| FTBL Odds and ends on the Vol game...



-The beatdown on Saturday reminded me a lot of the beatdown that BAMA (Fran led) dished out to them in 2002. Then, like on Saturday, the Vols looked like they just didn't want any more of the Tide after the 3rd quarter ended.

-How many catches would DJ Hall have had to have made before the Vols adjusted and covered him? 20? 30? 50? Were they just hoping he'd wear himself out or something?

-When John Parker Wilson is comfortable, and is on, we saw what the offense can do. The fact that they did that with a makeshift O-Line and without the power RB is even more impressive.

-Matt Caddell continues to quietly have a tremendous senior season.

-The draw play to Grant on the TD was a great playcall, second only to the 4th and 1 pre-snap "shift" that made the Vols jump.

-You knew the game was over when the Vol band had to resort to playing Rocky Top when their offense picked up first downs in the 3rd quarter.

-Poor Rashad Johnson got reamed by Saban for the late hit, and it never should have happened. That was a horrible call. Saban said after the game he felt bad for getting on him so hard, I'm sure he felt 1000x worse after seeing the film.

-Open letter to opposing teams...
Dear Opposing Team,

Please, I beg you, kick the ball to Javier Arenas.


-I'm glad the Vols abandoned their running game, I think Saban was happy about that as well.

-Erik Ainge talks a lot of trash it seems. I wish Robbert Horry would have been around after the game to throw a towel at his ass.

-Another very solid game for Leigh Tiffin... who now leads the SEC in FG's.

-Baron Huber and Kirby Smart win the BAMA Spirit Award this week. Actually, Kirby wins it every week, but Huber was especially excited out there on Saturday, and for good reason. I was happy for him.

-The Tide had no turnovers and only punted twice in the game. The Vols are lucky BAMA didn't score 50+.

-Julio Jones had to have liked what he saw on Saturday. A blowout win, great atmosphere, and a BAMA WR sets a single game reception record.

-Speaking of Julio, he got a call from a Vol coach before the game saying they were glad he would be attending the game in Tuscaloosa, "so he could see who the big dog really is." Oops.

-On the recruiting front, things are still going very good. BAMA is in excellent shape with Barrett Jones, and he could commit at any time (basically whenever Saban gives him the go-ahead).
rick4bama said:
How many of these guys were at the game? Julio Jones and others?

Here are a few that I know of for sure...

Uncommitted Players
Julio Jones
Barrett Jones
Antoine McClain
Tyler Edwards

Committed Players
Robert Lester
BJ Scott
Melvin Ray
Tyler Love
John Michael Boswell
DeVonta Bolton
Brandon Lewis
Wesley Neighbors

There were several top JR prospects at the game as well.
Porterhouse said:
-Baron Huber and Kirby Smart win the BAMA Spirit Award this week. Actually, Kirby wins it every week, but Huber was especially excited out there on Saturday, and for good reason. I was happy for him.

Did anybody else see Big Baron SPRINT from the sidelines over to celebrate Grants rushing TD and then noticed they were going for two and had to SPRINT back? I loved it. Now that was a guy who was happy to be beating the VOLS. Soon as we scored he ran all the way over near the student section. It was grand!
BamaFan425 said:
Porterhouse said:
-Baron Huber and Kirby Smart win the BAMA Spirit Award this week. Actually, Kirby wins it every week, but Huber was especially excited out there on Saturday, and for good reason. I was happy for him.

Did anybody else see Big Baron SPRINT from the sidelines over to celebrate Grants rushing TD and then noticed they were going for two and had to SPRINT back? I loved it. Now that was a guy who was happy to be beating the VOLS. Soon as we scored he ran all the way over near the student section. It was grand!

Yeah, he doesn't like the Vols very much. :lol:
Porterhouse said:
BamaFan425 said:
Porterhouse said:
-Baron Huber and Kirby Smart win the BAMA Spirit Award this week. Actually, Kirby wins it every week, but Huber was especially excited out there on Saturday, and for good reason. I was happy for him.

Did anybody else see Big Baron SPRINT from the sidelines over to celebrate Grants rushing TD and then noticed they were going for two and had to SPRINT back? I loved it. Now that was a guy who was happy to be beating the VOLS. Soon as we scored he ran all the way over near the student section. It was grand!

Yeah, he doesn't like the Vols very much. :lol:

Pretty ironic considering his childhood car had a bumpersticker reading "Avoid the Rush, Hate BAMA Early"
Porterhouse said:
-You knew the game was over when the Vol band had to resort to playing Rocky Top when their offense picked up first downs in the 3rd quarter.

Has the Vol band left Bryant Denny yet? They were sitting there for like 30 or 45 minutes after the game was over. The stadium was basically empty except for me, Porter, my son, and another friend.
Bama Bo said:
Porterhouse said:
-You knew the game was over when the Vol band had to resort to playing Rocky Top when their offense picked up first downs in the 3rd quarter.

Has the Vol band left Bryant Denny yet? They were sitting there for like 30 or 45 minutes after the game was over.
They bet the MBD their bus on the game. They lost. No ride home. :p
Great stuff Pooter. ;tr

Was it Smart that was running out on the field jumping like a crazy man at one point? :lol:

Also, how are we looking with McClain?
Bama Bo said:
Porterhouse said:
-You knew the game was over when the Vol band had to resort to playing Rocky Top when their offense picked up first downs in the 3rd quarter.

Has the Vol band left Bryant Denny yet? They were sitting there for like 30 or 45 minutes after the game was over. The stadium was basically empty except for me, Porter, my son, and another friend.

Oh no! I was still there too Bo. :D I turned out the lights. :wink:
Bama Bo said:
Porterhouse said:
-You knew the game was over when the Vol band had to resort to playing Rocky Top when their offense picked up first downs in the 3rd quarter.

Has the Vol band left Bryant Denny yet? They were sitting there for like 30 or 45 minutes after the game was over. The stadium was basically empty except for me, Porter, my son, and another friend.

They were finally filing out when I was walking back to my truck. I guess someone finally told them it was time to leave...
Porterhouse said:
rick4bama said:
How many of these guys were at the game? Julio Jones and others?

Here are a few that I know of for sure...

Uncommitted Players
Julio Jones
Barrett Jones
Antoine McClain
Tyler Edwards

Committed Players
Robert Lester
BJ Scott
Melvin Ray
Tyler Love
John Michael Boswell
DeVonta Bolton
Brandon Lewis
Wesley Neighbors

There were several top JR prospects at the game as well.

I know of three Jr. prospects that attended the game..A.J. McCarron,Andrew Miller,and another kid (very good player)that does not play (ineligible b/c he transferred schools) from Mobile. What a great game for a future QB to see, huh....Not to mention two defensive players seeing all of the ferocious hits we doled out.
gumboman said:
Porterhouse said:
rick4bama said:
How many of these guys were at the game? Julio Jones and others?

Here are a few that I know of for sure...

Uncommitted Players
Julio Jones
Barrett Jones
Antoine McClain
Tyler Edwards

Committed Players
Robert Lester
BJ Scott
Melvin Ray
Tyler Love
John Michael Boswell
DeVonta Bolton
Brandon Lewis
Wesley Neighbors

There were several top JR prospects at the game as well.

I know of three Jr. prospects that attended the game..A.J. McCarron,Andrew Miller,and another kid (very good player)that does not play (ineligible b/c he transferred schools) from Mobile. What a great game for a future QB to see, huh....Not to mention two defensive players seeing all of the ferocious hits we doled out.

I assume you are talking about Fluker, the mammoth DT who transferred from McT. :?:
No, I'm not referring to Fluker....sorry. BUT, I will find out if he was there and let ya know. Mobile is full of talent, and from what I have seen, it will be for the next 5-6 yrs. These are D-1 prospects I am referring to.
gumboman said:
No, I'm not referring to Fluker....sorry. BUT, I will find out if he was there and let ya know. Mobile is full of talent, and from what I have seen, it will be for the next 5-6 yrs. These are D-1 prospects I am referring to.

Fluker was there, I was just wondering if that was who you were talking about.
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