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Youngest daughter and her husband are down from Lafayette. She made lasagna last night. Damn, it was good!

Will have all 3 daughters here at the same time, this weekend, for the first time in over a year. They've invited their friends and SIL's family, so I will be grilling a shit pot load of wings tomorrow. Gonna need a lot of cold barley pops to get through it, but I think I can handle it.
I was in Dairy Queen last night here in Wylie and one of my kids had on an Alabama shirt. The guy behind the counter said, "Roll Tide!" and gave my son a high five. When I walked up he said, "Hey man, I have family in Tuscaloosa." Then he goes on and asks me if I know Al DuPont. turns out this kid (maybe 19 or 20) is Al DuPont's great grandson.

I only tell this story because when I first moved out here in 2002 I couldn't find a fellow Alabama fan to save my life. NEVER saw Alabama shirts, caps or bumper stickers. All that changed in '08 and '09 and now they're everywhere. I no longer ask people where they're from when I see them now...because its always..."Oh my brother in law is from there", or "I had a neighbor once that graduated from there." This kid, though, was legit. Even if he was making it up, he went to a helluva lot more trouble than most.
I was in Dairy Queen last night here in Wylie and one of my kids had on an Alabama shirt. The guy behind the counter said, "Roll Tide!" and gave my son a high five. When I walked up he said, "Hey man, I have family in Tuscaloosa." Then he goes on and asks me if I know Al DuPont. turns out this kid (maybe 19 or 20) is Al DuPont's great grandson.

I only tell this story because when I first moved out here in 2002 I couldn't find a fellow Alabama fan to save my life. NEVER saw Alabama shirts, caps or bumper stickers. All that changed in '08 and '09 and now they're everywhere. I no longer ask people where they're from when I see them now...because its always..."Oh my brother in law is from there", or "I had a neighbor once that graduated from there." This kid, though, was legit. Even if he was making it up, he went to a helluva lot more trouble than most.
Maybe he was just into giving a great customer satisfaction experience and made it all up? :dunno:
If so, he has a bright future in the DQ organization.
Maybe he was just into giving a great customer satisfaction experience and made it all up? :dunno:
If so, he has a bright future in the DQ organization.

For real. The kid new about him being the mayor for over 20 years, that he was in world War II and survived D-Day, and he said he went back home with his dad to help clean up Mayor DuPont's property after the tornado.
I was in Dairy Queen last night here in Wylie and one of my kids had on an Alabama shirt. The guy behind the counter said, "Roll Tide!" and gave my son a high five. When I walked up he said, "Hey man, I have family in Tuscaloosa." Then he goes on and asks me if I know Al DuPont. turns out this kid (maybe 19 or 20) is Al DuPont's great grandson.

I only tell this story because when I first moved out here in 2002 I couldn't find a fellow Alabama fan to save my life. NEVER saw Alabama shirts, caps or bumper stickers. All that changed in '08 and '09 and now they're everywhere. I no longer ask people where they're from when I see them now...because its always..."Oh my brother in law is from there", or "I had a neighbor once that graduated from there." This kid, though, was legit. Even if he was making it up, he went to a helluva lot more trouble than most.

Mayor DuPont is a pretty cool cat. He came to talk to one of my freshman engineering classes (he started as city engineer, I believe). The guy got elected mayor 6 times, each by a larger majority than the previous election. His last election he received over 90% of the vote.
Mayor DuPont is a pretty cool cat. He came to talk to one of my freshman engineering classes (he started as city engineer, I believe). The guy got elected mayor 6 times, each by a larger majority than the previous election. His last election he received over 90% of the vote.

Yep. I interviewed him for a Journalism class back in 1999. He told war stories and that he'd been hit with mortar shell shrapnel that was still in both legs and shot with a machine gun that used armor piercing bullets.
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