🌎 Israel vs. Iran, and where will the US fit in?

His heritage? Here you go making the mistake with conflating Jewishness, Judaism, and Zionism. Are you Jewish, may I ask?
"May I ask? "

WTF? A question might be out of bounds, with me?

No. I'm not Jewish. European and German descent. I have an uncle who did the family tree before Ancestory was an idea. One of my ancestors signed the Declaration.
I mentioned his status to push back on what I perceived as a sympathy-seeking post.
You should know me better than that.

I'm just watching and making comments on what I see.
I get it. I especially get the likelihood that many, if not most, of the people in the audience weren't aware of Jerry's advocacy. So to them this behavior is especially offensive. I, on the other hand, am very well aware of his political advocacy. And I expect celebrities who are vocal on social and political issues to get push back from the public. This isn't new.

Moreover, it's just a bad look to see you post this sort of thing when I could litter this board with images and videos of REAL suffering in Gaza. You're complaining about one of the most successful entertainers in modern history on a stage in a tuxedo having to deal with a little heckling, and the audience having to endure a few minutes of unplanned annoyance. You know there are people in Gaza gathering body parts of children and stacking them on top of each other, corpses being found as tractors move sand around, etc. Enjoy your First World Privilege ... it may not last much longer now that US has authorized NATO strikes inside Russia and Russia has responded with warships in Cuba ...

Perspective ...
US foreign policy: hey, let's go all in on supporting two of the most corrupt countries in the world, Ukraine and Israel, and try to get as many Muslims angry at us again while inspiring more and more countries to join BRICS as Saudi Arabia finally ditches the petrodollar ...

Dr Strangelove mentality ...
Moreover, it's just a bad look to see you post this sort of thing when I could litter this board with images and videos of REAL suffering in Gaza.
Please, do.

Caveat: Let's start with those who were raped and killed when all of this started. Let's start with the video of the lady who has her pants soaked with blood because of the gang rapes.

If you can, find a few videos of the kids that were baked in ovens.
Enjoy your First World Privilege ... it may not last much longer now that US has authorized NATO strikes inside Russia and Russia has responded with warships in Cuba ...

Perspective ...
One of my first questions about the "genocide" argument was "let's look at Africa."

One of my first comments about Ukraine, "let's look at Africa and their genocide."

And you suggest, perspective.

Do I need to remind you of whom you are talking with? 🙃
One of my first questions about the "genocide" argument was "let's look at Africa."

One of my first comments about Ukraine, "let's look at Africa and their genocide."

And you suggest, perspective.
And you've been toggling back and forth to too many threads to reply to my nuanced retorts. There's a difference between the atrocities we pay for and the ones we don't pay for, which atrocities that create additional security threats via terrorism and which atrocities don't. Perspective ...
Caveat: Let's start with those who were raped and killed when all of this started.
You know you’ve been victimized by propagandists when you call Oct 7 “when all this started.” This happened a lot with 9/11. The military industrial complex wants us to think history begins whenever the delayed blowback strikes after years and years of flawed foreign policy which is to blame.

“When all this started …”

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We are about to find out when Israel takes on Hezzbollah…We are about to get in the middle of a unified Jihad.. even the Tailiban is talking jumping in..They hate Iran..
I was reaching for the “nearest” link most relevant to the Palestinian Nakba in ‘48.

But sure, there’s more to the story…

There always is. It's like which native tribe "owns" the land? They were fighting over it for millennia before the guys with horses and guns showed looking for gold.

The Jews wandered in from Egypt, so I guess that makes them the interlopers. They were there, with a little more Babylonian exile, then for Roman/Byzantine rule/dispersal, Muslim rule during The Crusades and another dispersal, and then Ottoman rule for 400 years, and during the latter years of Ottoman rule they began a return. British got it in 1917, and this article from The Atlantic in 1919 shines a very favorable light on plans to step up Jewish immigration.

Clearly, The Atlantic has seen a leftward drift over these last hundred years.


But you must clearly see the problem imposed upon the natives, to receive a deliberate and targeted influx of immigrants from Europe and Russia claiming spurious Jewish ancestry facilitated by the UK, also a foreign colonizer. And these immigrants don’t want to get along with the natives, but rather evict the natives to erect a Jewish state in the midst of a Muslim majority region.

Imagine Mexicans immigrating enmass in a strategic manner to create a Spanish-speaking, Mexican-supremacist polity in the middle of the Southwestern US? And they claimed their maize god says in their sacred book this land belongs to them, even though it was addressed to their ancestors thousands of years ago who long since lost possession of the land. And now they intend to evict and terrorize Americans born and raised here to seize our homes and land…
Imagine Mexicans immigrating enmass in a strategic manner to create a Spanish-speaking, Mexican-supremacist polity in the middle of the Southwestern US? And they claimed their maize god says in their sacred book this land belongs to them, even though it was addressed to their ancestors thousands of years ago who long since lost possession of the land. And now they intend to evict and terrorize Americans born and raised here to seize our homes and land…
If you’re like me at all, they can take So Cal lol. Heck the whole Pacific Rim can fall into the ocean for all I care. 😏 So I didn’t provide the best analogy, especially since the distance from there to where (I assume) most of us are in the Southeast is greater than the distance from Israel and her Arab neighbors. But I’m just trying to get everyone to try on the same shoe and walk around in it.

Oh and something I failed to include, imagine if Russia or China was funding this start-up ethnostate inside our borders and arming the military. Hell most Americans already admit that our border and unregulated immigration is already a problem. So that’s just a fraction of what Palestinians have had to deal with for the last century or so.
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