| CURRENT EVENTS Israel vs. Iran, and where will the US fit in?

Cool. What does that have to do with killing terrorists?
Everything. Before killing terrorists you must properly identify terrorism in a way that doesn’t implicate oneself. To put it another way, before identifying faults in the “other,” you must know and understand the “other.” Before knowing the “other,” one must first know oneself including one’s own faults. As a civilization we must take responsibility for our own contributions in this matter and cease before we can begin to claim which side deserves to be murdered. A famous figure once advocated removing the plank from your own eye before removing the splinter in the other’s eye.

On a related note, one of his most famous followers is also quoted to have said, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, slave nor free…” So maybe we shouldn’t be obsessed with race or any other superficial division that continues to fuel conflict, make defense contractors richer, make tax payers poorer, and kill innocent humans.
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Everything. Before killing terrorists you must properly identify terrorism in a way that doesn’t implicate oneself. To put it another way, before identifying faults in the “other,” you must know and understand the “other.” Before knowing the “other,” one must first know oneself including one’s own faults. As a civilization we must take responsibility for our own contributions in this matter and cease before we can begin to claim which side deserves to be murdered. A famous figure once advocated removing the plank from your own eye before removing the splinter in the other’s eye.

On a related note, one of his most famous followers is also quoted to have said, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, male nor female, slave nor free…” So maybe we shouldn’t be obsessed with race or any other superficial division that continues to fuel conflict, make defense contractors richer, make tax payers poorer, and kill innocent humans.

The “other” in this case just recently blew up 12 kids on a soccer field in the Golan heights area. I think they’re pretty well understood at this point. I’m old enough to remember when they were complicit in the bombings of 241 US service members in Beirut in the early 80’s. That’s who they are.

We’re not gonna agree that Hezbollah terrorists should be eliminated, and that’s fine. But I absolutely stand on the side of thought that they should be.
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