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It has a lot to do with education and what classes value and have the means to further that education.

Your normal uneducated redneck or thug family is probably not going to start educating their child as it develops because the parents themselves don't value education.

I believe that this is the disadvantage most black people in the south have. It takes generations of change to make a significant impact on how productive they are.

Generally speaking of course.

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To some extent, sure. But that's kind of one of the problems of a strongly class-based society. It doesn't mean the children are any less worthwhile or intelligent, it just means society needs to do more to give them opportunities, whatever that might be.

I agree with both of you. I said there is a correlation, not that there is causation. A kid born into a upper middle class family is more likely to become an architect than one who is born to a lower class single mother (the majority of abortions are young, poor single women). Disagree?
Pundit, are you leading this conversation as a troll to get antiabortion people to agree that there is a time and place for abortion? Or do you all really think that its ok to kill unborn children just because it advances our species somehow?

If people are ok with the selling of body parts to further science, why not use prisoners? Or the elderly? They have lived their life, or wasted it. At least they had a chance, unlike the aborted child.
Pundit, are you leading this conversation as a troll to get antiabortion people to agree that there is a time and place for abortion? Or do you all really think that its ok to kill unborn children just because it advances our species somehow?

If people are ok with the selling of body parts to further science, why not use prisoners? Or the elderly? They have lived their life, or wasted it. At least they had a chance, unlike the aborted child.


Pundit, are you leading this conversation as a troll to get antiabortion people to agree that there is a time and place for abortion? Or do you all really think that its ok to kill unborn children just because it advances our species somehow?

If people are ok with the selling of body parts to further science, why not use prisoners? Or the elderly? They have lived their life, or wasted it. At least they had a chance, unlike the aborted child.

I like playing Devil's advocate and taking contrarian stances against the sheep mentality. Didn't you lurk Woolly?

As far as your substantive points, just use common sense. If right now there were 1 million more babies living with single mothers, would that be a good thing or a bad thing? What about 10 million more? 100 million?
I like playing Devil's advocate and taking contrarian stances against the sheep mentality. Didn't you lurk Woolly?
Yeah i did lurk, and i knew you were playing devils advocate, i just asked if were setting up a troll.

My main question was the last paragraph. Why not experiment on "less desirables"? Wouldnt everyone agree that the chance of an unborn baby having a positive impact on society be much higher than the murderer on death row? I'm just trying to gauge where society is at.
Yeah i did lurk, and i knew you were playing devils advocate, i just asked if were setting up a troll.

My main question was the last paragraph. Why not experiment on "less desirables"? Wouldnt everyone agree that the chance of an unborn baby having a positive impact on society be much higher than the murderer on death row? I'm just trying to gauge where society is at.

Well, frankly, there is little to be gained from "experimenting" on the adult "less desirables"... so the moral question of social cost vs social utility doesn't have to be answered as there is very little utility. The important research comes from stem cells in fetuses.
The who and the how may need to be tweaked a bit, but I think we can all agree that a chunk of the population needs to go.
Is that a road we really want to go down? Could you imagine that actually happening? Death panels. There was a twilight zone that touched on this. Courts that decided who was useful to the state. Had burgess meredith in it, a good episode.
Im ignorant on the stem cell debate. Debate isnt my thing. I just wish everyone would stop and think "we can do this but should we?" Is the end game of stem cell research where all our dreams come true, where bill can get a new lung so he can smoke all he wants, is it really worth all the dead children? Millions my buddy....millions (with millions more to come). Makes me sad, honestly.
I just got an email from capital one checking on a "extra generous tip" I left at a restaurant. I guess they are thinking that the waiter changed my tip amount.

That got me to thinking. I never check credit card charges vs what I put on the receipt. I wonder how often the waiters change tip amounts. It would be easy to do, and they know that I dont take my copy home with me because I leave it sitting on the table.
I just got an email from capital one checking on a "extra generous tip" I left at a restaurant. I guess they are thinking that the waiter changed my tip amount.

That got me to thinking. I never check credit card charges vs what I put on the receipt. I wonder how often the waiters change tip amounts. It would be easy to do, and they know that I dont take my copy home with me because I leave it sitting on the table.
Did the waiter change it or are you a generous tipper?

What percentage do yall leave? I leave 25-30%
Im ignorant on the stem cell debate. Debate isnt my thing. I just wish everyone would stop and think "we can do this but should we?" Is the end game of stem cell research where all our dreams come true, where bill can get a new lung so he can smoke all he wants, is it really worth all the dead children? Millions my buddy....millions (with millions more to come). Makes me sad, honestly.

Again, there are no dead children. There are dead fetuses. Stem cells have led to lots of medical breakthroughs. A friend had stem cells injected into their zero-cartilage knee and boom, cartilage regrew and the pain was all but gone. Combined with 3D printing, entire human organs have been printed. We're on the verge of some very serious very meaningful medical progress.
I just got an email from capital one checking on a "extra generous tip" I left at a restaurant. I guess they are thinking that the waiter changed my tip amount.

That got me to thinking. I never check credit card charges vs what I put on the receipt. I wonder how often the waiters change tip amounts. It would be easy to do, and they know that I dont take my copy home with me because I leave it sitting on the table.
Come on man, don't leave us hanging here! DID HE CHANGE IT OR NOT???
Sorry, still testy.
Again, there are no dead children. There are dead fetuses. Stem cells have led to lots of medical breakthroughs. A friend had stem cells injected into their zero-cartilage knee and boom, cartilage regrew and the pain was all but gone. Combined with 3D printing, entire human organs have been printed. We're on the verge of some very serious very meaningful medical progress.
Smh, ok glad his knee is better
I just got an email from capital one checking on a "extra generous tip" I left at a restaurant. I guess they are thinking that the waiter changed my tip amount.

That got me to thinking. I never check credit card charges vs what I put on the receipt. I wonder how often the waiters change tip amounts. It would be easy to do, and they know that I dont take my copy home with me because I leave it sitting on the table.
I've gotten that email as well, but it was just me leaving a tip. I don't ever take the receipt with me either, but I've never noticed someone changing it at least.
Bullshit. It's comes down to a choice that individual made. If we're speaking of average intelligence across the board, then at some point that person made the decision to "barely have a high school education" or drop out.
There are rare cases, but most of these bums and homeless and this trash that lives on welfare and govt assistance.... at some point, they made a decision that put themselves in that position.
My parents were dirt poor growing up, we didn't have money for a fancy computer or anything, I went to public schools, because private school wasn't an option. I could have dropped out, or barely gotten an education, but I didn't. I made the best of what I had. It was a decision.
So fuck a buncha socialists that want to take what I've worked my ass off for, and give it to somebody that has decided to be lazy.
Enablers is what this country has become. It's OK if you want to sit on your sorry ass and do nothing, we'll provide for you.
The problem is, there's no incentive for people to make something of themselves, or improve their children's situation, because they know another govt assistance program is right around the corner.
Having just a little bit of self pride, and the ability to make sound decisions is what determines a person's livelihood.
Vote for Trump.

Team Cornwell
Again, there are no dead children. There are dead fetuses. Stem cells have led to lots of medical breakthroughs. A friend had stem cells injected into their zero-cartilage knee and boom, cartilage regrew and the pain was all but gone. Combined with 3D printing, entire human organs have been printed. We're on the verge of some very serious very meaningful medical progress.
Your own body produces enough stem cells without the need of murdered baby parts.

There's been tons of independent research and successful trials using a person's own stem cells to regenerate faulty heart muscle tissue, etc. The FDA won't approve it because of the big business that is Planned Parenthood.

Take this into consideration: by the time a woman finds out she's pregnant via a late period (+/- 6 weeks), there's already a heartbeat present in the unborn child. Pro-choicers laregely believe life begins at birth. By default, that would mean the "fetus" is dead at that point.

How could a being that has a heartbeat at around 6 weeks be dead? Does not compute.

Face it, man. Abortion at ANY POINT during gestation is ending a life. Doesn't matter if it's self-sustainable life or not.

Team Cornwell
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