| MBB/WBB 📺 NCAA Selection Sunday Show: 6 PM ET on CBS (and streaming.) ~~ Alabama #1 Overall Seed.

J. Lunardi updated his brackets today has the Tide as a 1 seed. NET ranking is 5 and AP #4.

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I felt Tennnessee should’ve been behind us but a lot more basketball to play
Metric wise, it's wild how close the two teams are right now. They're shooting it a few times more per trip, but not making as many as Bama. Three point attempts per game are within a point of each other; Bama has a better percentage. Bama's getting more underneath (shots) and both teams are making the same amount.

One thing that stuck out to me while looking back at the loss is Tennessee is shooting 8-10 more mid-range shots per game than Bama.
A Looooooong way to go. Reason for optimism for sure but lets get several more games under out belt and get injured players back w/o more injuries before making this claim.
A Looooooong way to go. Reason for optimism for sure but lets get several more games under out belt and get injured players back w/o more injuries before making this claim.
You lost me a bit...what claim is being made here?

"Let us get a few more games underneath our belt before...?"

Currently, with 32 brackets published, Bama averages out to be a two seed; seventh overall. None of these brackets are published by Alabama fans—it's neither our claim nor opinion.
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