| FTBL Since we're talking OC's



What do you guys think about Jeff Brohm at Louisville? Initially I wasn't all that interested in him but the more I think about it I wonder if he might actually be a great fit for us. I am not sure just how much OC experience he actually has though is the one issue. I know he did it this year under Kragthorpe and as bad as Louisville was, it wasn't the offense that was the problem. And Brohm has been there for several years and coached some really good quarterbacks like Brian Brohm and Stefan Laflore.

Seems like if you need an OC/QB Coach he might be a good fit, and maybe a little more realistic than someone like Norm Chow.

Any thoughts?
He's also worked under Petrino as a QB coach and knows that offense pretty well. I wouldn't have a problem with Brohm at all.
The lack of experience bothers me and no offense to M Applewhite but,I'm gunshy when it comes to lack of it. I'd prefer someone a little more seasoned.
However, if Saban decides it ,so be it. He damn sure knows better than I do. I'm also betting he'll hit a homerun with this hire. It may not be the flashy or big name hire that some want but it will be a guy who knows how to run an offense. The situation with Applewhite ,I'm sure, isn't sitting well with him.
Yeah the only thing that would turn me off on Brohm is the lack of experience. Coach Saban might be looking for a more experienced coach this time, or at least I hope.
CNS has given young, unproven coaches a shot at times in his career. Hiring Fisher and Muschamps at LSU seemed to turn out all right. One of the reasons we're paying him the big bucks (Rick told me he makes 4 million a year) is his judgment in hiring assistants. I'm sure he'll make a choice that will be a good fit for Bama and the rest of the current staff.
I really do not care for their style of attack. Louisville passes like 70/30 or at least it seems that way. They do run the spread but more of a deep ball first type spread.
Bama Bo said:
Heard a guy on the radio this morning who is pretty well connected say that Freddie Kitchens may be a candidate.
Again, not the most impressive of options.

But, did Kitchens not work for Saban at LSU for a year-or-two?
all i got to say is that i was extremely impressed with the diversity and creativity of LSU's offense against OSU. i'd love to have the same at Bama.
alagator said:
Bama Bo said:
Heard a guy on the radio this morning who is pretty well connected say that Freddie Kitchens may be a candidate.
Again, not the most impressive of options.

But, did Kitchens not work for Saban at LSU for a year-or-two?

I think he worked there as a graduate asst. Well, I know he worked at LSU as a grad asst., I'm not sure if Saban was there yet or not though.

He did work for Parcels at Dallas (TE coach I believe). And supposedly, Parcels was very impressed with his coaching abilities.
psychojoe said:
CNS has given young, unproven coaches a shot at times in his career. Hiring Fisher and Muschamps at LSU seemed to turn out all right. One of the reasons we're paying him the big bucks (Rick told me he makes 4 million a year) is his judgment in hiring assistants. I'm sure he'll make a choice that will be a good fit for Bama and the rest of the current staff.

I was thinking the same thing. For whatever reason I don't believe Saban ready to turn things over the Applewhite, but his track record says he has no problem doing so when he thinks the time is right. As you pointed out, it's a pretty impressive track record.
According to Cecil Hurt, Saban was ready to turn the reigns over to CMA in the 2008 season


Last year, Applewhite was the offensive coordinator and play-caller, but the offensive game plan was more of a committee decision with veteran offensive line coach Joe Pendry having significant input. That process probably wasn’t going to be carried forward into 2008, one way or the other.

I wonder if Parcells was impressed enough with Kitchens to recommend him to Sparano (read 'told to hire Kitchens') for the Dolphin staff.

I am really just tiring of Alabama repeating the same old habits and settling for an offensive attack that is non-threatening and lacks creativity. Of course, that has been the norm for the last 30 years (save a pair of years with Homer Smith - Part I and half a season with Charlie Stubbs), so why should I really expect anything new.

And hell, if we are going to be a ground first team - at least be a physical, in-your-face, beat-you-to-death offense. We don't even try to do that.

If Freddie Kitchens was named Ken Frederick and you substituted 'former Clemson QB' for 'former Alabama QB' and kept EVERYTHING else the same on the CV, this person would not even draw a whiff of interest from Alabama fans for this hire.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not promoting, nor would I be impressed with a Freddie Kitchens OC hire. I'd like to see him on the staff in some capacity, but not as the OC. He's had good reviews as an asst coach, and I'm one of those that like to see former Bama players on staff, as long as they are good coaches.
Bama Bo said:
According to Cecil Hurt, Saban was ready to turn the reigns over to CMA in the 2008 season


Last year, Applewhite was the offensive coordinator and play-caller, but the offensive game plan was more of a committee decision with veteran offensive line coach Joe Pendry having significant input. That process probably wasn’t going to be carried forward into 2008, one way or the other.

I really didn't get that impression from the article. Cecil (whom I take with a grain of salt) seem to think things would change next season, but didn't indicate how. I've heard that Saban just didn't think MA was ready to run the show and Scarbinsky wrote that as well. I guess it's all speculation until Saban addresses the subject and I don't think he will.
Bo7 said:
Bama Bo said:
According to Cecil Hurt, Saban was ready to turn the reigns over to CMA in the 2008 season


Last year, Applewhite was the offensive coordinator and play-caller, but the offensive game plan was more of a committee decision with veteran offensive line coach Joe Pendry having significant input. That process probably wasn’t going to be carried forward into 2008, one way or the other.

I really didn't get that impression from the article. Cecil (whom I take with a grain of salt) seem to think things would change next season, but didn't indicate how. I've heard that Saban just didn't think MA was ready to run the show and Scarbinsky wrote that as well. I guess it's all speculation until Saban addresses the subject and I don't think he will.

I don't know either way. Saban obviously was unsure of CMA since he made him a Co-OC to begin with. Whether or not he had gained confidence enough to turn it over to him next year or not isn't certain. Cecil seems to thin maybe so. As for Scarbinsky, I'll take Cecil's word over his on Alabama sports any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Bo7 said:
Bama Bo said:
According to Cecil Hurt, Saban was ready to turn the reigns over to CMA in the 2008 season


Last year, Applewhite was the offensive coordinator and play-caller, but the offensive game plan was more of a committee decision with veteran offensive line coach Joe Pendry having significant input. That process probably wasn’t going to be carried forward into 2008, one way or the other.

I really didn't get that impression from the article. Cecil (whom I take with a grain of salt) seem to think things would change next season, but didn't indicate how. I've heard that Saban just didn't think MA was ready to run the show and Scarbinsky wrote that as well. I guess it's all speculation until Saban addresses the subject and I don't think he will.

I don't know either way. Saban obviously was unsure of CMA since he made him a Co-OC to begin with. Whether or not he had gained confidence enough to turn it over to him next year or not isn't certain. Cecil seems to thin maybe so. As for Scarbinsky, I'll take Cecil's word over his on Alabama sports any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Bama Bo said:
Bo7 said:
Bama Bo said:
According to Cecil Hurt, Saban was ready to turn the reigns over to CMA in the 2008 season


Last year, Applewhite was the offensive coordinator and play-caller, but the offensive game plan was more of a committee decision with veteran offensive line coach Joe Pendry having significant input. That process probably wasn’t going to be carried forward into 2008, one way or the other.

I really didn't get that impression from the article. Cecil (whom I take with a grain of salt) seem to think things would change next season, but didn't indicate how. I've heard that Saban just didn't think MA was ready to run the show and Scarbinsky wrote that as well. I guess it's all speculation until Saban addresses the subject and I don't think he will.

I don't know either way. Saban obviously was unsure of CMA since he made him a Co-OC to begin with. Whether or not he had gained confidence enough to turn it over to him next year or not isn't certain. Cecil seems to thin maybe so. As for Scarbinsky, I'll take Cecil's word over his on Alabama sports any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

To be honest, I'm not much of a Scarbinsky fan. At the same time, after following Cecil throughout his career I can say with a high level of confidence, he's usually clueless. I still remember an assistant under Stallings telling me that the coaches would read his column out loud and laugh at how far off he was. I have no reason to believe that his insight has improved.
I don't know about now because Saban keeps everything close to the vest, but under Shula's regime, Cecil was very connected. I don't know if it was Shula himself or a staff member or members, but somebody kept Cecil pretty up to date.
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