When time affords ...From what I heard, and ONLY what I heard, he was, and continued to be, out of shape, and unlike Byron Young, did not get into playing shape to contribute, despite being highly recruited.
There is a picture of the team warming up before the bowl game where the photog is centering on Tua watching the guys stretch but there's also a clear image of Ish standing a few yards in front of Tua. You can look at that one picture, even with full pads, and compare it to what he looked like in the fall camp and see a noticeable difference in his physique. It's really noticeable in shells.
You're right about when he came in—he wasn't ready for SEC play. Friends of mine who've seen him say he looks like he's progressing as we should expect. I've read reports on practices throughout the fall that mentioned his progress. Personally, I don't have any reason to doubt all three: eye test based on pictures, friends reports, and what's been published by those on the beat.