| NEWS Opening Drive on JOX Radio is history


Riding The Wave
Mixed emotions here. I was never an avid listener but I did pick my spots during football season. I could never figure out why they had the same 8 or 10 callers every day? But, I liked Jay and when he spoke about Crimson things I felt like he was still close enough to the program to be in the know. Al, being a barner, would bring on too much barner talent. Tony kept me conflicted. Actually, being the funny guy in the group he could hit on some decent one-liners, but they were few. He was too argumentative. He was obviously a Buckeye fan and he loved to stir the pot.

The Round Table is taking their spot. They remind me of 3 guys sitting around crocheting as they talk about how to place a bet.

JOX kills 'Opening Drive' with Jay Barker, Al Del Greco, moves Roundtable to mornings
i like Tony. i've met him a few times and he's a genuinely nice guy. back in the day (known as the early to mid 90s), he liked to party. and you could usually find him at a club, drink in hand, talking with girls. i met him at a club i used to frequent when he did a couple radio spots from there. had a couple drinks with him in the course. easy to talk to, pretty funny, too.

a few years ago, when i was working at a the ups store, he used to come in there to mail some tickets to contest winners. he's stand around a bit and chit chat about different things. like i said, he's a genuine guy if you get to know him. he's got 2 great kids, too. met them a couple times when he brought them with him when he came in to ship stuff; very well-behaved.

as far as al, no love lost there. he's a former auburn player, so yeah...you know the deal.

My opinion, the whole show was terrible. Including Barker. I will say that my opinion of him is biased due to a couple of encounters I’ve had while working. Prick both times.

gotta agree with your assessment, there. i've talked to several people who went to high school with him, and they all said he was that way even in high school.

i rarely listened to the show, so i won't miss it. the round table i listened to more. and moving them to early mornings will mean i probably won't get to hear them, now.
Due to work, I have not listened to the OD in over a year. It was ok to listen to, but not the best. I don't know who's decision it was to get rid of MAS in the 6 o'clock hour, but those morons on from 6-8 are horrible. That is the show that needs to be canned. At the rate JOX is going, if they get rid of The Roundtable, there will be absolutely nothing worth tuning that station in for.
My opinion, the whole show was terrible. Including Barker. I will say that my opinion of him is biased due to a couple of encounters I’ve had while working. Prick both times.

I disagree, personally. Not saying you're wrong about Barker - my Christian colored, crimson colored glasses made me like the job he did, overall. Certainly a feel good show, and I agree with others about the callers - some are just STUPID, but some created interest, like 'golden domer' because they WERE so irritating. I liked some of the national media guys they had on there - those interviews were usually good.

Tony was kind of out there, and I thought Al was much more an aubie homer than Jay was an Alabama homer. Still, it was always decently interesting to me.

The Roundtable is just a trio that has their own inside jokes - I can't believe that it's successful. Oh well.
I listened to them for the 5 minutes that it takes me to get to work and that's it. Didn't bother me one way or the other. TK was always comic relief and he "UAB" fan of the 3. @TUSKstuff , to me, TK never came off as a Buckeye. He is originally from Ohio, but I believe Cincinatti and Xavier were his teams of choice. Al wasn't too bad, as long as he wasn't drooling about the Barn. Jay, while I like him for his religious beliefs, he didn't often come off like that over at the REC Center during pick up basketball games. Like @ComeOnSon said, PRICK!!! Maybe it was the fact that the guys I always played with kicked his ass when we ran the floor.
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