| OT Started a Hat Company (Gameday's, etc..) Give me a Follow on Instagram, Pretty Please

The last time I looked at the Facebook page for this site there were close to 60,000 people that followed that page
The last time I looked there were close to 70,000 unique viewers on this site this year (excluding members.) It's not large by any means...but it's about 16 million page views, over 18 million hits this year (not counting bots, etc) that are on the site without posting or registering.
Hey everyone, finally got my website going. Went through a name change due to some trademark issues I didn't care to financially dig through. Website still has a ways to go, the pictures aren't the best, but atleast I got something live finally. In the coming days I will be updated pictures with better quality and some uniformity as well as adding some of the other hats I have been working on outside of Gameday Hats. The outdoorsmen in the group will hopefully approve of them. Plenty more to come, but we are making strides y'all. As always, I really appreciate y'alls support. Y'all are the best, and I mean that. Roll Tide.

The Gentlemans Order
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