought your sacrament at the prescribed time. There is nothing that God can create that man ( under Sstanic influence) cannot corrupt
The government provides?
All the goods and services funded by tax revenue (eg roads, police, fire, national defense, public parks, schools, on and on) can still be enjoyed by churches and clergy despite them being exempt from taxes. The point is churches benefit from innumerable public goods while not paying for them. This state-granted privilege creates docility among the clergy who focus their energies on abstractions like spiritual salvation rather than political liberation, life after death rather than life before death. Ruling classes love this. Whatever the Jesus movement was when the Flavian dynasty imported it into the Roman Imperial Cult, it was vastly different from that which Rome instituted and offered for ordinary subjects.
Only a select few complain about tax exemption for a church. In my opinion, it's based on the bad apples pointed to rather than the effect it provides.

Hence, N. Carolina. That ain't the gov helping.
Because not very many people understand economics. In my county alone, the sum total of acreage owned by churches and nonprofits is sizable, which adds to our housing costs as well as disproportionately burdening the rest of us who pay property taxes. You won’t find anyone who hates taxes more than me, but until and unless we disband governments, unequal treatment under the law shouldn’t be glorified and worshiped. See what I did there? He he.

As for NC, I now understand what you meant. Well look, monopolies are inherently inefficient. This applies to welfare and aid delivery too. I believe there’s another agenda in play there too (another topic for another thread). But how convenient is it for the State to fail in disaster relief and it’s tax-free subsidiary called the Church fill in for it? The church gets its headlines while the State continues to underperform and abuse of citizens with no pushback from clergy who value their tax exempt status too much. How’s this for an idea: clergy could all unite and fight for tax exemption for everyone equally while rebuking the authority of the State by their actions, not just in their creeds. Nah, it’s too easy to preach another sermon on “heavenly” treasures and wait another 2,000 years for a superman to save us rather than take responsibility for ourselves.
All the goods and services funded by tax revenue (eg roads, police, fire, national defense, public parks, schools, on and on) can still be enjoyed by churches and clergy despite them being exempt from taxes. The point is churches benefit from innumerable public goods while not paying for them. This state-granted privilege creates docility among the clergy who focus their energies on abstractions like spiritual salvation rather than political liberation, life after death rather than life before death. Ruling classes love this. Whatever the Jesus movement was when the Flavian dynasty imported it into the Roman Imperial Cult, it was vastly different from that which Rome instituted and offered for ordinary subjects.
Tell me you don’t know anything about Christianity without ……well you know. I do admire the way you double down though.
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