| LIFE ***Official Daily Dose of Ineptitude*** (enter at own risk)

I need to pick my dog up from the trainers house. Its been raining off and on today and that damn dog is going to be nasty. I may tie her feet together and lay her down in the bed of the truck. She is not going to be stankin up the inside of my ride.
Just nearly pooped myself. Lightning bolt hit about 30 feet from my apartment, saw it through the sliding glass door, even with the blinds closed. Temp blinded me and scared the living bejesus out of me when it popped milliseconds later.
Just nearly pooped myself. Lightning bolt hit about 30 feet from my apartment, saw it through the sliding glass door, even with the blinds closed. Temp blinded me and scared the living bejesus out of me when it popped milliseconds later.
Nah, bro. That was a no-knock warranted SWAT raid of your neighbors, complete with flashbang.

Team Cornwell
Adult stem cells aren't nearly as effective and pure.

You're drifting off topic a bit though. You haven't answered the main social question regarding abortion: do you really want 1 million more children to single mothers who don't want the children? What about 10 million more? 50? Is that good for society? You're focusing on the secondary argument for abortion while ignoring the primary argument.

Depends. Japan and Russia need more children. For them, yes. For China and India, hell to the no.
So hillary or bernie sandlolololol for you then? Trump vs either one of those two would truly be the giant douche vs the turd sandwich.

I'm not a big Hillary fan, but I guess she's the lesser of two evils (but not by much). What little I know of Bernie Sanders and O'Malley, I'd much prefer them, but they aren't going to be an option. The Clintons are just as much in the pocket of Wall Street as the Republican candidates.
If I had told you in 1995 in 20 years we'd have a black president congratulating a reality tv star on his sex change and another reality tv star as the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, you'd think it was science fiction.
Bernie sanders is laughable and not electable. Omalley? Dont know him and he would probably have a heart attack or car accident if he was a threat to hillary. And yes i would be shocked at the 20 year scenario. But after maturing and realizing how things are, i suspect they will get more outrageous.
Good question. Btw, no way is trump in this race at the end. He will be third party by then. All hail the queen 2016
Trump is simply gathering the moderate votes and anybody else that is sick of both parties. Then at the end, he will pull out and endorse the Republican candidate, likely Bush, and ask his supporters to now support the guy he is endorsing.
How's Hillary LESS evil than Trump??

Well hopefully she'll be less likely than Bush/Walker/Trump to go after the rec and medical cannabis states for one. I also don't think she'd try to dismantle Obamacare.

One last thing about Obamacare and small businesses, you know how I mentioned if you have less than 50 fulltime employees you don't have to provide healthcare? It's actually good for small businesses because now those employees of yours that you weren't and still aren't giving healthcare can get it subsidized through the govt.

Prior to Obamacare, employees of small businesses were SOL when it came to healthcare. So if you're the owner of a small business, you can hope to actually compete for decent employees now instead of all of them having to work at a large business to get insurance.
Special Olympics is now being televised on ESPN?

I'm expecting Jerry Lewis to walk out to a Sarah McLaughlin tune any minute.

I think I just saw Johnny Knoxville.

Team Cornwell
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