| FTBL ok, dont blast me ...



but ive got a poll question. i am not a huge believer in the polls at this point in the year, but games like this get me thinking. where would a win this weekend put us? is it possible we could move into the top two? with usc losing last night, and with that being our 2nd win over a top 10 team in just 5 weeks, it doesnt seem out of reach to me. what 'cha think, or do yall care? :D
USC will probably be number two now. Sanchez just has to bat his eyes at the pollsters and they swoon. And don't forget Pete Carroll. Most AP writers have had a man-crush on him for several years now.

I'm sure the next articles will read, "What if USC wins by 90 points in each of its last games? Will the Trojans prove themselves to be the best team in the nation like we all know they are?"

Win, every week, all your games, and worry about the polls then. I'm more concerned with the poll (since we have to have a MNC) in January. But, it still doesn't prove anything.
Here's what I think Saban will or could say. "Those polls don't mean nothin..aight...all they do is create false expections and it keeps our kids from staying focused on the task at hand relative to our goals...(possibly another aight inserted here)

In reality it could be our perfect storm. A win should put us #3 or #4. A strong win could spring us to #2. A very strong win maybe the top spot. IMO

I don't know about you guys but I love being talked about in the national spot light again. Win or lose it sure feels good to be in this position. The pressure is on GA.

My greatest concern is how our younger player react to the hype. But at the same time, I think we have the best coach in the land for keeping their heads out of the clouds.

BTW... After seeing USC, what a bunch of overated chumps. Even if we lose, we are better than those guys. Don't ya think!
Bamatilldeath said:
Here's what I think Saban will or could say. "Those polls don't mean nothin..aight...all they do is create false expections and it keeps our kids from staying focused on the task at hand relative to our goals...(possibly another aight inserted here)

In reality it could be our perfect storm. A win should put us #3 or #4. A strong win could spring us to #2. A very strong win maybe the top spot. IMO

I don't know about you guys but I love being talked about in the national spot light again. Win or lose it sure feels good to be in this position. The pressure is on GA.


My greatest concern is how our younger player react to the hype. But at the same time, I think we have the best coach in the land for keeping their heads out of the clouds.

BTW... After seeing USC, what a bunch of overated chumps. Even if we lose, we are better than those guys. Don't ya think!
bamafan said:
but ive got a poll question. i am not a huge believer in the polls at this point in the year, but games like this get me thinking. where would a win this weekend put us? is it possible we could move into the top two? with usc losing last night, and with that being our 2nd win over a top 10 team in just 5 weeks, it doesnt seem out of reach to me. what 'cha think, or do yall care? :D
We COULD move to #2.

Hell, we COULD move to #1.

But for us to move to #2 all but one of Oklahoma (to TCU), LSU (to Miss State), Florida (to Mississippi), Texas (to Arkansas) - might not require an actual lose as even a very close game between these two might elevate us over Texas given we destroyed Arkansas just the prior week, and Wisconsin (are they not ranked just ahead of us) to lose.

If ALL those teams lose, and we beat Georgia, we COULD go to #1.

I don't see us making the move that intrigues you.

In fact, I don't see us winning Saturday. Guess I am still not over our decade or so history of falling short. That and I think Georgia is just really, really good.
If we roll through UGA we land at number 2 provided OU takes care of their business. Reason, too many BIG wins on the road. We will have accomplished more at this point.
Most likely you are confusing SHOULD with WILL.

We would certainly have the strongest resume, but the leap would be too great unless every other team struggles greatly.

And even with a win, then, per the standard media opinion, Georgia will just be an overrated team that was exposed moreso than Alabama being given credit for defeating a truly strong team. See 'Clemson' for reference. (If the sarcasm about this attitude is not readily apparent then consider this hint a clue.)
We could jump some folks if we totally trash UGA...a blowout of Arkansas proportions would do it.

It ain't gonna happen. UGA will not make enough mistakes for that kind of a blowout.

We win by 10 and move into the top 5, jumping Texas, USC and UGA. Any more jumps than that would surprise me.
Big_Fan said:
We could jump some folks if we totally trash UGA...a blowout of Arkansas proportions would do it.

It ain't gonna happen. UGA will not make enough mistakes for that kind of a blowout.

We win by 10 and move into the top 5, jumping Texas, USC and UGA. Any more jumps than that would surprise me.

Lets win the game first! Cause if we dont this WHOLE thread is in VAIN :twisted:
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