| CURRENT EVENTS The Presidential Race:

Repudiate the debt. The Chinese stiffed America for almost $T after their revolution. Who gives a rats ass about privately owned central banks. They loan our own money to us at interest.
You can't just repudiate debt held by some holders and not others. I'm sure you know this. General obligation. There is more U.S. debt in money market mutual funds than held by China. More held by state and local governments. More held in pension funds. More held in U.S. banks. Six times as much held through intragovernmental accounts, such as what social security has on deposit/investment to draw from for payments, or what the FDIC has invested with the government to cover bank failures.

So, this will not happen, but if the U.S. were to repudiate its obligations, borrowing costs would skyrocket. Who would trust a scofflaw?
No one would ever see a single digit mortgage again. Ever.
The dollar would plummet, and inflation would exceed twenty percent.
Because of dollar instability, foreign investment (currently a quarter trillion a year and over six trillion total) would reverse.
No Federal stimulus would be available to address the depression that would follow.
Social Security and disability payments would be severely curtailed.
Pension funds would curtail payments, and those that failed would not have a government backdrop.
International courts would sanction foreign entities to seize U.S. and U.S. citizens' assets abroad, including military assets. As the third largest nation holding U.S. debt (behind Japan and China), Luxembourg would have quite the navy.

I know some of you believe we'd be better served to not project ourselves internationally, but if you think the evil nations of the world are emboldened today, it would look passive compared to what would take place:

Taiwan falls.
South Korea falls.
Ukraine would be the start of a march through the Baltics, combined with the collapse of NATO.
Atrocities in Africa - they already abound - would vault to horrible levels.

A detonation of a nuclear device in the Middle East, either by a despotic Iran or a desperate Israel.
Russian use of nuclear devices.

Other than that, it sounds like a great idea.

There's a PAC, supporting Harris, that's running an ad I've caught a few times over the last few days concerning your vote; sort of.

The gist of the commercial runs along these lines...it's done in a computer engineered voice.

Yes, your vote is private and no one will know how you vote on election day. BUT, did you know it's a matter of public record? Did you know your friends and family will be able to look and see if you voted and who you voted for?

What's the point of that message?
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