| CURRENT EVENTS NY Post Biden Bombshell

Except it won't be reported. Twitter is banning anyone who dares post the actual info because supposedly they care about "hacked info" now. Masjor news outlets are refusing to report it for the same reason. Like Biden himself saying he opposed busing for integration because he didn't want his kids living in a "racial jungle", this will not be reported.
Yeah, I was listening to Erick Erikson on WSB Atlanta on my way to the dump yesterday, he was saying twitter blocked the story using a hacking excuse. The owner of the computer store was never paid for the repair, and ownership of the item moved to him due to nonpayment, just like your dry cleaning, mini-storage unit, etc. The guy turned the information over to the FBI - last December is my understanding - and it went down a black hole. EXCEPT, like any computer-savvy guy, he kept a backup.

Erikson is smarmy but he's one of the very few acceptable local hosts left on WSB. It's a shame what that station has declined to, just bubble-gum local goofs and national syndications.


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