It is not a technology problem or a misunderstanding.
Words have meaning as they always have. If a book was poorly written in the last century you wouldn't blame the publisher of the book or the machine that printed it. You wouldn't blame the reader because they didn't know the author well enough to assume what they intended. You would simply place the blame where it belongs, on the author who clearly sucks at the written word.
So, if your boss bumps into in the office and says, " I need to see you at 10:30 in my office." Do you notice his tone or body expression when he says it? You can tell whether he/she is pissed or not. Now, same boss sends an email or text stating the exact same thing. Now, you are running different scenarios as to why, what's wrong, etc. Automatically, our defense mechanisms kick in and we take offense as to possibly why this meeting is needed. It is human nature.
A better example would be if your wife says "we need to talk!" Just by her tone or body language, we know immediately if it is an "OH SHIT!" moment or not. She sends you a text and you aren't so sure.
That was my meaning of a misunderstanding and how technology has added to the problem.
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