| FTBL Shula

I get really bothered that there are people that still go to lengths to follow his career outside Alabama and then blast him at every opportunity.

He was a good QB while he was with us.

He was a good person while he was HC.

The only thing that was ever really bad about the guy was that his style of coaching didnt mesh well at Alabama.

That said, I hope he's successful in his future careers, and I hope his time with us at Alabama and with Carolina were learning experiences for him, because you know he didnt have much experience when he first came to Alabama.

Lets leave the guy alone.
joeman546 said:
I get really bothered that there are people that still go to lengths to follow his career outside Alabama and then blast him at every opportunity.

He was a good QB while he was with us.

He was a good person while he was HC.

The only thing that was ever really bad about the guy was that his style of coaching didnt mesh well at Alabama.

That said, I hope he's successful in his future careers, and I hope his time with us at Alabama and with Carolina were learning experiences for him, because you know he didnt have much experience when he first came to Alabama.

Lets leave the guy alone.


When the worst thing you can say about someone is that they were not a great football coach that seems (to me anyway) to speak volumes about the individual's character. He is, and will always be one of my personal favorites.
Bishop said:
I think Shula is a great QB coach. Just look what he's done with David Garrard. Brought him from second string to Pro-Bowl Alternate.

u beat me to it. Shula isnt a very good OC or Head Coach but he is a great QB Coach and always has been. it would do KC great if they hired him as QB Coach, but not OC. he has done great things with Garrard this year.
In case you guys have missed the majority of the NFL season, David Garrard is 10-3 as a starter. He is also one of the highest rated QBs. In fact, he's rated higher than two guys you might have heard of. Peyton Manning and Tony Romo.

I'm sure Mike Shula had nothing to do with that, though. :roll:
That will for sure be an interesting scenario with CMS and Brodie. I wonder how they'll work together in this completely different circumstance? Will they mesh well outside of Bama ?? :o
Shula was a terrible HC. Alabama had no discipline while he was there. Shula treated his players as if they were buddies instead of being their coach and leader. I still remember the 06 Iron Bowl where he was dumbfounded the entire game.
joeman546 said:
I get really bothered that there are people that still go to lengths to follow his career outside Alabama and then blast him at every opportunity.

He was a good QB while he was with us.

He was a good person while he was HC.

The only thing that was ever really bad about the guy was that his style of coaching didnt mesh well at Alabama.

That said, I hope he's successful in his future careers, and I hope his time with us at Alabama and with Carolina were learning experiences for him, because you know he didnt have much experience when he first came to Alabama.

Lets leave the guy alone.

Amen I have and always will be a fan of Coach Shula

I live here in Missouri and although not a Chiefs fan I watched more of there games because of Brodie. I will tell you this there offense was not the greatest anyway and having Shula may be better than what they had.

Leave Shula alone and let's move on.
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